North Luffenham Monthly Parish Magazine delivery
For many years every house in the village has received a monthly copy of the Parish
Magazine thanks to a small army of volunteer distributors who deliver to a set 25 or so
Individual circumstances have led to a number of the distributors having to step down from this monthly commitment and there are now 4 or 5 gaps that urgently need filling.
If you can set aside half an hour a month to deliver approx. 25 magazines, please get in touch with the new distribution co-ordinator Nic Merrett on 07801 983530. He would be very pleased to hear from you.
Thank you!
Good Neighbours Scheme 2025 Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of the NLGNS will take place on FRIDAY 7th March at 7.00pm in the Den in the FOX pub.
All existing volunteers are warmly encouraged to attend if possible, and of course any new potential volunteers wishing to find out more are most welcome.
Logs on The Oval
Following a review of trees on The Oval the recommended remedial work has been carried out. There are a number of logs as a result and residents are welcome to gather them for their own use.
Giving away three seater, two seater and armchair.
Giving away three seater, two seater and armchair in good condition by Parker and Farr.
Contact: 07535727646

Have your say on improvements to improve access to health services in Rutland.
The NHS for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) is inviting people to have their say on proposals to improve healthcare services in Rutland.
The proposals would improve services for people by bringing together two existing local services – the Minor Injuries Unit and the Urgent Care Centre, creating a Minor Illness and Injury Service which would be open 8 hours a day, 7 days a week in Rutland Memorial Hospital.
There is also a short video that summarises the proposals
Visit the website to view the full consultation document and other supporting information.
The public consultation will run from Monday 13 January until Sunday 16 March 2025. Get involved by:
Completing the consultation questionnaire online at
· Emailing views to:
· Telephoning: 0116 295 7532 to receive a paper copy of the questionnaire or information in another format
· Picking a copy of the questionnaire from a local community or public venue in Rutland
· Writing to us at Freepost Plus RUEE-ZAUY-BXEG, Rutland Consultation, NHS LLR ICB, Room G30, Pen Lloyd Building, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8TB
· Following our social channels: @NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
· Coming along to one of our drop-in events:
Thursday 13 February 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm
Greetham Community Centre, Great Lane, Oakham LE15 7NG
Wednesday 26 February 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm
Oakham Library, Oakham Library, Catmose St, Oakham LE15 6HW
Friday 7 March 2025, 9.30am-12.30pm
The Falcon Hotel, Falcon Hotel, 7 High St E, Uppingham, Oakham LE15 9PY
Tuesday 11 March 2025, 11am-1pm
Empingham Medical Centre, 37 Main St, Empingham, Oakham LE15 8PR
Agendas for Extraordinary meeting 22.01.2025
Budgets FY25/26
Budgets agreed at the meeting on the 18th of December 2024.
Agendas for Jan PC/Trust meetings
Reminder that NLGC are hosting TV Garden Presenter – Michael Perry – next Wednesday 8th January…
There are a few remaining tickets for this open meeting at North Luffenham School – please pick one up from the Fox (£10 cash only please) or reserve your seat by contacting the GC on
There’ll be a warm welcome, tea, coffee & wine available from 7pm for speaker to start at 7.30pm. Our legendary lottery of fabulous prizes will be hosted by the lovely ladies of the Committee.

The Pantomime is Happening!
The dress rehearsal is finished, the props are made, the sound and lighting has arrived, the grease paint is ready to be applied and the cast are raring to go.
Oh yes! we have a total extravaganza for you tomorrow night (Sunday 22nd) at The Fox at 6.00pm. Everyone is so hyped to bring you the best village pantomime yet. We just can’t wait. Me? I’ve not slept for two nights, so excited am I!
The weather forecast is for dry conditions which is all the cast ever ask for. We’ve performed for you in arctic conditions , we’ve even performed on ice! There is some wind in the forecast but, believe you me there’s always an abundance of hot air in our pantomimes so it won’t be a lot different! The show will go on!!
The cast have worked extra hard this year to bring you this wonderful opening to Christmas week. Please don’t miss it! There would be nothing worse than sitting down to your huge Christmas dinner with that glum look on all the faces around the table knowing that they had missed the best start to Christmas anyone could ever have! Don’t be that person!
Romeo had his Juliet, Arthur had his Knights, Romulus had his Remus (classy knowledge eh!) North Luffenham has it Christmas Pantomime!
We can’t wait to see you all there. It will be brilliant!
Calling All Choir Members – Past & Present
We are reaching out to all of you who might have been in a choir or are currently in a choir to help Tracy lead the Carol singing in The Fox Pub on Christmas Eve at 6pm.

Wrap warmly & come and join in the fun…
Village Christmas Card Scheme… via our very own Festive Tree in North Luffenham Church

Again this year, the Parish Church are continuing their Community Christmas Card Scheme for the residents of North Luffenham. Instead of sending your friends & neighbours separate cards, just deliver one card (with a donation for our new church heating) to either Churchwarden:
Janet Whittaker (Dove Cottage, 4 Church Street) or
Patrick Woods (7 Swann Close)
All the cards will be displayed in the church porch on the wonderful large wooden Christmas Tree donated by Men & Women in Sheds, Rutland and will be brightly lit with colourful lights.
Thank you for joining in our village ‘tradition’; making lives simpler whilst raising much-needed funds for our beautiful church🎄
Christmas Day Reminder: All Age Worship @ 9.30am
for any information, please contact Janet Whittaker on tel 01780 721216 or email
Wanted – loan of an ‘traditional’ Cassette player…
Might anyone in the village have a traditional portable cassette player we could borrow please?
My sister has recently moved into a home and we are trying to keep her entertained with old fashioned audio cassettes – we have the cassettes but nothing to play them on…
Please respond to Tim Clifton (Lyndon Road, North Luffenham) on 01780 720689
Thanks very much!

Agendas and supporting docs
Please see attached for Decembers meeting. The agenda was posted on the noticeboards last week.
Wanted: 2016 calendar done by the Camera Club.
Does anyone have a 2016 calendar, done by the Camera Club, called Then and Now, which they don’t want. I can collect.
Storm Pantomime Hits North Luffenham!
Whilst many of you will have been hunkering down this morning trying to avoid the worst of this storm your intrepid village thespians were not to be distracted from their task of providing you with your best pantomime yet. Many of the cast bravely fought against the atrocious elements to attend the latest rehearsal today. And their bravery and dedication was there for all to see. Words really can’t sum up this years casts dedication, and they’re doing it all for you! There’s just two more rehearsals to go before the big event on 22nd December in The Fox Car Park and I am positive that the dedication shown by everyone involved will make that night one to remember and probably the best start to a Christmas you will ever have!
We are really looking forward to seeing everyone on 22nd. Only 15 more sleeps to go!! Keep calm!!
Men & Women in Sheds Seasonal Stall relocated to Ashwell on Sunday 8th December…
For that hand-made tree, star, arrangement and many more beautifully crafted items from our merry band of elves, do pop along to support our fund-raiser.
All proceeds go back into the ‘Shed’ for materials, bolts & the suchlike.

Airfield Out Of Bounds Tonight
Military Working Dogs will conduct training on the St. Georges Barracks airfield tonight, 3rd December 2024, from 5:00 PM until 1:00 AM on 4th December 4th.
During this time, there may be increased activity and movement in the area. We ask the public to follow any instructions from military personnel.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Local Craft Workshops in North Luffenham for 2025 – Vouchers available now for Christmas from Sue…