Category Archives: St Georges Barracks Development

Articles relating to the redevelopment of St Georges Barracks published by the Parish Council.

RCC HIF Vote – Which way did each Councillor vote?

Rutland County Council have released the details on how each Councillor voted in Mondays HIF vote – see the link below for details

Which way did my councillor vote during Rutland County Council’s meeting on the Housing Infrastructure Fund for St George’s Barracks in North Luffenham? (

HGV Storage at St Georges Barracks – Planning Permission Refused

I’m sure the majority of North Luffenham residents will be delighted to hear that the retrospective planning application to allow the storage of up to 400 HGV trailers, lorries and coaches at St Georges Barracks was last night refused by RCC’s Planning Committee.

Many thanks to all of the local residents who provided input, wrote objections directly to RCC, and assisted with the Parish Council submission.

Particular thanks should go to Tim Collins for initially bringing this to the attention of the Parish Council, and for his very detailed analysis of the ecological impact of the activity. This was one of the key points for the refusal, along with the Councillors understanding of the impact of the HGV traffic on the roads and residents of North Luffenham and Edith Weston

Local Plan Consultation – Last Day, and Sample Submission

Today is the last day that you can make a representation on the draft Local Plan – it needs to be received by RCC by 4:15PM today

Other posts on the topic have outlined the issues and topics that are judged to be inadequate and should be challenged.

For those of you short of time there are two Word documents with representations included. Should you wish, you can download these, modify as you feel fit, complete the personal details (you cannot make anonymous submissions) and email to RCC at

Remember this needs to be completed by 4:15 PM today

North Luffenham Response to RCC Local Plan

Individually we make a difference. Together we can make all the difference.

As advised during last weeks Zoom call, the Parish Council and Local Plan group are offering advice and input to village residents responding to the Local Plan Consultation
Local Parish Councils, CPRE and the Fight4Rutland campaign group have analysed the draft Local Plan and identified areas they feel should be challenged on the basis of either not being legal, sound, positively prepared or in line with National Guidelines.

  • Flawed Consultation Process 
  • Inaccurate  Population Projections 
  • Promoting unustainable Development
  • Poor Location of development
  • Overstating the housing supply requirements for Rutland
  • Location of affordable housing
  • Impact on Rutland Water area
  • Lack of sustainable transport

As you can see its quite a list! 
These issues need to be raised as part of this consultation process, to be brought to the attention of the Independent Inspector for the plan
If these issues are not formally challenged the Inspector will not investigate and rule on them

An overview of the details of the issues found with the plan are here:

If you are one of the 90% of village residents opposed to RCC’s plan, please do one of the actions below before November 6th

If you are happy for Fight4Rutland to raise these issues on your behalf, as part of their representation, they can add your name to the list of people supporting their submission via this link: Add me to Fight4Rutlands Local Plan Submissio

If you would like to make your own submission to RCC, based on the information in Fight4Rutlands document, the details are here:
Firgh4Rutland Sample Representation

If you would like to see North Luffenham Parish Council’s Response to the Local Plan please click on the link below and please use the representations as a basis for your own.

If you need assistance with making your own submission, the Parish Council can help – email us on

St George’s Barracks Development – Give Your Opinion

North Luffenham Parish Council have created a short questionnaire on the St George’s Barracks development; please click on the link below to give your opinion. This will enable us (the Parish Council) to give the villages’ viewpoint in the ongoing discussion with Rutland County Council. Thank you for taking a few moments to complete…

Answers will be anonymous; however, comments you add may be used by NLPC in communications regarding St George’s

St Georges Barracks – CPRE Rutland Video

For those of you who were not able to attend the recent meeting held by Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) in Oakham, they have posted the related video on YouTube. The video includes information on the St Georges Barracks plan, interviews with local people and excerpts from RCC’s meetings on the new Local Plan, which is intended to enable the development.

