Tag Archives: Talks

Military history talk at the Fox with Penny Burton

I’m a local historian (until recently I was living in the village) and I’m doing a series of military history talks at the Fox. The next one is 6th December and I didn’t know if you could include this?

Tickets are £5 and available at the bar. It starts at 7pm and the talk lasts about 1 hour with questions afterwards and a chance to view my collection of wwi artifacts.

Many thanks in advance,
Penny Burton

Orchids and Foxtail Lilly

Here are details of Garden Club upcoming events…

Thursday May 8th – in a change to the published programme, the last speaker of the season will be Richard Baxter on ‘Orchids‘. Meeting starts @7.30pm in the Community Centre – please feel free to bring any spare plants you have for sale ( and some pennies to buy some!).

June’s evening outing has now been arranged for Thursday 12th June to Foxtail Lilly, a pretty country cottage garden, in Oundle – members are most welcome to bring friends with them, and should arrange transport between themselves, aiming to arrive at 6.30pm. There will be an entry charge of £2.50 per person, to be paid on the night, plus refreshments will be available to purchase.

Katy, Garden Club

January 2014 Camera Club meeting notes

Sue Churchill showed us some fantastic photos of the Pyrenees Orientale throughout the seasons- what a beautiful place and so unspoilt. Autumn is particularly lovely with the tree colours in the mountains and so sunny!

Members have made inroads into the choice of photos for the next calendar of Village Life with – the Produce Show, Harvest Festival, Bonfire night and Christmas decorations. The next three months photos will be chosen at the March meeting.

NEXT MEETING will be March 18th at 8pm at the Community Centre. Members will bring cameras and laptops to do some practical experiments and then discuss issues arising from these.

The Theme for photos to take during the next few weeks and to show at this meeting is CANDID SHOTS- that will be a challenge!

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

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  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“The Captivating World of Plants” by Tom Hart Dyke

Gardening enthusiasts may be interested to know that the Rutland Hardy Plant Society has also arranged another interesting lecture by Tom Hart Dyke, plant hunter and garden maker speaking on “The Captivating World of Plants” to be held on Saturday 22 February 2014 at 7.30pm at Oakham School.

The Captivating World of Plants

via Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Want to know what’s happening in the village this month? Please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“Companion Planting” Talk by Andrew Sankey

Our programme of speakers continues on Thursday January 9th @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre with the return of Andrew Sankey to talk on ‘Companion Planting’.

Andrew is a garden designer/landscaper, nurseryman and lecturer with a special interest in cottage gardens. He regularly runs series of lectures for the WEA in Stamford & Oakham, with one starting in Oakham in May on Elizabethan Gardens and Shakespeare’s Flowers.

The talk is guaranteed to be entertaining and packed full of useful information.

Guests always welcome for £2 – annual subscription £10 per person.

Details of our full programme can be found on our 2014 Calendar and include a full day outing, run jointly with Empingham Garden Club on July 20th to RHS Harlow Carr, and for the first time on October 11th/12th a chance to bring along your own apples and press them into juice (with equipment borrowed from SCOG)! Let’s hope it’s a good harvest!!

Happy New Year – hope you have a blooming good 2014!!

via Katy Ellis, North Luffenham Garden Club

For more events happening this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

2014 Programme Calendar for Garden Club

The North Luffenham Garden Club programme for 2014 offers:

  1. Jan 9th – ‘Companion Planting’ by Andrew Sankey.
  2. Feb 13th – ‘Treasure Island’ by Stuart Dixon.
  3. March 13th – ‘Climbing through the seasons: Alpines in the Wild.’ by James Williams.
  4. April 10th – ‘Seeds in the corridor of power: an insight into the controls on seeds and seed quality.’ by Paul Rooke.
  5. May 8th – ‘So very versatile perennials’ by Ian Cooke.
  6. June evening outing to be confirmed)
  7. July 20th – full day outing to RHS Harlow Carr (joint with Empingham Garden Club)
  8. September 14th – Autumn Show
  9. Oct 11th/12th – Apple Day – equipment borrowed from Stamford Community Orchard Group available for villagers to press their own apple juice.

For more details on these events please contact the Garden Club.

via: Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“The Pyrenees” – Camera Club Talks

The first meeting of the Camera Club for 2014, is on 21st January at 8pm at the Community Centre.

A member – Sue Churchill will give a talk and show photographs of “The Pyrenees“. This can get us thinking ahead to our next holidays!

