Tag Archives: Meeting Minutes

January 2014 Camera Club meeting notes

Sue Churchill showed us some fantastic photos of the Pyrenees Orientale throughout the seasons- what a beautiful place and so unspoilt. Autumn is particularly lovely with the tree colours in the mountains and so sunny!

Members have made inroads into the choice of photos for the next calendar of Village Life with – the Produce Show, Harvest Festival, Bonfire night and Christmas decorations. The next three months photos will be chosen at the March meeting.

NEXT MEETING will be March 18th at 8pm at the Community Centre. Members will bring cameras and laptops to do some practical experiments and then discuss issues arising from these.

The Theme for photos to take during the next few weeks and to show at this meeting is CANDID SHOTS- that will be a challenge!

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Camera Club Meeting Notes – 21st May 2013

Members showed their photographs from the Exton outing evening on May 7th, with each commenting on their own photos; why they had chosen that particular view and how they felt it had turned out.

The themes for this meeting , Flora and Fauna plus Signs of the Zodiac were displayed over the coffee break and allowed for plenty of discussion time.

What make a Good Photograph? – Ideas on this subject were followed by a listing of the points looked for by judges of Photography Competitions.

The percentage weightings given to:

  1. Technical aspect
  2. Content
  3. Message/story – were felt to be the opposite of those expected!

According to the North and East Midlands Federation of Photographers, their judges place much more emphasis on the Message rather than the Technical aspect of the picture.

Dates Reminders:

  • 13th July – a “mini-outing” to Rockingham Game and Country Fair for those members who wish to have a photography focus during the Summer.
  • 14th July – an Exhibition in the School Hall, to coincide with the opening of Jim and Mima Bolton’s garden for the NGS scheme, when teas will be provided in the Community Centre.

Next Camera Club meeting is on 17th September at 8pm in the Community Centre. This will include choosing photographs for this years Calendar.

Download meeting notes as a PDF

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes from 24th Feb 2013


  • Charles Cade- Chairman
  • David Head- Secretary
  • Robin King- Treasurer
  • Bill Whittaker
  • Pete Burrows
  • Barry Read
  • Kevin Corby
  • Sallyanne Marsons
  • Colin Heasell
  • Woody Hodson
  • Sam Hodson


John King, Dave Neild, John House, Ken Forsyth, Rob Staniland, Denise Cunningham, Jo Spiegl and Ian Ferguson.

Minutes of the 2011 AGM

held on 13th February 2011 were approved

Matters arising

Denise still has some shirts and will get them to us for the first junior session.

Chairman’s Report

Charles mentioned that while it is sad that there is no main weekend team at the moment, we need to look at the positives of a well maintained pitch and pavilion and run club, with a very successful junior section with a large number of youngsters which is good for the wider picture of cricket. He thanked all the committee & all those who put in the work to keep the club ticking over. It’s important to keep the club in good health because the time will come when league cricket returns at the weekends and it’s our duty to keep the club prepared for that event.

Secretary’s Report

David reported that 3 full committee meetings were held. Thanks to Bill for standing in as secretary during my absence from the village. The club continues to run satisfactorily. Many thanks to Bill, Ken, Colin and Robin for all their help, time & work on the square and the grounds over the past year. David also thanked John King for his continued loan of the ‘Fergie’ to enable the outfield to be cut regularly and also again to Colin for the occasional use of his mini-tractor. A big thank you to Sallyanne for her work with the juniors and to her and her family for the work they have done on the clubhouse in getting the inside looking good. Fixtures were now settled for the Burrough Mid Week League and we are awaiting details of the Rutland 2020 competition. A few friendly games are going to be organized for May to August. Already been approached by Laxton.

Treasurer’s Report

Robin presented accounts for 2012 which showed a net surplus of £104.21 for 2012, meaning that at the end of 2012, we had a working balance of £1,361.18. Expenditure for 2013 will need to be addressed at the next committee meeting and ideas for a fundraising event. Charles thanked Robin & the accounts were adopted unanimously.

Junior Cricket

The junior section continues to be the success of the club. No firm decision had been made yet in regards to the number of age groups to play in 2013 but it was hoped we would be able to offer U9, U11 and U13. A coach and manager would need to be found for the U13 group. The meeting thanked Sallyanne for all her hard work.


Pete Burrows reported that the Facebook account has been re-activated, as have the domain names for the generic email addresses. We have an NLCC page on the village website at https://northluffenham.com/clubs-societies/cricket-club/. We need to promote the website to all players, VP’s and club members, and get them to subscribe, to get alerts of any village and cricket news. Charles thanked Pete for his work on this.

Ground/Clubhouse report

Bill reiterated the thanks to Ken, Colin and Robin for their help over the season with the square and outfield and especially to Sallyanne and her family for their efforts with the clubhouse. The square preparation has already started. Equipment is all ok. The cooker for the kitchen has been ordered. The meeting thanked Bill, Ken, Colin, Robin and Sallyanne for their hard work.

Election of Officers

John King wished to stand down as President of the club. David to send a letter of thanks to John for all his support over the many years of being our president.

The following were elected:-

President – Bill Whittaker – Bill was unanimously suggested and selected as our new president.

Vice- Presidents – All the VP’s were re-elected, with the change of Bill Whittaker becoming President and John King being elected as a Vice President.