SGB Development

A Crucial point where your County needs YOU!!
On Monday 20th January and Monday 27th January 2020 Rutland County Councillors are being asked to vote on 3 major issues which effect the whole of Rutland.
Please attend these meetings and speak to your elected ward Councillor. Your Councillors vote is important and it is vital that you voice your concerns.
Monday 20th January 2020 7:00 PM – Council Chambers Catmose, Oakham
The Councillors will vote on two issues – Whether or not to accept the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) grant funding and the Councils Corporate Plan 2019-2024.
Accepting the HIF grant funding will lead to irreversible and unnecessary urbanisation at St Georges Barracks. Rutland will change forever. It will affect our local towns, our economies, the traffic flow on our rural roads and could lead to further urbanisation in other parts of the County. Are the ‘infrastructure first’ promises being upheld? Just one of many questions which need to be asked.
Monday 27th January 2020 7:00 PM – Council Chambers Catmose, Oakham
The Councillors will be asked to support the Local Plan and allow it to proceed to the next stage. This is the pre-submission version which will be the version presented to the Inspector. The proposed Local Plan includes St Georges Barracks and addresses development needs across the whole of the county.
The Chief Executive and the Cabinet at RCC are very focused on proceeding with these matters as quickly as possible.
There are many questions which need to be asked.
• Have RCC mitigated all risks involved in accepting the HIF grant funding?
• Has your Councillor seen and had enough time to make an informed decision of their own?
• What improvements will there be to rural roads to cope with the extra traffic?
• When will any improvement happen?
• When will the promised new school be built?
• What extra strain will be put on local public services and your doctor’s surgery?

St Georges Barracks – Lorry Parking Planning Application

It has been noticed that there is a retrospective planning application for lorry parking on the old airfield at St Georges Barracks.

This planning application was not formally notified to North Luffenham Parish Council, although part of the land covered by the application seems to be within the Parish boundary. NLPC will be following up with RCC on this application (Edith Weston Parish Council have lodged an objection already)

The planning application is available here for review by any interested residents:

Inclusion of St George’s Barracks within the 2017 Local Plan

Last Summer the County Council issued a consultation document seeking views on the inclusion of a development at St George’s Barracks within the Local Plan. The results of this consultation have been quietly published and can be found on the County Council’s Web Site at:

The results of the consultation show that there is very little, if any, support for the inclusion of the St George’s Barracks Site within the Local Plan. That is to say that there is strong condemnation and concern at the proposals put forward by the County Council. Your voice has been heard – the challenge will now be to make RCC change the current proposal to build over 2,200 new homes on the site. The Parish Council will be publishing a response to the consultation document shortly, which we will send to every County Councillor.

For ease of Reference I am attached the key documents to this post:



LPR St Georges Consultation 2018 summary of responses

LPR Additional sites 2018 summary of responses


The Parish Council have reviewed and considered the latest proposals for the proposed development of 2,215 new homes at St George’s Barracks. I attach a copy of our paper, which identifies the concerns that we have raised through the St George’s Barracks Advisory Board. and would welcome any thoughts that you might have.  NLPC Response – Jan 19 V1. 

As noted in the recent Newsletter the County Council will consider an application for a Housing Infrastructure Fund bid on Mon 21st January at 7pm in the Council Chamber at Catmose, Oakham. You are encouraged to attend to show the Council the depth of opposition that exists locally to the proposal to build a new Town larger than Uppingham in the heart of this rural County.

The current version of the Masterplan can be found at:


Rutland County Council’s December Cabinet Meeting on 18th December is to review the latest version of the Evolving Masterplan, together with the business case for a supporting bid to the national Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF).

This will allow Cabinet to assess whether the Plan should be recommended to Rutland County Council’s January 2019 Full Council meeting for approval.

The Agenda and Reports for Cabinet on 18 December, including the latest version of the St George’s Evolving Masterplan, have been published and can be viewed online at:

The latest version of the Full Evolving Masterplan for St George’s, together with a shorter Executive Summary, can also be viewed and downloaded at:

St Georges Barracks Development Update from RCC

Updated proposals for St George’s site

Updated proposals for the possible future redevelopment of St George’s Barracks have been published, incorporating a number of changes made following public consultation earlier this year. 

This includes a further reduction in the number of houses being suggested for the site. This figure has been revised and an updated plan for the site produced with provisions for 2,215 homes, business zones and green space.

Read more about this

St George’s Recommendations

Feedback gathered through the public consultation which took place on St George’s earlier this year helped to produce a series of more than 40 recommendations that are now guiding changes to proposals for the site.
See the full list of St George’s recommendations
A draft bid for national forward funding to help deliver improved infrastructure in advance of any redevelopment is being finalised. If secured, this Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) funding would be used to help improve local infrastructure and public services around St George’s – things like roads and transport.
Read more about this
Copyright © 2018 Rutland County Council, All rights reserved. 

St George’s Barracks – Presentation to RCC Scrutiny Panel

On 11th October 2017, Paul Cummings (Chair NLPC) representing the SGB Advisory Group gave a presentation to the RCC Special Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Panel. The aim of the presentation was to highlight the concerns of of the villagers of North Luffenham, Edith Weston, Ketton, South Luffenham, Manton, Empingham and Normanton and to try to show the County Council some of the significant and unresolved flaws in their proposals to build a new town of 1,500 to 3,770 homes (a town larger than Uppingham) and a huge limestone quarry on the existing St George’s Barracks site. A copy of the presentation is attached.