Members will be displaying their pictures with the theme of Adventure.

Visitors are most welcome.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Did you know that you can now follow North Luffenham updates via your preferred social network? Please click on one of the links below to follow:

Autumn Season commences for Garden Club

Roseraie de l'HayThe new season gets under way for the North Luffenham Garden Club next week on Thursday October 10th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre with speaker Ann Bird on ‘A Personal Look at the World of Roses’.

Ann Bird is a past president of the Royal National Rose Society, and is currently vice-president of the World Federation of Rose Societies, so is well qualified to talk to us about this popular British garden favourite!

Fun, informal meetings with a raffle and refreshments. The club welcomes plants for sale at all meetings. No horticultural experience or expertise required – new members and guests always welcome! Cost is £2 per event or join for an annual subscription fee of £10 per person.

Programme 2013/14

  • Oct 10th – ‘A Personal Look at the World of Roses’ by Ann Bird.
  • Nov 14th – ‘The A-Z of bulbs’ by Johnny Walkers.
  • Dec 5th – Christmas Social evening
  • Jan 9th – ‘Companion Planting’ by Andrew Sankey.
  • Feb 13th – ‘Treasure Island’ by Stuart Dixon.
  • March 13th – ‘Climbing through the seasons: Alpines in the Wild.’ by James Williams.
  • April 10th – ‘Seeds in the corridor of power: an insight into the controls on seeds and seed quality.’ by Paul Rooke.
  • May 8th – ‘So very versatile perennials’ by Ian Cooke.
  • (June evening outing & July full day outing to be confirmed)

via Katy Ellis, Secretary, Garden Club

Movement Theme Photo Gallery and Notes from 17th Sept 2013 Camera Club Meeting

September Meeting

The theme for the photos at our September meeting was Movement. There were lots of good pictures of varied interpretations of this subject – which are displayed in the Camera Club showcase.

Also the 2014 Calendar photos were chosen and this should be ready for sale before Christmas.

Movement Photo Gallery

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on the 19th November at 8pm in the Community Centre.

The speaker will be Andrew James, photojournalist with over 25 years experience and world-wide travels.

You may remember his interesting talk last year – and this time he will discuss Composition. Do please come along with your ideas and questions on this subject. (Visitors welcome)

Andrew has chosen an appropriate theme of “Natural Patterns” for Members photographs this time.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Our Ash Trees

Ash TreeNLCC talk by Rupert Conant on Tuesday 19th March.

There was a really good turnout on such a chilly evening. The speaker’s travels have covered Northern Iraq, Eastern Europe and India. His emphasis was on the lives of the people,their homes, work and the influence of modern times on this.

He is very keen that all the changes are recorded and, on the technical side, he indicated that we should “feel free to break the rules” when taking photos.

As a follow on from recording changes, he has suggested that the group’s photos are a good way to record the changes taking place in our local landscape – e.g. the state, fate and possible demise of our Ash trees.

So if anyone would like to contact the Camera Club with any local photos of these, so we can add them to our webpage and build up a picture of before and after.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

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Photographer Rupert Conant to speak at next Camera Club meeting on 19th March

The next North Luffenham Camera Club meeting is on 19th March at 8pm in the North Luffenham Community Centre.

Our speaker will be Rupert Conant, who has worked for the Guardian and Time Out magazine.

From his travels all over the world, Rupert has had photographs in many national newspapers – the Telegraph, Observer and The Independent.

He will be talking to us about photographs taken of his commissions in Eastern Europe and Northern Iraq.

Do put this date into your diaries as the evening promises to be very diverse and varied.


Contact the Camera Club for further details.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

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Explore the Grand Canyon

The next Camera club meeting will be on Tuesday 15th January 2012 @ 8pm in the Community Centre, where members will be bringing along photos on the theme ‘Abstract‘, and Sue Churchill will be talking about and showing us her photos of the Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon

photo credit: SteveD. via photopin cc

Subscriptions of £10 for the coming year are due.  All welcome.

via Katy, Camera Club

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Find out more about Roses from an expert

Roseraie de l'Hay

Courtesy of RNRS

North Luffenham Garden Club – next meeting this Thursday 10th January @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre when guest speaker Ann Bird who is a director of the Royal National Rose Society will be speaking about Roses.

Friendly, informal evening with raffle and refreshments – guests welcome @ £2 each.

via Katy, Garden Club