Main Committee
  • Chairman – Charles Cade
  • Vice-Chairman– vacant, but Dave Brew to be asked if he would consider the roll.
  • Secretary – David Head
  • Treasurer – Robin King
  • Fixture Secretary – David Head
  • Junior Organiser/Welfare Officer – Sallyanne Marsons
  • Membership Secretary – Pete Burrows
  • Captains midweek team – Woody Hodson and Sam Hodson
  • General Committee – Club Officers and team captains automatically + all of last year’s members elected to the general committee

Any Other Business

Committee meeting organized for Monday 11th March, 8pm at the Fox and Hounds. Suggestion that the club put together a proposal to the parish council with regards the re-development of the pavilion and cricket nets as part of the proposed recreational development.

The meeting closed at 12.15pm

Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes 24Jan2013 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC

Cricket Club Committee Meeting Minutes 14th Jan 2013


  • Charles Cade – Chairperson
  • David Head-Secretary
  • Robin King – Treasurer
  • Pete Burrows – Membership
  • Bill Whittaker
  • Sallyanne Marsons
  • Jo Skelham
  • Matt Butcher
  • Dave Brew
  • Woody Hodson

1. Apologies

Tim Mayers. Helen Bishop

2. Minutes of Last Meeting

held on 19th July 2012 were accepted.

3. Matters Arising


4. Secretary’s Report

Thanks to Bill for standing in for me over the last 6 months during my absence from the village. Committee notified of the resignation of Denise Cunningham and Jo Spiegl from the committee and thanked for their support over the many years.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Income of £800 from the Parish Council for the mowing and £300 from the youth subs. Sallyanne has the tuck tin (approx. £100) to be used as a float for the new season. Current account approx. £1,100 & Deposit account approx £200. Known expenditure of sharpening the gang mowers and insurance.

6. Captains Report

As we have no captain, there was general discussion about next season. There will be no weekend league team.The Burrough league team will be organized by Woody and Sam Hodson (DH to chase fixtures).DH to investigate possible local friendly games in May, June, July and August..

7. Membership

Need to get the cricket club details onto the North Luffenham website, especially contact details for youth cricket and fixtures.

8. Ground/clubhouse

Very tidy clubhouse – big thanks to Sallyanne for sorting this out. Need to get 2 black camera club boards moved from the away changing room. Discussion about purchasing a cooker and/or BBQ. Consensus was to get a cooker. To be looked into in regards to cost and location in the kitchen. Water if currently off. Gazebo and gas BBQ seem to have disappeared.

9. Youth Cricket

Sallyanne has agreed to be in charge of the youth section. She had basically been doing the role the previous season and doing it fabulously. Youth meeting needed before season starts. U12 and U10 teams entered into winter league. Plans for next season is U7’s, U9’s and U11’s. U11’s to
be coached by Robin and managed by Bill, with help from Matt. U9 squad– going to look for a qualified coach (Bill to investigate). Will need a parent(s) to manage. Rest of the U9’s and U7’7 to be coached by Tim Osman, Graham and Jo. Need to get adverts etc into primary school newsletters and the camp and the Mercury. Fees for 2013 – £10 membership, £3 per week per child subs, £5 max per family.

10. Nets

Outside nets have been fixed. Bill to contact UCC regarding mid-week winter net sessions.

11. Fundraising

100 Club running OK. With no senior side, there seemed to be some perceived apathy within the village as to running a race night fundraising event for the cricket club. Thought not fully shared by the committee. Future event to be discussed at next meeting, but ideas of a race night, casino night, curry night, BBQ and a quiz were all mentioned.

12. Any Other Business

Date of AGM – Sunday 24th February 2013 at 11am in the Pavilion. David to contact all VP’s re GM and thank them for their continued support of NLCC.

Date of next meeting – to be arranged at AGM.

Meeting closed at 9.40pm

Cricket Club Committee Meeting Minutes 14Jan2013 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC


Camera Club Meeting Notes from 15th Jan 2013

The group met on Tuesday evening and were treated to a slideshow by fellow member Sue Churchill of her splendid, exhilarating holiday photos of White Water Rafting in the Grand Canyon. It was good to see so much sun on such a chilly night!

  • Visitors are welcome to any of our meetings, at a one-off cost of £3, or £10 subscription for the year.

    Canyon River Reflection

    View the complete Grand Canyon photo gallery here

  • The theme for 19th March meeting is “Signs of Spring” – members usually bring a couple of mounted 7″ x 5″ prints on the theme, which are put out for all to look at and discuss.
  • There will be an extra get- together before we hand in photos for the next calendar, so we can make sure that sizes are correct for the printer. Date and venue t.b.a.
  • Categories for the photography classes in the Garden Club show in September should be decided soon and will be posted when known so we can crack on with these.
  • Sue has kindly offered to help those of us who are interested, with putting our photos into a show with text and music. Do let me know if you would like to do this.
  • Ideas for the future to think about – would we like to hold an exhibition?
  • Challenge yourself monthly – read your camera manual and learn about a function you’ve not explored; look at other people’s work in competitions for inspiration like Wildlife Photographer of the Year

So, out now to catch the sun on those frosty trees – if you have not seen this yet, do try out the free website for tips on lots of subjects – DPS.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

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Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday 13th September 2012

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Thursday September 13th 2012.


Present: Cllr. Overington, (Chairman) , Cllr Cade, Cllr Ellis, Cllr Read, Cllr Sewell & Cllr TobinAlso in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk, County Cllr Miss Waller


PUBLIC FORUM There were 20 members of the Public present including representatives from the sub-group who had been involved with organising the Jubilee events on June 4th 2012. Members of this group expressed concern that money raised from donations at the event (£531) had originally been intended to go to a local charity but had now been appropriated by the Parish Council to partially offset the cost of the day. The Chairman replied that it had never been made clear what the donations were in aid of and people could have reasonably assumed that some of the donations were to partially offset the Parish Council’s costs. The Chairman pointed out that this issue was already on the agenda (item 8) when Cllr Tobin will be putting forward a proposal.

