The group met on Tuesday evening and were treated to a slideshow by fellow member Sue Churchill of her splendid, exhilarating holiday photos of White Water Rafting in the Grand Canyon. It was good to see so much sun on such a chilly night!
- Visitors are welcome to any of our meetings, at a one-off cost of £3, or £10 subscription for the year.
- The theme for 19th March meeting is “Signs of Spring” – members usually bring a couple of mounted 7″ x 5″ prints on the theme, which are put out for all to look at and discuss.
- There will be an extra get- together before we hand in photos for the next calendar, so we can make sure that sizes are correct for the printer. Date and venue t.b.a.
- Categories for the photography classes in the Garden Club show in September should be decided soon and will be posted when known so we can crack on with these.
- Sue has kindly offered to help those of us who are interested, with putting our photos into a show with text and music. Do let me know if you would like to do this.
- Ideas for the future to think about – would we like to hold an exhibition?
- Challenge yourself monthly – read your camera manual and learn about a function you’ve not explored; look at other people’s work in competitions for inspiration like Wildlife Photographer of the Year
So, out now to catch the sun on those frosty trees – if you have not seen this yet, do try out the free website for tips on lots of subjects – DPS.
via Pam Plant, Camera Club