At the September meeting of the Camera Club, David Harris gave a selection of his favourite photos, of course including his Black and White pictures. The subjects covered ranged from People , doing their own thing-watching trains and the Queen! through Insects (macro) and dogs to Sport- Cycling and Burghley and Landscape. The latter covered dramatic scenes in very rough weather, from Northumberland to Cornwall and the Balearics. He looks forward to really bad weather on holidays!
Very apparent in these pictures were David’s use of strong lines and shapes. He has a very good eye for contrasting large and small shapes, with dramatic positioning!
The next meeting of the Camera club is on November 14th, when we have a speaker new to the club. Nigel Spencer is a professional photographer and has travelled most of the world and gives talks all over the country. He will show us “An Evening of Wildlife”
Do have an introduction by visiting his website Well worth a visit!