Thank You to All who came & contributed to the Success of the Coffee, Cake & Chat morning – nearly £360 was raised for the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal

It is with great excitement that the North Luffenham Garden Club is finally back this month after 2 long years.
We are planning to meet on the second Wednesday of every month.
The first meeting will take place in the Community Centre on:-
Wednesday 13th April 7pm – 8.30pm
There will be a great guest speaker, plus other news and activities.
Wine, tea and coffee will also be available.
Sowing Seeds of Hope – Sunflower Growing Competition for Ukrainian Appeal
An exciting project has been launched called “Sowing Seeds Of Hope”. It’s a Sunflower Growing Competition to help raise money for Ukraine whilst at the same time drawing awareness to the newly revived North Luffenham Garden Club. There are some great prizes to be won and seeds can be bought from The Fox, Edith Western Shop & Rutland Water Garden Nursery.
Saturday 21st May – Plant Sale @ The Fox
There will be a Plant Sale on Saturday 21st May @ The Fox.
Members, all keen gardeners, and allotment holders in the village are encouraged to plant a few extra seeds, save those thinning’s and generally grow to share what we have available. We are hoping to have sufficient contributions for the following sections:
Bedding Plants
Indoor Plants
Vegetable Plants
Want to Join Us?
Anyone can join a meeting – you could be in the early stages of gardening, live outside North Luffenham or just want to come along to see what it’s like. We’re all here to encourage and support each other. There is a small fee per meeting or a half-year membership is available for new members.
Costs: £3 per meeting or £7.50 for half year membership (valid until Sept 2022)
For any enquiries regarding any of the above events, membership, or plant sale – please email us at:-
The North Luffenham Garden Club held its 16th Annual Autumn Show this Sunday 14th September in the village Community Centre and school hall.
We were thrilled with the turn out, with 55 people entering one or more classes and a total of 389 entries overall, an all-time record! On Sunday morning when the entries were arriving, I was concerned we weren’t going to fit everything in! But that’s a brilliant problem to have!
The show has a really friendly, family feel to it. It really was a celebration of what everybody had achieved in their gardens, and a showcase of hidden talents with some stunning craft and photography entries.
We were also delighted that there were more children’s entries this year which included some from the School gardening club and the North Luffenham Beavers.
A campaign earlier in the year to encourage more flower arranging entries, with a series of free classes held in the village run by one of the members, Sally Lambert and a new prize of an RHS Grenfell Medal certainly paid off too, with 20 in total.
The hall was a wonderful sight – thank you to everyone who made the effort to put in entries, and to all the hardworking volunteers who helped the day run so smoothly.
Katy Ellis
Winner Jeanette Holdstock (stained glass lamp)
Katy Ellis
Andrew Robinson (butterfly migration)
Jessica Ellis (garden at Prebendal House, Empingham)
Jessica Ellis (homemade decorated cupcakes)
George Morris, Sam Sheppard, Nat Conant
via Janet Whittaker, St John the Baptist Church
Here are details of Garden Club upcoming events…
Thursday May 8th – in a change to the published programme, the last speaker of the season will be Richard Baxter on ‘Orchids‘. Meeting starts @7.30pm in the Community Centre – please feel free to bring any spare plants you have for sale ( and some pennies to buy some!).
June’s evening outing has now been arranged for Thursday 12th June to Foxtail Lilly, a pretty country cottage garden, in Oundle – members are most welcome to bring friends with them, and should arrange transport between themselves, aiming to arrive at 6.30pm. There will be an entry charge of £2.50 per person, to be paid on the night, plus refreshments will be available to purchase.
Katy, Garden Club
If you would like some help and advice on how to look after your apple trees, Stamford Community Orchard Group (SCOG) are running pruning and grafting workshops in the next few weeks.
The pruning workshop is on Saturday 22nd February 10am – 1pm at Castor.
The grafting workshop is on Saturday 8th March from 10am – 1pm at Egleton.
Please see attached for prices and how to book.
via Katy Ellis, Garden Club
Gardening enthusiasts may be interested to know that the Rutland Hardy Plant Society has also arranged another interesting lecture by Tom Hart Dyke, plant hunter and garden maker speaking on “The Captivating World of Plants” to be held on Saturday 22 February 2014 at 7.30pm at Oakham School.
via Katy Ellis, Garden Club
Want to know what’s happening in the village this month? Please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.
Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th January 2014.
Do you have one of these social media accounts?
The photographic classes at the North Luffenham Garden Club Autumn Show, held every September, have continued to grow in popularity.