A further question concerned the trees on Pinfold Lane. These overhang the pavement by Geoff Sewell Close. The Chairman agreed that we will investigate this (Action = Clerk)

A member expressed concern that the Street Light on The Fox & Hounds is out. The Clerk will investigate (Action = Clerk)

Mr P Risi asked for an update on the Digby Farm compost site issue. This will be covered on the agenda under item 10


There being no further comments from the Public Forum the Meeting Proper was convened.



Received from County Cllr Bool and Cllr Miss Lloyd


Cllr Sewell declared an interest in Item 14 (Jubilee Wood) by virtue of being the tenant. Cllr Ellis declared an interest in item 10 (Digby Farm) by virtue of family connection.




Cllr Read said that he did not agree to help resolve the issue of the bottom gate on the Oval. The Clerk will alter the Minutes accordingly.


AGREED that when this change is made The Chairman may sign the minutes as being a true record.



Cllr Overington






Code of Conduct. The Clerk reported that the new Code of Conduct was in place and has been circulated to Councillors and to the Monitoring Officer at RCC

Pridmore’s Field. Cllr Sewell reported that Mr Pridmore has advised him that the field edge will remain as a walkway as it must by DEFRA law but there is no permissive right of way

Trees on Ketton Road. Cllr Sewell reported that, in addition to the 3 previously reported gaps, some of the trees need work doing. He and Cllr Cade will investigate and come back with a proposal

Archival Storage Mrs Janet Whittaker (present in the public area) said that she had been offered a further metal filing cabinet but may still need another one. There is no availability at Leicestershire County Council storage at Wigston











Cllr Cade

Cllr Sewell


Letter from Clement Keys (external auditor) confirming that an unqualified audit had been given

Letter from Audit Commission confirming that Grant Thornton are our external auditors from September 1st 2012. It appears that the audit fee will reduce from £135 to £100 (+vat)

Letter from Rutland County Council giving details of the localisation of Council Tax

Letter from Mrs Sylvia Lawson commenting on the trees on the Oval and expressing concern about the proposed Jubilee Wood. The Chairman commented that both topics were agenda items for discussion. The Clerk will send a formal response.















The Finance report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk highlighted the list expense of £335 for a planning application which had given rise to a refund of £167-50 as a Parish Council pays half the usual fee.


AGREED all invoices approved for payment.







7. PLANNINGRose’s Woodyard Development. Cllr Tobin advised the Council of the situation regarding developer contributions. (1) £35,500 is available for recreational support subject to the PC coming forward with proposals for village projects. This must be done within 5 years. (2) There is a proposal to the developer to contribute £35,000 for upgrading the play area. As this is on Parish Council land, the Parish Council will input to the proposals, and will be a formal signatory to the agreement.

Car Park in School Lane. There had been concern about a proposed car park being built when School Lane was being resurfaced. The car park was not on the original planning application and has been stopped for now although it may be the subject of a subsequent application. It was noted that as part of the resurfacing works it was necessary to remove a lime tree.

Garden room at 5 Chapel Lane There was no objection raised by the Parish Council.








Cllr Tobin proposed that this topic should be re-visited as he and others felt that there could be no doubt that the monetary donations received on the cake stall were for a local charity, as all of the items had been donated. Whilst the situation was less clear cut in respect of other donations received, he nevertheless proposed that all of the funds raised should be treated in the same way.


AGREED that the Parish Council will hold the £531 in trust, to be applied for the benefit of a local charity in accordance with the instructions of the Jubilee Committee, subject to such instructions being formulated in a form which the Parish Council is able to accept at its next ordinary meeting.


Councillors agreed with Cllr Read that the Jubilee Committee should be thanked for all its hard work. Mr David Leather (speaking from the public area) thanked the Parish Council for putting up the money that enabled the event to take place.











Cllr Read

9 CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORThis is necessary due to the resignation of Cllr Coogan since our last meeting. The Chairman acknowledged the considerable contribution made by Mick Coogan to the PC, and hence to the village, over many years. The Clerk will send a letter to this effect. The Clerk reported that there had been no request for an election and therefore the Parish Council were free to co-opt. Three residents (John Sewell, Claudia Riordan and Hilary Hudson) had expressed an interest in joining the Council and a secret ballot was held. After the first vote no candidate had an overall majority so the 3rd placed contender was removed from the ballot and after a further vote Mrs Claudia Riordan was duly co-opted onto the Council.

(At this point in the meeting Cllr Ellis left)










For the benefit of those in the public area, the Chairman explained that this issue had arisen due to complaints from residents affected by an unpleasant odour from the site on occasion, and due to concerns about pedestrian safety, and dust nuisance, arising from the heavy vehicles accessing the site via Warren Lane. An informal group of disaffected residents had been formed, 2 members of which were in the public area. The Chairman went on to say that on Monday September 10th he, Cllr Cade and the 2 residents’ representatives had attended a meeting with RCC and the Environment Agency (EA). The purpose of the meeting was to register residents’ concerns with RCC and EA, to explore the justification for the site having expanded to the extent that it has, to discuss RCC’s intentions concerning its future use of the site and to understand the respective responsibilities of RCC and EA in regulation of the site’s operation. The meeting had been useful, but there were outstanding questions, especially on how the suitability of the site had been assessed, and over the status of the access track – particularly whether it had been adopted by RCC, and RCC’s obligations and powers over the condition and safety of the track. These questions will be followed up.


