Remember this: ‘It’s time to raise your voice’. Rutland County Council (RCC) had previously proposed that in its consultation on the ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ (SCI) that consultation on the Local Plan could only be done online via their proforma, limited to 400 characters.
North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC), and other parishes objected strongly on the grounds that this seriously limited feedback on the Local Plan.
RCC have now agreed that the SCI will make it clear that paper and email responses to planning consultations will be accepted and that a proforma is not mandatory.
But your voice needs to be heard again as the final consultation on the Local Plan began on the 27th August and lasts just six weeks. This is the only chance to influence the St George’s plan – once the Local Plan is agreed, development WILL go ahead and planning permission cannot be denied.
NLPC knows from surveys it has carried out that an overwhelming majority of the parish are against the sheer scale of this proposed development and will vigorously challenge the soundness of the Local Plan. This is the time to make your voice heard – we need as many residents as possible to independently raise objections and this needs to be done in the six week period.
Just saying you don’t agree to the Local Plan will not be sufficient, objections need to be specific. NLPC will post and circulate advice on how to make your opposition effective, covering the lack of meaningful consultation, transport and sustainability issues.
In the meantime please go online and look at Fight 4 Rutland – DO NOT LET RUTLAND BE RUINED – STOP … for further information and how you can support the campaign.