Here are the categories for this year’s show (Sunday September 14th 2014) so you can keep them in mind over the next 9 months.
Happy snapping and we look forward to seeing your entries!
via Katy Ellis, North Luffenham Garden Club
Want to know what’s happening in the village this month? Please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.
Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th January 2014.
Do you have one of these social media accounts?
Our programme of speakers continues on Thursday January 9th @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre with the return of Andrew Sankey to talk on ‘Companion Planting’.
Andrew is a garden designer/landscaper, nurseryman and lecturer with a special interest in cottage gardens. He regularly runs series of lectures for the WEA in Stamford & Oakham, with one starting in Oakham in May on Elizabethan Gardens and Shakespeare’s Flowers.
The talk is guaranteed to be entertaining and packed full of useful information.
Guests always welcome for £2 – annual subscription £10 per person.
Details of our full programme can be found on our 2014 Calendar and include a full day outing, run jointly with Empingham Garden Club on July 20th to RHS Harlow Carr, and for the first time on October 11th/12th a chance to bring along your own apples and press them into juice (with equipment borrowed from SCOG)! Let’s hope it’s a good harvest!!
Happy New Year – hope you have a blooming good 2014!!
via Katy Ellis, North Luffenham Garden Club
For more events happening this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.
Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th January 2014.
Do you have one of these social media accounts?
The North Luffenham Garden Club programme for 2014 offers:
For more details on these events please contact the Garden Club.
via: Katy Ellis, Garden Club
Do you have one of these social media accounts?
Next meeting will be on Thursday November 14th @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre when the Club will be holding its AGM, followed by a talk on ‘The A-Z of bulbs’ by Johnny Walkers of Walkers Bulbs, Holbeach.
Annual subscriptions of £10 per person are now due, though guests are most welcome to any meeting for £2.
via Katy Ellis, Garden Club
The new season gets under way for the North Luffenham Garden Club next week on Thursday October 10th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre with speaker Ann Bird on ‘A Personal Look at the World of Roses’.
Ann Bird is a past president of the Royal National Rose Society, and is currently vice-president of the World Federation of Rose Societies, so is well qualified to talk to us about this popular British garden favourite!
Fun, informal meetings with a raffle and refreshments. The club welcomes plants for sale at all meetings. No horticultural experience or expertise required – new members and guests always welcome! Cost is £2 per event or join for an annual subscription fee of £10 per person.
via Katy Ellis, Secretary, Garden Club
The members held a Photographic Exhibition in the School Hall on July 14th to coincide with NGS Open Day at Mima and Jim Bolton’s garden.
We displayed all sizes and all subjects of our favourite pictures and there was a steady stream of visitors between 11am and 6pm.
The School very kindly lent us their display boards, as did the School Photographer who happened to be in the right place….
We were so lucky with our weather again, and we received many favourable comments on the display.
Thanks go to the many members involved.
via Pam Plant, Camera Club
The Garden Club Autumn Show is being held this year on Sunday September 15th – that may seem ages away but you can start your entries now!
Did you know that as well as the usual classes for fruit and veg we have a class for heaviest marrow, heaviest pumpkin and sunflower head with largest diameter (adult and children)? Get sowing this weekend and grow your entry, and get the kids involved too!
Did you also know that a new class was introduced last year for best ‘homemade alcoholic beverage’, so if brewing is your thing, make something in the coming months.
This year we have revamped the flower arranging classes – choose from:
And finally, if photography is your thing, get snapping – categories this year are Faces (any – people, animals etc), Flower Power, Village Life, Holidays, Light, Close up ( anything). Children (under 16 yrs old) can enter photos of all the above subjects which will be judged separately.
Full schedules should be available next month – to obtain one, please contact secretary Katy Ellis at the Garden Club.
via Katy Ellis, Garden Club
Please view the programme calendar for more Garden Club organised events in 2013.
Garden Club meets this Thursday 14th March in the Community Centre @ 7.30pm when we welcome Helen Osbourne talking about ‘The Trials of setting up a Nursery’.
All welcome – guests £2, annual membership £10 per person.
via Katy, Garden Club
Courtesy of RNRS
North Luffenham Garden Club – next meeting this Thursday 10th January @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre when guest speaker Ann Bird who is a director of the Royal National Rose Society will be speaking about Roses.
Friendly, informal evening with raffle and refreshments – guests welcome @ £2 each.
via Katy, Garden Club
The North Luffenham Garden Club programme for 2013 offers:
For more details on these events please contact the Garden Club.
via: Katy, Garden Club