Category Archives: Community Centre

Agendas Minutes and Supporting Documents – August Meeting

Internet Available At Community Centre

The latest information we have is that the ongoing issues with Internet connectivity in the village will not be resolved until Tuesday.

The Internet connection in the Community Center is still working as this is on a fibre optic link.

If you need to used the Internet tomorrow the Community Centre will be open from 9am


The Good Companions Club is arranging a weekly “winter warmer drop in” at the Community Centre during the winter period, starting from Thursday 12th January, and thereafter every Thursday through to the 2nd March, between 1pm and 3pm.  We want to offer somewhere warm and inviting for anyone that wants to come along, with the promise of free tea/coffee/cake…and a great way to enjoy the company of fellow villagers.  If you have a jigsaw puzzle or reading books you’d like to swap, play cards and board games, or simply to spend a couple of hours in a warm place… it’s entirely up to you.  All are welcome, just come along on the day.

For anyone that would be willing to volunteer in helping out it would be hugely appreciated, please speak to Alison on 07769 322551 for more details.

Reminder – Garden Club Meeting this Wednesday 8th June @ 7pm

This month we welcome our local Bee Expert, Mike Wyatt. Mike has lived in the village for many years and you will have seen him walking the lanes in his bee overalls – well now’s the the opportunity to find all about what he does and how you can help our bee community 😊

In addition, there will be the popular Garden Club Lottery plus signing up for July trip to Oundle and the beautiful Foxtail Lilly Gardens (Cutting Flower Garden & Vintage Florist). Please remember to bring cash for both… £2 per ball & £10 for the Trip on 13th July.

For further information about Foxtail Lilly – please see

New members still welcome to join on the night 👍

Community Centre Fibre Broadband

The installation of Full Fibre broadband in the Community Centre has now been completed. The Wi-Fi is now powered by a fibre optic cable providing capacity for up to 1 Gigabit. Currently it is enabled for a stable 100Mb/Sec connection.

The Community Centre is available for any organisation or person to book, and so if you would like to take advantage of this new facility (maybe for an important Zoom meeting whilst the kids are playing games via your home Internet? ) please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467