Author Archives: Pam Plant

Do you have a box of forgotten photos in your attic?

If you have….and your family and friends have seen them all before….

…why not let local folk have a look too.

There is a  Display board at the School  – for anyone to  show off  their   pictures.

They do not have to be certain themes, nor  a certain size – its up to you to choose the  ones you think we would like to see.         So come on – pull out those albums and drawers,  go into   attics and  garages…..

for more details,    or to join in –   phone 01780 720374 or  email Pam at


An Evening of Wildlife – Monday November 14th

Everyone is warmly invited to the November meeting of the Camera Club in the Community Centre at 7.30pm,  when our speaker will be Nigel Spencer.

Nigel has literally covered a lot of ground!  in pursuit of his excellent photography.  A visit to his website     shows stunning photos of Wildlife  from the Hebrides to the Falklands,  Kilimanjaro to the Scottish Munros.  There are Arctic foxes, Polar bears, eagles…………Come along on the 14th and see more!

(Entrance is £2 for non-members)

Photos – Favourites and Principles, Sept 2016

At the September meeting of the Camera Club, David Harris gave a selection of his favourite photos, of course including his Black and White pictures. The subjects covered ranged from People , doing their own thing-watching trains and the Queen!  through Insects (macro) and dogs to Sport- Cycling and Burghley and Landscape.  The latter covered dramatic scenes in very rough weather, from Northumberland to Cornwall and the Balearics.  He looks forward to really bad weather on holidays!

Very apparent in these pictures were David’s use of strong lines and shapes. He has a very good eye for contrasting  large and small shapes, with dramatic positioning!

The next meeting of the Camera club is on November 14th, when we have a speaker new to the club.  Nigel Spencer is a professional photographer and has travelled most of the world and gives talks all over the country.  He will show  us “An Evening of Wildlife” 

Do have an  introduction by visiting his website  Well worth a visit!


September Meeting of the North Luffenham Camera Club

The North Luffenham Camera Club meets again on Monday 12th September 2017, at the Community Centre at 7.30pm.

Our Speaker will be DAVID HARRIS.  This is a welcome return, as David gave us a splendid evening showing  his Black and White Photography, last year.  For this meeting David will be showing and discussing some of his Favourite photos.  We look forward to lots of new Ideas!

Club members will be bringing examples of our Current theme – Cars, Trains and Planes; and will also be bringing photos to be considered for the next Club CALENDAR- 2017

This September meeting is a FREE TASTER SESSION for anyone interested in taking photos – so do come along – all are most welcome- any queries please  contact



Do bring your CAMERA along to the Oval on Saturday and visit the Camera Club Display.

Take a cracking photo of your CHILD or PET –     to win a PRIZE .

Send your photo in to the CAMERA CLUB and the BEST ones will be judged by members of the Club.  Separate category for  16yrs old and Under.     All details at our GAZEBO

Don’t forget to add AGE if 16 and under ……..             and SEND IN YOUR PHOTO


May meeting of the Camera Club 2016

North Luffenham Camera Club- next meeting is on Monday May 9th at 7.30pm at the Community Centre.
Andrew James will be our speaker for this month’s meeting. He will give us a glimpse into the people, colours and general flavour of his travels to CUBA VENICE AFRICA.
As with his previous talks , we can sit back and enjoy these exotic locations and pick up some tips as to how he captures his stunning Photos!
There is a small charge of £2 for visitors.


Our meeting on March 7th, was very much tuned in to our speaker’s creative ideas. She brought in a range of her artwork (cards and glass) and showed photos which stimulate this work.
These showed us a great range of IDEAS – from silhouettes, shadows and reflections to distortions and movement.
There were some very unusual 360 degrees photos – 52 taken from the same spot and stitched together. The one/s taken from St Pancras were striking.
Her latest travels included Australia’s Opal mines.

Not being a photoshop fan, she only uses one camera and one lens, so apart from a little injection from Picasa! she makes it all seem very straightforward. The overall impression we were left with, was  her use of Colour and Shape. Plenty of Ideas here for us to try out!

