At the March 2015 meeting of the Camera Club, there was a good turnout for photojournalist speaker, Andrew James, who delighted us all with his splendid photographs of the wildlife of the Ranthambhore National Park, particularly those of the tigers and cubs. It is quite rare for some of the situations photographed, to have been taken before – mothers carrying their cubs so close to the vehicles and people. These were taken in temperatures of over 40 degrees, in the scrub and vegetation. Also included, were pictures of local Indian people with their colourful clothes.
To bridge the two halves of this programme, Andrew presented some glorious views of Rutland, taken in the depths of the winter frosts.
We were then shown photographs of a completely opposite part of the world- stunning views of the mountains of South Georgia and the Falkland Islands– the old whaling station, albatross, antics of the elephant seals and the different breeds of penguins. Those sparse, treeless wastes contrasted so strongly with the Indian photos. Being in those two extreme living conditions must have been very demanding.
What a very enjoyable evening – our thanks to Andrew for bringing these two different environments to our club.
The next meeting of the Camera Club is on May 11, 7,30 at the Community Centre. This will be a Practical evening.
The theme for Display is “Wildlife”