Category Archives: Bonfire Night

News relating to the annual Bonfire Night event organised by the Parish Council

Bonfire Night Tuesday 5th November

Preparations are well underway for the North Luffenham Bonfire Night, to be held as usual on 5th November (weather depending)

Bonfire will be lit at 6pm, with the fireworks starting at 6:30pm approximately

Entry will be free, as always, but please bring cash for donations. The fireworks are funded entirely by the bucket collection, and so the more you give, the brighter the display next year!

NL fireworks photo by Katy Ellis

Wood For The Bonfire

Preparations for the Annual Bonfire Night at The Oval North Luffenham are well underway. The weather forecast is saying the skys will clear in time for the fireworks tomorrow.

The bonfire itself is a bit reduced from previous years, and so if you have any unwanted, unpainted, wood that could help build it up that would be appreciated.

If you want to donate wood, please feel free to take it to the Oval, and place it by the large shelter. It will be placed onto the pyre tomorrow

Appeal for Village Bonfire Night – Volunteers Needed!

The annual Bonfire & Fireworks event hosted by North Luffenham Parish Council will go ahead on The Oval on Sunday 5th November 2023. 

Doors Open 5.30pm; Bonfire lit 6.15pm; Fireworks 6.30pm

In order to make it a safe and successful event, we do need more volunteers on the night to assist with Stewarding & Bucket Collections. If you can help, please email Tim Smith at

Bonfire Night North Luffenham 2022

The annual Bonfire & Fireworks event hosted by North Luffenham Parish Council will be held on The Oval on Saturday 5th November 2022.

Doors Open 5.45pm; Bonfire lit 6.15pm; Fireworks 6.30pm

The Cricket Club will be running the BBQ (to raise funds to continue the good works on the wicket); Janet Whittaker & Judy Cade will be offering hot & cold refreshments from the Pavilion with home-made seasonal cake; Lin Burrows will be serving her specially prepared Mulled Wine with added Glo Sticks and sparklers. Charles Cade & Pete Burrows are in charge of lighting the fire & fireworks.

Our Chair of the Parish Council – Tim Smith – will be co-ordinating the important task of the ‘Donation bucket collection’. All this helps to offset the costs so please be generous to enable this event to continue. Please bring cash for the donations as it is difficult to set up card readers in the middle of a dark Oval!

Whilst The Scouts will be sporting high vis jackets and stewarding the perimeter and entry points, more volunteers are needed on the night to assist with ensuring a safe and enjoyable evening. 
If you can help, please contact any of the above teams or Charles Cade on 01780 720467.

Thank you 😉

Bonfire Night; thank you to all volunteers from NLPC

North Luffenham Parish Council would like to thank all the volunteers who helped to make bonfire night a success. It was a good parish event; people were generous with their donations so that costs were well covered and there will be a surplus.

Thanks also to those who helped with the clear up. It is much appreciated.

Remember Remember 5th November @ North Luffenham’s Oval

The bonfire is building very nicely – thanks to the huge efforts of Charles Cade and the welcome donations of wood & pallets this year.  Thank you to everyone who has been along and donated a branch or two – it’s making a spectacular-looking centre piece for what is promising to be a great evening after nearly 2 years of lockdown.

Doors Open 5.30pm; Bonfire lit 6.15pm; Fireworks 6.30pm

Please bring along notes and coins for the: for the donation bucket (suggested donation of £5 per family)

  • Cricket Club BBQ
  • Mulled wine & home-made cake
  • Tea, Coffee, Cake & Sweets inside the Pavilion
  • Sparklers & for the first time this year, Glow sticks

All donations help to offset the costs so please be generous to enable this event to continue.

For the early risers on Saturday morning, there is the sparkler stick clear up starting at 9am!

New volunteers are always welcome  – if you can help, please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467.

Thank you 😉

North Luffenham Bonfire Night – Friday 5th November 2021

The annual Bonfire & Fireworks event hosted by North Luffenham Parish Council will go ahead on The Oval on Friday 5th November 2021.

Doors Open 5.30pm; Bonfire lit 6.15pm; Fireworks 6.30pm

The Cricket Club will be running the BBQ (to raise funds to continue the good works on the wicket); Janet Whittaker & Judy Cade will be offering hot & cold refreshments from the Pavilion with home-made seasonal cake; Lin Burrows will be serving her specially prepared Mulled Wine whilst Charles Cade & Pete Burrows are in charge of lighting the fire & fireworks. Our Chair of the Parish Council – Tim Smith – will be co-ordinating the important task of the ‘Donation bucket collection’. All this helps to offset the costs so please be generous to enable this event to continue.

Whilst The Scouts will be sporting high vis jackets and stewarding the perimeter and entry points, more volunteers are needed on the night to assist with ensuring a safe and enjoyable evening. 
If you can help, please contact any of the above teams or Charles Cade on 01780 720467.

Thank you 😉

North Luffenham Bonfire and Fireworks – 5th November

North Luffenham Parish Council will be holding their annual Bonfire and Fireworks Night on The Oval on Tuesday 5th November. The event will open at 6pm, with the fireworks starting at 6:30pm. There will be a Barbeque hosted by the Cricket Club, and hot drinks and mulled wine will be available. The fireworks are funded by donations on the night, and so please give generously to the bucket collectors. Help is still required with stewarding and bucket collecting. If you would like to be part of the event please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

Bonfire Night 2016 🎆

Just a reminder that its 5th November – Bonfire Night 🙂

North Luffenham’s event on the Oval this evening will include a competition for the best Guy, a Barbecue with burgers, hot and cold drinks for sale, and, back by popular demand, real Mulled Wine with an extra shot of warming spice.

So get rummaging in your wardrobes for that Worzel Gummage look and make your way to the Oval prior to the bonfire being lit at 6.20pm 🙂


The Parish Council will again be hosting a Bonfire Night event on the Oval on Saturday 5th November.

This year we invite villagers to bring a ‘Guy’ – guys will be judged at the Pavillion at 6pm and a prize awarded for the best. The Bonfire will be lit at around 6.30 and the fireworks will commence shortly afterwards.

As usual hot food and drinks will be available. There will be a bucket collection to help offset the costs and we would be most grateful for your generosity. Suggested donation is £5 per family

The event costs almost £2,000 to cover the costs of fireworks and insurance and unless we can cover these costs it may not be possible to fund the event in the future.

Thanks to all those that have volunteered to act as stewards, caterers, bonfire builders etc, it is much appreciated.

North Luffenham Bonfire Night and Fireworks – 2016

The village Bonfire event is scheduled for Sat 5 Nov 16 at 6.30pm on The Oval, however to ensure its success the Parish Council need the assistance of a significant number of volunteers to assist in the following roles:

Safety Supervisors, Donation Bucket Collectors, Refreshments Volunteers & Qualified First Aid Staff

Could anyone willing to assist with the event contact:

Charles Cade: 01780 720467 or Paul Cummings: 01780 720124.

Further details of the event will be published as the arrangements unfold