Category Archives: Parish Council Finance

Finance news and accounts reports for the Parish Council

Agendas and supporting docs

Please see attached for Decembers meeting. The agenda was posted on the noticeboards last week.

Agendas and supporting documents for the meeting on the 16th of October 2024

Agendas Minutes and Supporting Documents – August Meeting

Agendas, Minutes and Supporting Documents for the meeting on the 24.07.24

NLPC Annual Accounts and payments over £100

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I am pleased to advise that NLPC passed their annual internal audit with regards to Governance and Finances. Please find attached the finalised report along with a list of expenditure over £100. If any member of the public would like to examine the accounts then this can be done from 13th July 2022 to 23rd August 2022 by first contacting the Parish Clerk by email:

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2020-21

Please find attached the AGAR for North Luffenham PC which has been agreed and signed by the Internal Auditor appointed by the Leicectershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils.

NLPC Annual Accounts and payments over £100

I am pleased to advise that NLPC passed their annual internal audit with regards to Governance and Finances. Please find attached the finalised report along with a list of expenditure over £100. If any member of the public would like to examine the accounts then this can be done from the 14th June to 23rd July 2021 by first contacting the Parish Clerk by email:

NLPC and Trust Extraordinary Meetings (Virtual) Monday 26th April @ 7.30pm

Please find attached the agenda and finance papers for the above meeting.

This is a virtual meeting and here is the link:

Join with Google

NLPC and Trust Meeting (Virtual) 7th Dec 2020 @ 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above meetings.

Here is a link to that meeting:

Join with Google Meet

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019-20

Please find attached the AGAR for North Luffenham PC which has been agreed and signed by the Internal Auditor appointed by the Leicectershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils

Also attached is a schedule showing all expenditure of £100.

The financial records of NLPC will be available for inspection from Monday 22nd June for six weeks. Please contact the clerk on 01780 408288 or email;

NLPC and Trust Meetings Monday 2nd December 2019

Please find attached the agendas and supporting papers for the above meetings to be held at North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.00pm

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2018-19

The Audit of Accounts for NLPC for the year ended 31st March 2019 has been completed and the accounts have been published.

The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of North Luffenham Parish Council on application to John Willoughby, Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.

A copy of the AGAR ia attached.

This announcement is made by John Willoughby on 31st July 2019

Annual Governanace and Accountability Return 2018/19

The above return has been sent to the external auditors for their review. Attached is a copy having been signed by the internal auditor and and confirmed by the Parish Council on Monday 20th May at the Annual Parish Council meeting.

In accordance with Council transparency rules the accounts for NLPC will be available for the public to inspect between 17th June and 27th July 2019. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to exercise this right. Contact details for the clerk are; or 01780 408288

Parish Council Accounts FYE 2016/17 and Notice of Electors’ Rights

To comply with Transparency regulations, North Luffenham Parish Council is required to publish a notice of electors’ rights, together with items 1-5, being details of Accounts for year end 2016/17 and accompanying supporting schedules, and concluding with a Declaration of status.  These 7 documents are listed below:

Notice of Date of Commencement of Period for the Exercise of Public Rights and accompanying Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (c. 2)

  1. Items of expenditure above £100
  2. Accounting statements 2016/17
  3. Supporting schedules, to include bank reconciliation and an explanation of variances (e.g. more than 10-15%)
  4. Annual governance statement 2016/17
  5. Internal Audit Report

Declaration of Status of Published Accounts