Concern was also expressed that the EA reported that it had been able to validate only 4 of 64 complaints made over a 6 month period. This raised questions over their ability to respond quickly to check out these complaints.


County Cllr Miss Waller asked if she could be given a list of questions that we would like resolved by RCC officers. The Chairman agreed to do this















Cllr Overington








Cllr Overington


Cllr Read handed out 2 papers (a) listing existing recreational facilities in the village and (b) giving details of The Community Centre. He asked that Councillors come back with comments at the next meeting


This event will be held on Monday November 5th


AGREED that as last year Cllr Cade is authorised to spend up to £1000 + vat on the purchase of fireworks


Cllr Cade will organise people to do the catering, First Aid, advise police. Colin Heasell speaking from the public area announced that he will not be available to build and light the bonfire this year. He was thanked for his hard work in previous years.




  1. OVAL (For this item the Council is acting as Corporate Trustee)

Trees T90/T91/T92 have been cut back but only to the extent allowed by RCC. The Parish Council believes that there is still a safety issue with all 3 trees but RCC will not permit a more drastic cut without the evidence of an arboricultural survey.


AGREED Cllr Cade will ascertain the cost of a Rope survey


In relation to comments from the public area earlier regarding bleeding canker, the Chairman commented that the Parish Council may need to take expert advice. An arboricultural survey was undertaken some 4 years ago and that may need to be repeated in the near future.


Rising grass Colin Heasell will cut this when he does the final Oval edge cut of the season

Cllr Sewell left the meeting at this point


14. FIELD GARDENS (for this item the Council is acting as Corporate Trustee)


Allotments. Prior to the meeting Cllr Cade gave a list of the allotments that are in poor condition to the Clerk who will write appropriately. Cllr Cade will also advise the Clerk about re-designated allotments


Jubilee Wood For the benefit of the public, the Chairman explained that the Parish Council acts as Trustee of the Field Gardens, which includes some 14 acres of land rented out on an agricultural tenancy. Prompted by the chance of grants from the Forestry Commission as part of Jubilee initiatives the PC are considering creating a woodland recreational area on the site, but no decision has yet been taken on the area to be planted, if any at all. In order to keep all options open, planning permission for tree planting is being sought and the PC is considering serving 12 months notice on the tenant by October 11th 2012 to take back the land in October 2013. During the 12 months of the notice period, a consultation exercise could be carried out in the village for views on how the land may be used to best advantage for the village.


AGREED not to send out a questionnaire round the village on only a woodland proposal


AGREED to use the services of a Land Agent to advise on serving notice, at a cost of up to £400 + vat


AGREED to hold an extraordinary PC meeting before October 11th 2012 to decide whether to serve notice on the tenant.


AGREED to consult with the residents of the village over the next 12 months on potential use of the land, to include uses other than for woodland.


15. DATE OF NEXT ORDINARY MEETING Tuesday October 23rd 2012




Cllr Cade


Cllr Cade











Cllr Cade
















Cllr Cade






















Cllr Overington

 There being no further business the meeting finished at 9-45 pm



Signed………………………………….Chairman Date__________________




Finance Report – Positions at September 4th 2012

Finance Report - Positions at September 4th 2012

PDF Download

Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday 13th September 2012Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday 13th September 2012


Related Pages

Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Wednesday July 11th 2012

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Wednesday July 11th 2012.


Present: Cllr. Overington, (Chairman) Cllr Coogan , Cllr Cade, Cllr Ellis, Cllr Read, Cllr Miss Lloyd, & Cllr Tobin

Also in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk, County Cllr Miss Waller, and County Cllr Bool


PUBLIC FORUM There were 5 members of the Public present including a group of residents who are unhappy about the Digby Farm Compost site. The co-ordinator, Wayne Bishop had 6 questions he wished to put to the Parish Council as follows

What responsibility does the Parish Council have for the site? Answer = none

Does the Parish Council have input to the Environment Agency re the granting of a permit? Answer = No

Will the Parish Council take into account the views of residents in any future similar application? Answer = yes, especially if we are lobbied by concerned residents

Did that happen in the case of Digby Farm? Answer = There have been 4 planning applications re the site but no there was no expression of concern made to the Parish Council until the odour occurred in 2010. However, The PC had registered its concern about the site attracting heavy vehicles. It was noted that any resident can comment on a planning application.

What is the PC’s position re an extension to the site? Answer = It is not possible to say what the PC will decide on any future application

Why was the site positioned so close to the village? Answer = cannot say. The Chairman invited John Ellis who operates the site and was present at the meeting to comment. He said that both Rutland County Council and the Environment Agency had considered the site to be suitable but he sees no need to extend in the future. The tonnage throughput is some 5000 pa although he is licensed to process up to 7000 pa. Mr Ellis said that if the Environment Agency receive a complaint they come out and investigate.


There being no further comments from the Public Forum the Meeting Proper was convened.



Received from Cllr Sewell


The existing Code of Conduct had become defunct as at June 30th 2012 and Parish Councils needed to adopt a new code to comply with The Localism Act as soon as possible after that date. Model codes had been produced by NALC and RCC and had been circulated to Councillors before the meeting.


AGREED that we would adopt the NALC code as our model.


The Chairman proposed 2 further provisions to be added to the NALC code. First, that a member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) should be required to leave the meeting. This proposal was defeated. In respect of the second proposal


AGREED that even though a DPI is recorded in the register it should still be declared at the meeting if there is a relevant agenda item.


The Clerk then handed out the new “Register of Members’ Interest” forms and asked that they be returned to him by July 25th so that they can be sent to The Monitoring Officer at RCC by the deadline of August 6th 2012.The Clerk will now prepare the North Luffenham Parish Council Code of Conduct as now decided, circulate it, publish it, and send a copy to the Monitoring Officer at RCC.


