Author Archives: North Luffenham
Civic Amenity Site has re-opened
The civic amenity site in North Luffenham is re-opening from 10 am today and from next Tuesday the Cottesmore site will be reverting to it’s standing opening of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Community Safety Officer
There have been a number of upsetting incidents of antisocial and criminal behaviour in the village over recent times. The police have been involved and steps have been taken to deal with them.
If any resident has concerns, or has noticed suspicious behaviour, then the Community Centre Officer at Rutland Council can be conctacted: Any information supplied is confidential.
Pallets Wanted for Bonfire Night
If you have any pallets or know of source of pallets please contact Charles Cade: 01780 720467
Airfield out of bounds
The M.O.D have informed that the SGB airfield will be of bounds on the following dates both day and night: 19 th – 20th Apr 22.
Airfield out of bounds 26th-27th March
The MWD Unit at St. George’s Barracks has informed that due to military exercises the airfield is out of bounds this weekend.
Community Centre Committee Meeting
Please click on the link below for the agenda
Notice Of Vacancy In The Office of Councillor
Because of the resignation of a North Luffenham Parisn Councillor, a vacancy exists in the office of Councillor for North Luffenham Parish Council.
Please click below for the Notice of Vacancy.
Community Centre Open for Voting
The Community Centre, following its refurbishment, is open today for the election of a Police and Crime Commissioner. The Polling Station closes at 10pm.
Please join us: we need your help and your involvement!
Why? The Neighbourhood Plan Survey asked questions about what was good and not so good about the parish and how you wanted it to look and develop in the next ten years.
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would like to present the results of that survey and explain the purpose of the Plan. The impact of the plan will be wide ranging and just one of the aims is to protect the parish from adverse effects of the proposed development at St. George’s Barracks.
In particular your comments are needed as this Neighborhood Plan is for you, the residents of North Luffenham Parish.
Please join us for one of the following virtual meetings by Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 872 6352 3277 Passcode: 292804)
Wednesday 25th November at 4pm.
Sunday 29th November at 5pm.
Monday 30th November at 7.30pm.
There will also be a poster display at The Fox on:
Tuesday 8th December (somebody will be on hand to answer your questions from 6pm)
Thursday 10th December (help on queries from 3pm)
We will take note of everything you have to say. Post it notes will also be available for your comments.(The social distancing guidelines in place at the time will be observed)
Bonfire Night Cancelled
It won’t come as a big surprise but North Luffenham Parish Council decided at the Parish Council on the 28th September that the traditional 5th November bonfire night could not be held. Let’s hope for next year.
“Houses to be built on The Oval”
Really! Please download this leaflet that will be delivered to each household in the parish.
Neighbourhood Plan Survey has ended.
Many thanks to everyone who responded to the Neighbourhood Plan Survey. There has been a very good response and will help a great deal in formulating our policies for a Neighbourhood Plan
Community Safety Survey
The police have launched a survey on community safety; ‘We would like to invite you to share your views on crime and anti-social behaviour in your local area by completing this questionnaire. This survey has been created in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire and the Community Safety Partnerships across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland’
Please click on this link for the survey:
Paper Copy of the Local Plan Available
A leaflet is being delivered to each household advising those who do not have access, or have difficulty accessing, the internet how they could be delivered a paper copy for a 24 hour period.
If you don’t have a problem using the internet please access the Local Plan online ( as the Parish Council has only been allowed two copies and has to quarantine one for 24 hours following perusal. This will free up the paper copies to those who have difficulities accessing online.
To view the leaflet please click on this link:
Village Survey 2020 form now working again!
The technical hitch has been resolved and the village survey form is now available again for you to complete if you have not done so already.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Your voice has been heard
Remember this: ‘It’s time to raise your voice’. Rutland County Council (RCC) had previously proposed that in its consultation on the ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ (SCI) that consultation on the Local Plan could only be done online via their proforma, limited to 400 characters.
North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC), and other parishes objected strongly on the grounds that this seriously limited feedback on the Local Plan.
RCC have now agreed that the SCI will make it clear that paper and email responses to planning consultations will be accepted and that a proforma is not mandatory.
But your voice needs to be heard again as the final consultation on the Local Plan began on the 27th August and lasts just six weeks. This is the only chance to influence the St George’s plan – once the Local Plan is agreed, development WILL go ahead and planning permission cannot be denied.
NLPC knows from surveys it has carried out that an overwhelming majority of the parish are against the sheer scale of this proposed development and will vigorously challenge the soundness of the Local Plan. This is the time to make your voice heard – we need as many residents as possible to independently raise objections and this needs to be done in the six week period.
Just saying you don’t agree to the Local Plan will not be sufficient, objections need to be specific. NLPC will post and circulate advice on how to make your opposition effective, covering the lack of meaningful consultation, transport and sustainability issues.
In the meantime please go online and look at Fight 4 Rutland – DO NOT LET RUTLAND BE RUINED – STOP … for further information and how you can support the campaign.
Beeching Cuts Reversal
Have you thought it would be great to reinstate some of the railway lines axed under the Beeching Cuts. It is not such a pie in the sky idea as in 2019 the Government promised £500 million ‘Beeching Reversal’ fund.
The possibility of re-instating Luffenham railway station and providing services in the Corby direction as well as Oakham & Stamford/Peterborough has been raised by the Welland Valley Rail Partnership. This would be a long term project and the first step would be a feasibility study and therefore there is uncertaintainty that it could be enacted. However it is an interesting suggestion, it chimes with the times, and North Luffenahm Parish Council would be interested in comments to this post, in the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire, or to
For much further information please click on this link:
It’s time to raise your voice!
This leaflet is being delivered to all households in the parish and has been produced by the North Luffenham St. Georges Barrack’s Group and has the endorsment of the Parish Council. Please download the complete leaflet by clicking on the following:
Please tick one of the boxes on the back of the leaflet and return to The Fox or email your response to by Wednesday 15th July. You may want to respond to RCC’s online questionnaire and make your views known at If you want to know more of the issues involved then download the link below. This will form the basis, along with your views, of NLPC’s reponse to the Statement of Community Involvement consultation
Consultation of the Local Plan will begin in August: this not only has profound implications for local parishes but for the whole of Rutland. North Luffenham Parish Councillors have been involved in the initiation of a campaign, ‘Fight4Rutland‘
Door to Door Salesman
Please be aware that a man is going from house to house this morning trying to sell ‘Persian Rugs’ for £1 each that he says were left over from a sale in Uppingham.