We live on Digby Drive. Our two cats have been had their hind legs shaved for no reasons. I could understand one if it were an emergency but both ,and one has been only partially done.
We want to make sure it’s an isolated incident or that it’s not going to escalate. We have contacted the police and the RSPCA and they have advised us to put a shout out on community Facebook or any groups we are on.
If you can keep an eye as well please that would be great as well.
We have some information provided by a Barrowden resident with an update directly from the OpenReach engineers working on the phone lines:
“I’ve been to see the Openreach engineers working at the end of Morcott Road this morning and thought I would share with you what they told me by way of an update.
There is positive news in that they are starting to make connections but it’s a long and painstaking process. They can’t tell which phone numbers are in various core cables but are working through making them all live, consequently phone numbers will start to come on stream from now but completion of the work will take a number of days.
Although they couldn’t give me an end date for the work, they did confirm the job is still considered urgent and they will continue to work on it over the weekend.
A report has been received from a resident of Kings Road that someone entered his property through closed gates whilst he was out, and deposited an old mattress into a skip in his garden.
There has been damge to play equipment on The Oval and unfortunately it looks deliberate. There has also been damage to the wooden bridge over the River Chater on the footpath from the Church towards the railway bridge on Glebe Rd. It also looks as though it might have been deliberate.
If you do see any antisocial behaviour please contact the police. If you have information that might be helpful our beat officer, PC Icke, may be contacted by email: Peter.Icke@leics.police.uk
It has been brought to the Parish Councils attention that someone or people have been shooting at and killing pigeons in and around the Oval Recreation Ground. Please be aware that it is an offence to shoot wild birds without a license and cause. The matter has been reported to the police and they will be now be carrying out additional surveillance of the area
It has been brought to my attention that someone has tipped their garden waste (buddleia branches) on the Oval behind the new electricity sub-station.
The Oval is not a place to deposit your garden waste, this should either be put in your green bin or taken to the Civic amenity site on the road to Morcott. There is no charge for taking your waste there
On Wednesday 14th school children found a plastic bag containing white cubes. There was also white powder on the ground among a number of discarded alcohol bottles. Please warn children not to pick up items on The Oval.
The Parish Council is responsible for The Oval and will check to see there is nothing of potential harm lying about.
We would like to invite you to share your views on crime and anti-social behaviour in your local area by completing this questionnaire. This survey has been created in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire and the Community Safety Partnerships across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Who should complete the questionnaire?
We would like you to complete the questionnaire if you are aged 16 or over and live in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland. The survey should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Participation in this survey is voluntary and you do not have to answer any questions that you feel uncomfortable with. You can withdraw from the survey up until the point that it is submitted.
What will the findings be used for?
The views that you share through this survey will be used to improve the work undertaken in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and to protect our communities. As this survey will be conducted annually, it will also help us to better understand changes in the levels and types of crime and anti-social behaviour in your local area over time.
The information collected through the survey will be handled in accordance with data protection legislation and will be presented anonymously in any outputs. Please click here to read our Privacy Notice. Your data will be processed by SurveyMonkey and you can view their terms for how they do this.
We have received a report about the theft of tools from a vehicle parked on the road in North Luffenham in the last week, please be vigilant for suspicious activity