In response to the invitation from RCC, there were no candidates nominated for the RCC Conduct Committee.

















Cllr Read declared an interest in item 6 by virtue of being Chair of Rutland CAB

Cllr Ellis declared an interest in item 9 by virtue of family connection.



The Minutes had been circulated, and proposed by Cllr Tobin and seconded by Cllr Read it was unanimously agreed that they were a true record and were signed by the Chairman at the end of the meeting.





Pridmore’s Field Nothing further to report. Carry forward

Internal Auditor The Clerk reported that Alan Swindley has agreed to continue in this role

Grass cutting at Ancaster Way The Clerk had now established that the Public areas should be maintained by RCC. The RCC Officer was unwilling to give details of the complaint or complainant but the situation appears to be resolved

Way Leave rent. The Clerk reported that we have hitherto received £28-75 every 5 years in consideration of there being a cable under the Oval. The last two payments were on December 31st 2003 and December 31st 2008. The payments are now changing to £5-75 pa and the payment date is changing hence we received £4-60 as a one-off adjusting payment

Return to External Auditor – The Clerk reported that this was sent on June 20th well in advance of the deadline of July 9th.

Trees on Ketton Road – Nothing further to report. Carry forward.


Cllr Sewell 









Cllr Sewell


Letter from Rutland CAB acknowledging our donation.

Letter from the Audit Commission advising that from September 1st 2012 Grant Thornton will be our external auditors and giving us the opportunity to raise any objection by June 29th. The Clerk contacted members of the Finance Committee about this and none had raised any objection. It appeared to the Clerk that the fee may reduce from £135 to £100.

Letter from Mrs Janet Whittaker re her History and Photographic exhibition at the village Jubilee event. She also enclosed her expenses invoice (listed under item 7). She points out that there is now a sufficiently large amount of archive material to warrant more storage space and Cllr Read agreed to contact Janet to explore possible solutions

Invitation to attend the Institution of Rev David Nicol at Empingham on Sept 6th. The Clerk had sent this to all Councillors on June 25th . The Clerk is required to respond by August 14th if anyone wishes to attend.






Cllr Read



7. FINANCEThe Finance report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk had additionally received an invoice from Rutland County Council for £433 for street lighting.AGREED all the foregoing invoices were approved for payment.Jubilee Finances. Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated a report setting out the Financial position emanating from the Jubilee event of June 4th. Cllr Coogan expressed concern that the sum of £531-15 which had been collected on the day by way of donations should not be included in PC funds but should be set aside for further social events to be run by the Jubilee sub-committee which is what the group had wanted. However the Chairman was of the view that this sum should be used to partially offset the cost of the event. The issue was put to the vote


AGREED The sum of £531-15 should be used to offset the cost of the Jubilee event.


(Cllr Coogan left the meeting at this point)



Rose’s Woodyard Development. Cllr Tobin reported that he had had a meeting with the developer and expects a copy of the plans to come through at any time. The only concern on the outline plan is the absence of a footpath on the south side of Edith Weston Road between Oval Close and Woodyard corner. Cllrs Tobin, Overington and Read are meeting with Mark Longhurst of RCC on July 12th to discuss developer contributions. This could include some £35000 for village projects. County Councillor Miss Waller re-iterated that s.106 contributions for education go to the County and are not necessarily passed on to the village.

Warren Lodge, Pilton Road There has been an application for new stables. The Planning committee are not objecting.

Ketton Wind Turbine proposal The Clerk had summarised the purport of the Supplementary Planning document and posted the summary on notice boards together with details of how to submit comments and by when. Cllr Tobin had responded to RCC advising them that the PC supported the content of the document but had no specific comments to add.


9 DIGBY FARM COMPOST SITECllr Overington reported that both a representative from RCC Planning and the Environment Agency had offered to meet informally with the PC to address any issues and he would like to include Wayne Bishop’s group in this. Cllr Overington will set this up. Cllr Read asked whether the odour problem had increased due to the site taking in green waste and Mr John Ellis confirmed that to be the case. Cllr Overington

There is nothing further to report. Carry forward.

Cllr Read

Cllr Coogan had circulated a paper on this. It was felt that more work needs to be done before we commit to spending money on this.

  1. OVAL REPORT (For this item the Council is acting as Corporate Trustee)

Trees T90/T91/T92 Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated 3 quotations for pollarding these 3 trees.


AGREED that we would ask Roecliffe to do the work (as it is the cheapest) subject to their providing satisfactory references and insurance certificates.


Bottom gate There is nothing further to report.


Rising Grass It was decided to leave this as it is to the end of the season

Bulging walls It was decided to review this in the 2013/14 financial year

  1. FIELD GARDENS (For this item the Council is acting as Corporate Trustee)

Allotment complaint letters Cllr Cade reported that he had responded to the letters from Mr Wyatt and Mr Jefferies

Allotments not being maintained Cllr Cade will advise the Clerk who are the holders of such allotments and the Clerk will then write asking them to rectify the situation or risk eviction.

Jubilee Wood In anticipation that we may want to serve notice on the tenant before October 11th 2012 we need to start now getting permission for change of use. This urgency is also relevant as planting needs to start by December 2013 in order to qualify for all available grants. If the project were to proceed, the area to be wooded has yet to be decided. It therefore makes sense for the application to include the whole area as the cost, in any event, is approximately £350.


AGREED we will apply for planning permission for all 5 ha.




