Category Archives: Parish Council
Agenda for the Community Centre Committee Meeting 26.09.24
Agenda September 2024
Supporting Documents to be added later tonight
Minutes of NLPC General and Trust meetings of the 24th July 2024 and the EGM 31st July 2024.
Agendas Minutes and Supporting Documents – August Meeting
Agenda for NLPC Trust meeting on the 31st July
Agendas, Minutes and Supporting Documents for the meeting on the 24.07.24
Replacement Footbridge.
After a long wait, mainly due to the saturated ground conditions, the replacement footbridge over the river Chater is now in place.
North Luffenham Audit Documents FY2023-2024
AUDIT: Notice of Rights 23/24
Global Bird Fair: Traffic Restrictions
Agendas for the Parish Council Meetings on 26th June at 7.0pm in the Community Centre.
Woodland Walk Steps Upgraded
The steps at the entrance to the Woodland Walk at the top of Pinfold Lane have been upgraded so that they are more secure.
Please use this, and the allotment entrance/exit, to access the Woodland and not walk across the back of the houses on Geoff Sewell Close.
Community Centre Commitee Meeting
End of Year Finances 23/24
Minutes April Meetings – inc APM
These are in draft form until approved at the May Meetings and in the next APM.
Agendas May Meeting – Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
DRAFT Minutes 20.03.2024
Agendas for 17th April
Please find attached agendas for the 17th of April 2024 – Both for the Annual Parish Meeting and the ordinary meeting
River Chater footpath bridge replacement
Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, the fields are waterlogged and it is still too wet for the replacement bridge to be installed.
Please do not use the bridge and do not give up hope that it might stop raining at some time.