Traveller and Artist, Hazel Burnham, to give March meeting talk at the Camera Club

The next meeting of the North Luffenham Camera club is on March 7th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  Our speaker this month is Hazel Burnham.  Hazel is a photographer with many strings to her bow!  As a world wide traveller, she is always on the lookout to use her camera in her art work.

Her most recognisable art pieces, in textiles and glass, have a very clear use of Colour and Shape.  She says “I try not to take life too seriously and hope this is reflected in my work. The aim is to make people smile and add brightness to the day.”

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For a small charge of £2, all visitors are most welcome to come along and see for themselves!



January talk from Charley Streather (Blesma)

Members and visitors had a very interesting evening hearing how Charley set up photography courses and trips for Army veterans.  He told some  amusing anecdotes on how the amputees overcome their disabilities to become great photographers.  What amazing people and it was very evident that Charley gained a lot of satisfaction from his very worthwhile job.  Many thanks to him and we hope that he will return to the club again. (www.blesma/

The next meeting is on March 7th   (please note change of usual evening)  when Hazel Burnham will give us an insight into how she uses her camera to have fun with her artwork.

The theme for photographs at this meeting is “New Life”  – very topical for these next months.

First meeting in 2016

The first meeting of the North Luffenham Camera Club in 2016, is on January 11th at the Community Centre at 7.30pm. Charley Streather will be the speaker.  Charley is the BLESMA support Officer for the Midlands (British Limbless Ex Servicemen’s Association) and runs photography courses for wounded veterans.

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He has taken part in trips across the Atlantic and other exciting adventures and is now finalising plans to take photography groups to the Hebrides and Farne Islands.  He is particularly interested in wildlife, including working with the Osprey Project at Rutland Water.  We look forward to a very interesting evening.

All are most welcome – visitors £2

** Just Two  Calendars of North Luffenham Then and Now 2016 are still available at   6.50 from        01780 720374
































November meeting – Trekking to Annapurna

A Camera Club member, Sue Churchill showed stunning photographs of her trip to Nepal.  Starting from Pokhara, the group, which included two porters and a guide, trekked the Annapurna Sanctuary Trail.  Making their way over narrow pathways and steps, avoiding donkey trains and  water buffalo, they  crossed some extremely long and narrow hanging bridges over the valleys. The photos of  colourful villages and lodges gave us a unique insight into the lives of the friendly local people.

Sue set up her tripod in places which even the guide indicated were tricky but  came up with magical views, including  the mountains at sunset.


Coping with equipment and clothing, in temperatures ranging from below zero at night and in the 20s during the daytime,  takes a tremendous amount of stamina and determination.   Sue obviously enjoys all this and we look forward to her next trip!  This evening, I’m sure started us thinking of our next holiday locations.            Thank you Sue!


Simon Lee took several Club members for his Introduction to Lightroom. This programme  seems to be  a less complicated way of editing our Photos, than Photoshop.   During the three hours, which went so quickly, we were able to  straighten horizons, bring in filter effects, remove dustspots, create vignettes and even smooth out Mode,ls skin tones!      And so much more…..  We will enjoy exploring this further.



Food Photography meeting September 2015

The new season of the Camera Club got off to a flying start on 14th September, with the return of speaker Robin Stewart.  Robin’s work as teacher and photographer for Food magazines has extended into commissions for Food factories locally.  Belvoir drinks, Stilton cheese and Melton pies photographs were shown.   Taking pictures of these factories  and other people’s cooking, together with his own creations, showed us Robin’s meticulous attention to detail- shadows, backgrounds and reflections- all so important.  Explanations of settings used and why, are so helpful for us  to try and improve our own photos.

The next meeting is on November 9th at the Community Centre at 7.30, when  Sue Churchill has kindly offered to show her photographs of a trip to Nepal.  In January we saw  pictures of her Grand Canyon trip and  I’m sure Nepal  will be equally stunning.  Everyone is very welcome to join us then.


September 2015 meeting-Camera Club

The North Luffenham Camera Club begins a new season on Monday, Sept.14th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

Our first speaker will be Robin Stewart, who specialises in Food Photography for local and national magazines.  Robin showed us some very colourful and mouth-watering  photos last year and we are looking forward to welcoming him back.

