Last few tickets still available to hear this amazing band locally

Last few tickets still available to hear this amazing band locally
Please join us to support our Rutland Foodbank Fundraiser Christmas Concert – followed by delicious mulled wine & mince pies in South Luffenham’s cosy Village Hall.
Tickets available on the door on the night😊
After a successful Spring concert taking the total raised for charities over £23,000 since being formed in 2012, Chater Community Choir will be giving their seasonal concert, ‘This Christmas Night’, at South Luffenham Parish Church on Friday 9th December at 7:30pm. The choir will be supporting the Rutland Food Bank, which along with helping local people with food poverty are wanting to donate each family they help with a warm blanket this winter.
After the concert there will be the opportunity to enjoy a mince pie or two and a glass of festive cheer in the Village Hall.
Tickets are £10 and are available from Tracy Steward on 01780 729006 or
The Chater Choir Summer Concert will be performed on Saturday 16th July in Uppingham Parish Church at 7.30pm. Please click on the link below:
Come and join Chater Community Choir for carol singing at The Fox tonight (Christmas Eve) at 7:30pm
Chater Community Choir are performing on Sunday May 31st at The Rutland Show in Oakham at 10:30am and 12. They are singing a selection of their best loved pieces with the intention of getting your feet tapping and hands clapping! Whatever the weather you will be sure to be entertained by the 45 strong choir of local singers including quite a few residents from North Luffenham. Come along and support them and take in the other attractions the show has on offer.
More details about the 183rd Rutland Show can be found at
Chater Community Choir will be entertaining audiences again with their concert of summertime vocal favourites at Uppingham Parish Church on Saturday 6th June at 7:30pm in aid of the Brain Tumour Charity and The Wendy Gough Cancer Awareness Foundation. The Brain Tumour Charity is the UK’s largest dedicated brain tumour charity committed to fighting brain tumours on all fronts. The WGCAF works to raises awareness of male cancers, particularly testicular cancer, in schools with young people.
Tickets are £5 and will be available from Tracy Steward on 01780 729006 or Jenny Clarke on 01572 821197
Due to the continued success of Chater Community Choir the decision has been taken to change the choir’s rehearsal location to somewhere that will more comfortably accommodate their large numbers. Therefore from Tuesday 10th February the choir will be meeting at Edith Weston school.
The Christmas story told, in song and readings, in a somewhat different way by the Chater Community Choir and children from Brook Hill Academy, to a sell out audience at Oakham School Chapel on Friday 12th December.
The concert seemed to go down well but judge for yourselves by looking on YouTube at the various numbers that were performed.
The concert raised £1520.42 for the British Heart Foundation and The Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
The choir was formed by Tracy Steward in January 2012 and was the first community choir in Rutland. Since their first concert the choir have raised nearly £5500 for local causes and national charities. New members are always welcome and do not have to audition and no experience is necessary.
For more information on joining the choir visit
Chater Choir Xmas Concert poster 2014
After a successful summer concert raising over £1200 for the Derbyshire Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance Chater Community Choir will be giving their seasonal concert, ‘A Little Christmas Magic’, at Oakham School Chapel in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and the British Heart Foundation on Friday 12th December at 7:30pm. The choir has now raised nearly £4000 for local and national charities since being formed in 2012.
The choir will be joined this year by children from Brooke Hill Academy in Oakham performing their version of the Christmas Story and joining the choir in other well-known festive delights!
Popular Christmas favourites, a mince pie or two, a glass of festive cheer and a few seasonal readings will certainly combine to provide A Little Christmas Magic for all.
Tickets are £5 and are available from Tracy Steward on 01780 729006 or Jenny Clarke on 01572 821197.
Chater Community Choir will be entertaining audiences with their summer concert of West End musical favourites at Uppingham Parish Church on Saturday 14th June at 7:30pm in aid of the Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance.
The choir was formed in 2012 with the intention of providing a community choir in Rutland, based in North Luffenham, with members drawn from all over the county and beyond.
They sing for fun and for good health, for all ages and to gain a sense of community spirit.
They have so far raised nearly £3000 for charities, local and national.
In June they will also be taking part in the Arts for Rutland Mobilisation event at Kendrew Barracks to mark the centenary of World War 1.
On Friday December 20th at about 7-30 pm some members of the Chater Community Choir will be leading the carol singing at The Fox & Hounds.
Come along and join in!
The Chater Community Choir performed a seasonal concert ‘A Christmas Garland of Song’ to raise funds for a local charity. The concert was performed at St Andrew’s Church, Lyddington, on Friday 6th December.
If you are having trouble watching the video on this page, you can also try watching on Youtube directly.
via Ian Ferguson, Chater Community Choir
The Chater Community Choir will be presenting its 4th concert on December 6th. For details please see below
The Chater Community Choir will be giving a seasonal concert to raise funds for a local charity called ‘A Christmas Garland of Song’, featuring the Beaufort Wind Quintet, which will be performed at St Andrew’s Church, Lyddington, on Friday 6th December at 7.30pm.
As in their sell out December concert last year the choir will delight the audience with popular non seasonal favourites along with seasonal songs and readings.
There may even be a mince pie or two!
Tickets are £5 and will be available in November from Tracy Steward.
The concert is in aid of the Rutland Rotaract Family Support Centre based in Oakham. The RRFSC aims to provide social, recreational, educational and therapeutic support to children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities, and their families. The choir has previously raised over £2000 for charity including Fibromyalgia UK and the Stroke Association since being formed in 2012.
Thanks to everyone who supported our Spring Time Songbook in Empingham Church on Saturday 18th May. We are delighted to have raised £600 for the Stroke Association.
Choir line-up for Springtime Songbook
If you were not able to make it, you can watch the concert below, or go to the Springtime Songbook playlist on the Chater Community Choir YouTube channel:
As we return to practices every Tuesday night in North Luffenham School, new recruits always welcome, no experience necessary! Next practice 11th June after the Whit break.
via Linda Burrows, Chater Community Choir
Download PDF: A Springtime Songbook Poster
In aid of the Stroke Association.
via Lin, Chater Community Choir