This will be on Thursday September 13th 2012 (note – this is a change from that originally planned)



Cllr Sewell








Cllr Cade






Cllr Overington






 There being no further business the meeting finished at 9-15 pm



Signed………………………………….Chairman Date__________________




Finance Report – Positions at July 4th 2012


Monies paid since last meeting

A Neil Atkins – bins


B Rutland CAB £100-00
C Alan Swindley – Internal audit fee


D Colin Heasell – work during March/April 2012


E The Convenience Co.


F AON – insurance premium


G Rutland Marquee Co.


H Ian Ferguson – pay & expenses due June 30th 2012


I Arts for Rutland


J Hill-fort tree care


K Event Insurance Services


L Norton rosettes


M Truckers Ceildh band


N Stamford Brass


O Hilary Hudson re Jubilee teas


P Spiegls re Jubilee Printing


Q Carrier bag shop (Jubilee)


R Sallyann Marson (Face painting)


S Mrs S Robinson (Bunting/flags etc)


Account balances


a HSBC Current a/c


b HSBC Money Manager a/c



To be paid


A Colin Heasell – work in May/June 2012


B E.ON – replace 2 faulty lamps


C Janet Whittaker – history display


D Woody electrical – Jubilee


E RCC Street lighting



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Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Wednesday May 16th 2012

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Wednesday May 16th 2012.


Present: Cllr. Coogan, Cllr Overington , Cllr Cade, Cllr Ellis, Cllr Read, Cllr Miss Lloyd, Cllr Sewell, and Cllr TobinAlso in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk and County Cllr Miss Waller

There were no members of the Public present



Proposed by Cllr Cade and seconded by Cllr Sewell, Cllr Overington was unanimously elected as Chairman. Cllr Overington then took over as Chairman from Cllr Coogan and thanked Cllr Coogan for his 3 years of leadership.


Proposed by Cllr Coogan and seconded by Cllr Tobin, Cllr Cade was unanimously elected to continue as Vice-Chairman


Received from Cty Cllr Bool


Cllr Read declared a prejudicial interest in item 8 by virtue of his being Chairman of Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau

Cllr Ellis declared a prejudicial interest in item 14 by virtue of being a family member

Cllr Sewell declared a prejudicial interest in item 19 by virtue of being the tenant on the land in question.




Oval/Field Gardens working group will comprise Cllrs Cade, Sewell, Ellis and Miss Lloyd (no change)

Planning Committee will comprise Cllrs Tobin, Coogan, Overington and Read (no change)

Finance Committee will comprise Cllrs Overington, Coogan, Cade & Tobin (no change)

Internal Auditor – The Clerk will invite Alan Swindley to continue

Community Centre Rep – Cllr Ellis (no change)

Community Recreation Facility will comprise Cllrs Read, Cade, Tobin and Miss Lloyd (no change)

Reps to Village Trust – no election is necessary in 2012







Item 12. It was agreed that the wording be changed to show that the reason for the increase from £4500 to £5500 is to cover approx £600 (+ vat) for a trailor toilet and £300 for a local history display.

Item 14 It was agreed to delete the Public Access sentence. We need to add that Cllr Cade agreed to produce a paper on the subject

Item 15 It was agreed that as reported this is misleading and Cllr Overington will give the Clerk a better form of words


The Clerk will amend the Minutes as above, get them signed and circulated






7. MATTERS ARISINGOval bottom gate Cllr Sewell reported that he would be fitting a spring to the gate very soonPridmore’s Field. Mr Pridmore has applied for a DEFRA grant which would include provision for a 6 metre ‘nature’ margin around the field. Mr Pridmore advised that DEFRA would not object to this being used as a permissive right of way as long as it did not interfere with the natural habitat.Barn Conversion The Clerk had circulated a response from RCC explaining that the roof was approved to be partly in Collyweston and partly in slate due to cost implications. Cllr Sewell expressed concern that the old shop part of the conversion had windows opening out into Church Street causing danger to traffic. County Councillor Miss Waller agreed to check this.   Cllr SewellCllr Overington


Letter from NLPCC thanking the PC for its donation

Letter from Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau asking for a donation. It was agreed to give £100 as in previous years

Letter from Sylvia Lawson requesting to see a copy of the 2011/12 accounts. The Clerk will arrange this

Grass Cutting in Ancaster Way. The Clerk had received an e-mail (already circulated) from the Street Scene Officer at RCC referring to a complaint from a resident about grass not being cut. The communication is far from clear. The Clerk will compare the map sent with the e-mail with that on file and he will ask for the exact nature of the complaint. Meanwhile Cty Cllr Miss Waller will ask staff to be clearer in their communications.

Letter from Tony Jefferis who is an allotment holder complaining about the creation of a new allotment thus reducing the car parking area

Letter from The Chair of The Allotment Association also complaining about the new allotment. Cllr Cade is very clear that the area used for the new allotment is NOT for car parking and he will respond to both letters on behalf of the PC

Letter from Casterton Business College saying that in their new building in Barleythorpe they are naming a room “North Luffenham” and are asking for historic photos etc of the village. The Clerk will ask Mrs Janet Whittaker to reply.

Letter from The High Sheriff of Rutland (For this item Cllr Overington declared a personal interest by virtue of being Treasurer of Rutland Sailability ) asking for a donation to ‘Arts for Rutland’ to supplement the funding they are providing towards Rutland Sailability who are representing Rutland in the Jubilee river pageant on the Thames on June 3rd. It was agreed that The PC would donate £50.