Members will be bringing along their entries for our 2016 Calendar, showing old and new views of the village.

If you are new to the village, or to photography, do come along- you will be most welcome.

To join for the year – just £10 (starts January) or £2 per session. Further details 01780 720374 or

Camera Club news May 2015

This was the last meeting before the Summer Break and took the form of a practical session. This encouraged us to try out our settings for various situations.
These ranged from portraits (Jessica very kindly sat for us as a model)- to still life and coloured light displays.

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The Outing to Rutland Water was accompanied by Simon Lee, who gave a talk on Photography for Automotive magazines, last year. On the Theme of Movement, there were plenty of speeding yachts, windsurfers and the water! Although racing was delayed because of the windy conditions, it gave us an opportunty to experiement with camera settings. In spite of these adverse conditions (made bearable with hot coffee in the clubhouse) some exciting photos were captured.

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The next meeting will be in the Community Centre at 7.30 on the 14th September.

Camera Club news – May 2015

Next meeting of the Camera Club is on Monday 11th May, in the Community Centre at 7.30pm. This is a practical session, so please bring camera and any other accessories you need.

The outing to Rutland Water with Simon Lee, is on Saturday 16th, weather permitting. ( More details at the meeting)   Everyone is very welcome – hope to see you there.


At the March 2015  meeting of the Camera Club, there was a good turnout for photojournalist speaker, Andrew James, who delighted us all with his splendid photographs of the wildlife of the Ranthambhore National Park, particularly those of the tigers and cubs.  It is quite rare for some of the situations photographed, to have been taken before – mothers carrying their cubs so close to the vehicles and people.   These were taken in temperatures of  over 40 degrees, in the scrub and vegetation.  Also included, were  pictures of local Indian people with their colourful clothes.

To bridge the two halves of this programme, Andrew presented some glorious views of Rutland, taken in the depths of the winter frosts.

We were  then shown photographs of  a completely opposite part of the world- stunning views of the mountains of South Georgia and the Falkland Islands– the old whaling station, albatross, antics of the elephant seals  and  the different breeds of penguins.  Those sparse, treeless wastes contrasted so strongly with the Indian photos.   Being in those two extreme living conditions must have been very demanding.

What a very enjoyable evening – our thanks to Andrew for bringing these two different environments to our club.

The next meeting of the Camera Club is on May 11, 7,30 at the Community Centre.  This will be a Practical evening.

The theme for Display is “Wildlife”


MARCH 2015 meeting of the CAMERA CLUB

Albatross-Andrew-James-LR                        Tiger-Andrew-James

We welcome the return of experienced photo journalist   ANDREW JAMES  on the 9th March.

(7.30 pm in the Community Centre).

Andrew  will give a presentation  of some of the world’s rarest wildlife and wildest landscapes in the Forests of Ranthambhore National Park in INDIA and on the high seas of the   SOUTH ATLANTIC.  This is a good opportunity to enjoy these  regions of the world, without all  the hassle of travelling!

Visitors are always welcome (£2)

Camera Club Meeting -January 12th 2015

Members and visitors enjoyed an evening with speaker David Harris from Empingham.  David’s photography covers many years, including film and darkroom techniques.

His recognition of Shape is very strong and really enhanced by his splendid Black and White prints.  He has considerable patience, waiting for  figures to enter the  view , to show up his sense of scale,  with the occasional Fun element.

He has raised an awareness of  looking at our own environment, which we could  all process into better photos!

The next meeting will be on March 9th at 7.30 with speaker Andrew James.

All visitors are most welcome.


November meeting of the Camera club

Simon Lee gave us a talk and showed photos, for our last meeting this year.
Some of the photos looked very exciting – not to say dangerous- to capture! Being in front of, or alongside, speeding cars and motorbikes, is not something our members have much experience of!   Simon’s enthusiasm for his subjects certainly came through in his pictures which are displayed in National Magazines.
The 2015 calendars are going quickly – just a handful left so please ring if you would like one. 01780 720374

The next meeting is on MONDAY January 12th 2015 7.30pm at the Community Centre. VISITORS ARE MOST WELCOME.