” THE VILLAGE PLAN” – Volunteers Needed



 The Parish Council has identified that to enable it to make strategic decisions about the development of the village and to manage its’ day to day business and meet the aspirations of villagers, it is important that a Village Plan be developed. The type of issues to be considered will include: environment; planning / development; transport and roads; recreational facilities; health; community issues; education; community safety; volunteers; senior citizens; youth / youth activities and any other issues considered relevant. We live in a beautiful place and our plan is likely to concentrate on how we can protect its character, influence any future proposed development and where appropriate enhance its facilities. We believe that our Village is a great place to live and would benefit from having a plan that identifies those things that must be protected or enhanced and those things that need to be improved for the greater good of the whole community. Over time we anticipate the Village Plan evolving into a Neighbourhood Plan, which includes some level statutory protection in terms of planning and development.

Researching, developing and writing such a plan is a major piece of work, that is likely to take a year or more to achieve. It needs to be undertaken by enthusiastic volunteers within the community and is not the sole responsibility of the Parish Council. We intend to enable everyone in the village to have a say and will actively encourage participation by all.


We will need help in project management; the development of a questionnaire; analysis of findings and in conducting surveys and focus groups.

If you can help please contact: Paul Cummings (Tel: 720124 / pbgcummings@gmail.com) or Tim Smith (Tel: 360083 / tim.smith2818@btinternet.com)


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