   Clerk Clerk











Cllr Cade







9 FIELD GARDENS/OVAL REPORTTrees Cllr Cade reported that all the P2/P3 work on the Oval had been completed apart from 1 tree and T10 had been felled. Hill-fort Tree Care were not able to proceed with the works to T90/91/92 as we had not got the RCC Green Form and The Clerk therefore sent the notification in on May 2nd. Hill-Fort said that this will be more onerous work than that originally envisaged and have re-quoted at £1,050 + VAT (cf £250 + VAT originally) The Clerk was asked to get 3 more quotes and send photos to each. It was noted that Hill Fort had not removed the arisings as expected and thus it was further agreed that in consideration of this and the tree not done, Cllr Cade would try to negotiate a lower quotation. It was agreed that we would leave stumps in place but plant 2 new trees adjacent to existing stumps. Cllr Sewell will recommend suitable trees. Cllr Ellis pointed out that there are 3 trees missing from the avenue of trees on the Ketton Road. The FG/Oval Group will recommend suitable replacements.Rising Grass Concern was expressed that the area we asked Colin Heasell not to cut is too extensive and, possibly, the grass is too long. The FG/Oval group will re-visit this issueBulging Walls Cllr Cade reported that he has 2 people coming to quote during w/c May 21st.   Clerk  

Cllr Cade


Cllr Sewell/

FG/Oval Group


FG/Oval Group


FG/Oval Group


Cllr Cade




Payments In addition to those included in the Agenda, the Clerk reported he had now received further invoices from Hill-fort tree care (£1500) Spiegl Press (£70-31) and Jubilee Expenses (£100-80). Cllrs Read & Coogan expressed concern at Spiegl Press bill and will review it. In view of the issues in item 9 above Hill Fort payment will be held back. All other payments were approved (subject to review of Spiegl Press invoice)

Bank Signatories. As the new Chairman, Cllr Overington, is already an authorised signatory on both the HSBC & CCLA accounts it was agreed no change is necessary.

Way Leave rent. Cllr Ellis asked about this. It is income we get from BT for a cable passing through our land and the Clerk will get more details

Parish Council Accounts & Trust Accounts 2011/12 These have been circulated by The Clerk and the PC accounts have been audited by The Internal Auditor. The 2011/12 Accounts were approved by The Parish Council.

 Cllrs Read/Coogan Clerk  




Sections 1& 2 had been circulated in draft form by the Clerk and were approved by the Parish Council and the Chairman is authorised to sign sections 1 & 2


Extention to School has been approved

Ketton Wind Farm. Cllr Tobin said that the Planning committee felt it inappropriate to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to this as there appears to be little effect on North Luffenham. There is an RCC consultation document covering Wind Farms and Cty Cllr Miss Waller urged the PC to consider this. Responses are required by RCC by June 21st and Cllrs were asked to submit their views on this to the Planning Committee by June 7th. The Clerk will extract the salient points from the document to put on Notice Boards


Digby Farm Odour – See next item

Allotments Concern was expressed that some allotments are not being cultivated and have become overgrown. Cllr Cade will look into this







Cllr Cade




14 DIGBY FARM ODOUR(Cllr Ellis, having declared a potentially prejudicial interest in this item remained in the room but did not participate in the discussion. The Chairman felt that this would be in order as there was only to be an exchange of information)This issue had been discussed at length at The APM as a result of a leaflet being passed round the village on April 12th 2012. The Clerk read out a letter from George Chase of RCC re speed limits on Warren Lane and gave details of a conversation with Mr John Ellis who operates the site. In addition the Clerk had been told by phone that Cty Cllr Bool has asked Nick Hodgett, Environmental Officer at RCC to respond to the issue by writing to the PC15 COMMUNITY RECREATION FACILITYNothing further to report16 ROSES WOODYARDCllr Read reported on a meeting he and the Clerk had had with the developer (Nick Jackson) on April 17th when we saw some of the proposed plans prior to submission. There is concern that this development may be detrimental to an already overloaded sewage system. The Planning committee will pick-up on this. Cty Cllr Miss Waller warned us to ensure that however many affordable houses are planned actually happens and if the Parish Council is concerned about this said that she or Cty Cllr Bool will speak on our behalf when this goes to planning if we wish.



Cllr Coogan said that all arrangements are progressing satisfactorily


Cllr Coogan had circulated a specification and had spoken with the homeworkers group. They had quoted set-up costs of £500 (normally £1800) + ongoing annual costs of about £120. We could generate income from local advertising. Following discussion, Cllr Coogan undertook to look at several existing websites to see if they meet our requirements, and to what extent (eg Exton). Cllr Miss Lloyd has another contact which she will pass to Cllr Coogan


The Clerk had received a letter from Mr R Sewell giving alternative costs to those set

out in Cllr Cade’s notes to the APM. Meg Collins has drafted a paper on this subject

for Cllr Cade who will circulate it to Cllrs together with Mr Sewell’s letter and

then arrange an informal meeting of Cllrs with Mr Holm of Woodland Trust so all

issues can be discussed


20 DATE OF NEXT MEETING is Wednesday July 11th 2012





There being no further business the meeting finished at 9-50 pm



Signed………………………………….Chairman Date__________________














Planning Committee










Cllrs Coogan & Miss Lloyd





Cllr Cade

Cllr Cade


Finance Report – Positions at May 9th 2012


Monies paid since last meeting

A Neil Atkins – bins


B Severn Trent Water       £108-16
C E.ON re street light


D Wicksteed Leisure


E The Convenience Co.


F Impact China – mugs


G Rutland Marquee Co.