Presentation Scrutiny Panel

On 26th November 2018, The County Council will be considering an application to the Government (Department of Housing Communities and Local Government)  for Housing Infrastructure Funds (HIF). We are concerned that such an application will inevitably lead to a Planning Application in 2019 to develop the site. Once this process has started in November it will be very difficult, and indeed probably impossible to stop. The proposals will see the site being turned into a massive construction site which could take up to 40 years to complete. It is the view of local Parish Councils that there remain many unresolved objections both as to principle and procedure. We believe that the current proposals are totally unsuitable for St George’s Barracks and that the County Council have isolated themselves and lost the confidence of those most affected and indeed much of the County. We believe RCC has an obligation to hear, diligently listen to and act upon the views, hopes and aspirations of its communities.

As noted in the conclusion to our presentation, “If the current proposal is the only one on the table, it deserves to be rejected out of hand. If a genuine root and branch alternative is considered possible, we trust you (RCC) will take our views into account from the outset, we stand ready to work together to find a solution that is Right for Rutland.”


The Parish Council’s St George’s Barracks Working Group will host a “Drop In” session in the School Hall this evening, Fri 14 Sep 18,  from 7pm – 9pm. Copies of the full consultation document will be available to read and members off the Working Group will be on hand to discuss some of the key issues that arise from the consultation document. All are welcome.

Consultation Rutland Local Plan Sep 18

The Parish Council and its St George’s Barracks Working Group have prepared a briefing note about the Rutland Local Plan Consultation that is currently taking place. This will be delivered to all homes in the Village this weekend. The Briefing note is here:  PC Briefing – Sep 18  

The consultation documents are complex and require detailed analysis. A steering group set up by the Parish Council has reviewed the document, identified a number of key issues arising from it, and prepared a pro-forma to simplify the response process (attached: LOCAL PLAN CONSULTATION – SEP 18 RESPONSE V1 ).  If you wish to take advantage of this, please look at the comments on the attached pro-forma and indicate clearly each individual comment that you agree with, ensuring that you provide your name and address. (RCC have now agreed that responses can be submitted in any format.) Then place it in an envelope in the Red Box in The Fox or return to 11 Digby Drive or to any Parish Councillor. All returns are requested by Friday 21st Sep 18, after which they will be taken to Rutland County Council. Alternatively, RCC’s formal Consultation Response Form, this pro-forma or free-form comments can be submitted directly to RCC at: RCC require the consultation to be completed by 24th Sep. To count, all responses must contain the name and address of the individual concerned.
Drop In Session. To give you a chance to review a hard copy of the Local Plan document, to ask questions about it and should you wish, to have an opportunity to complete RCC Response Form or the attached survey form, we are holding a ‘Drop In’ session from 7pm – 9pm on Friday 14th Sep 18 in the School Hall.

Consultation Documentation attached:

S0379 Rutland Local Plan 2016 2036 04 ONLINE  and  S0379 Rutland Local Plan Additional Sites 03 ONLINE

RCC Formal response Forms:  Focussed Consultation Response Form   and  Additional Sites Response Form

PBG Cummings, Chair NLPC, Tel: 01780 720124  email:


You will have received today a note from Mr Gilman at Democracy HQ ?? in Pilton.  In it he enclosed a survey form for you to complete and return to him considering one single aspect of the RCC consultation, namely how many homes we would wish to see built at St George’s Barracks. I and the Parish Council and our SGB Working Group are working very hard to produce a sound response to the consultation on behalf of the Parish of North Luffenham. This will be produced in good time for consultation with the parishioners before the submission date of 24th September. A letter and pro forma will be circulated this week covering our response to the proposals in the plan. In addition we will be hosting a ‘Drop In’ session on Fri 14th from 7 – 9pm in the Village Hall. I am however concerned that should you choose to complete Mr Gilman’s form you may find that under the consultation rules, you are unable to respond fully to the RCC Consultation paper. Under these circumstances, parishioners of NL are recommended to ignore the circular sent by Mr Gilman and to take the lead from their elected Parish Councillors who are determined to protect the interests of NL Parishioners.

PBG Cummings

Chair NLPC – Tel 01780 720124

St George’s Barracks Project Update – 8 Aug 18

Please find attached an update on the St George’s Barracks Project and the work currently being undertaken by the Parish Council and NLPC SGB Working Group to try to influence RCC’s decisions.

PBG Cummings – Chair NLPC