Chair’s Report 2014/2015
Another year has gone by and we again find ourselves reviewing the carpet bowls season. I won’t steal the team captain’s thunder with comments of league performances but I will say the results at the end of the year surprised me and were not at all what I expected.
We welcome a couple of new players, Tim and Simon – Simon has now discovered what his left hand is really for, as he is right-handed at everything else. Tim is showing promise as a good bowler and I hope both Simon and Tim will enter an open competition and join in with the league teams next season.
The Monday evenings have been well attended with a wide range of ages and abilities, we are still the envy of the carpet bowls world for our welcoming attitude to all age groups, I can’t think of another club that has such a good ethic and is able to gain members.
Two of our players have been picked for the Hertfordshire County team and have helped that county go from a regular fifth place in the East Area to second and gain their highest ever total of points. The team picked a player of the season in a secret ballot and I am proud to say that award went to Thomas Ellis.
I would like to thank Linda for the tea/coffee/biscuits and opening up every week, Bill for keeping us solvent, Sylvia for keeping the paperwork in order. Of course the team captains for making sure every fixture is played and players get to all the games. And all of our members for the jokes and fun we have through the year.
I will end this rambling report by wishing you all luck for the coming season and hope that we can raise ourselves again to perform well and maybe attend a few competitions.