H Ian Ferguson – pay & expenses due March 31st 2012


I North Luffenham PCC





Account balances


a HSBC Current a/c


b HSBC Money Manager a/c




To be paid


A Colin Heasell – work in Mar/April 2012


B Aon – insurance premium


C Ian Ferguson salary due June 30th 2012


D Ian Ferguson – estimated expenses on Jun 30th


E Alan Swindley – internal audit


F Neil Atkins (bins) – due June 30th 2012


G Hill-fort tree care


H Spiegl Press re Jubilee


I Mrs S Robinson – jubilee expenses


J Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau


K Arts for Rutland



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Download PDF copy of Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Wednesday May 16th 2012Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Wednesday May 16th 2012



2012 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes

Minutes of The Annual Parish Meeting held North Luffenham Community Centre on Monday April 17th 2012 at 7-30 pm.



Cllr M Coogan (Chairman), Mr I Ferguson (Parish Clerk), County Cllr K Bool and 11 members of the public.



Received from County Cllr Miss Waller, Cllr C Cade, Cllr R Sewell, Mrs C Riordan and Mr K Forsythe.


Minutes of the 2011 Annual Parish Meeting

Proposed by Liliane Coogan and seconded by Barry Read these were signed as being a true record.


Matters Arising

  • It was noted that in the year 2011/12 Bonfire Night event had made a profit thus reversing the trend of the last 3 years.
  • In response to a question the Chairman said that there had been no further action concerning the possible closure of Moor Lane.
  • In response to a question, the Chairman said that following the 2010 Annual Parish Meeting a Field Gardens Trust Investment Strategy was put in place and this is kept under review.


Chairman’s Report

This had been circulated to all residences in the village. There were no questions or comments from those present.


Financial Report

  • The Parish Council Financial Report for 2011/12 and The 2 Trust Financial Reports for 2011/12 were both circulated at the meeting.
  • Mr Risi suggested that when any further work on Oval Trees is done any surplus wood should be sold on to mitigate The PC’s costs. The Chair replied by saying that The Parish Council are mindful of this but it so happens with the phase of tree works about to start a contractor has been selected who has the lowest price but will remove all arisings.
  • Mrs Whittaker asked whether there were any plans for spending the money held in The Field Gardens Trust. The Chair responded that there were none.
  • Mr Riordan asked whether The Village would receive any cash sum from The Developer of The Roses Woodyard site. The Chairman responded that we would. As it happened The Clerk and Cllr Read had had a meeting with Mr Nick Jackson, MD of Francis Jackson Homes, the developer, that very afternoon and The Clerk said that although the final figure was not yet set it could be approx £225k but this is allocated to various services some of which operate out of Oakham. However the PC will make every endeavour to get the money allocated to the village especially that to do with Education, Children and Leisure pursuits.


Creation of a Jubilee Wood

  • Cllr Cade had prepared a paper outlining using the PC’s field off Pinfold Lane to develop into a ‘country park’ and details + map were circulated at the meeting. The Chairman stressed that at this point this is very much just first thoughts and we would welcome any feedback.
  • Mr P Risi thought this was a good innovative idea.
  • Mrs Whittaker thought it would appeal to dog-walkers
  • Mr Riordan asked whether this scheme could jeopardise the creation of further allotments. The Chair said that it would and that means stopping possible income.
  • Mr Riordan also pointed out that it would mean there is no land available to develop more affordable housing.
  • Cty Cllr Bool reminded the meeting that affordable housing can be outside the village boundary as has happened in Barrowden. He went on to say that we need to decide how we want our village to develop.


Digby Farm Compost Site

  • John Ellis, who manages the site, expressed concern that a green flyer was passed around the village on April 12th contending that odour from the site was causing offence. This flyer had not come from The Environment Agency (EA) and indeed the Clerk read out a letter from EA to that effect.
  • Mr Risi said that he had issued the flyer, because he did not believe EA were acting strongly enough in monitoring the odour which in his view is causing offence.
  • Mr Risi feels that at the time when permission was granted for the extended pad there were certain conditions imposed by EA & RCC and believes those conditions are not being met by Mr Ellis.
  • Mr Ellis has had inspections and EA are quite happy.
  • Re the issue of lorries going too fast in Warren Lane Mr Ellis has tried to tell the drivers not to do so.
  • Mr Risi stressed that he does not want the site to close but rather just be compliant with EA recommendations.
  • Cty Cllr Bool agreed to look into the Planning Recommendations and report back as to what was specified last year.
  • Margaret Bland reminded the meeting that we do live in the country and as a result we may well get unpleasant odours from time to time.


Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Mr P Risi asked how all the events on the Oval will be paid for and The Chairman responded that it will be funded by The Parish Council.



Margaret Bland expressed concerns that while all the Allotments have been hired out there are many that are not being cultivated. The Parish Council will investigate. Furthermore she reported that the path by the hedge has not been mowed and again The Parish Council will investigate.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8-30 pm


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Download PDF copy of 2012 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes2012 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes



Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Tuesday March 20th 2012

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Tuesday March 20th 2012.


Present: Cllr. Coogan (Chairman), Cllr Overington , Cllr Cade, Cllr Ellis, Cllr Read & Cllr Miss LloydAlso in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk and County Cllr Miss Waller


There were no members of the Public present



.Received from Cllr Tobin, Cllr Sewell and County Cllr Bool


Cllrs Coogan, Read and Miss Lloyd declared a personal interest in agenda item no. 15 (Broadband) by virtue of being Trustees to The Village Trust. They agreed that should the discussion warrant it, they would be prepared to leave the meeting at that point.


Re item 9 – Cllr Overington pointed out that the words “to review the investment annually” are unnecessary as that is catered for in the Policy. The Minutes were then signed by The Chairman as being a true record.




Oval bottom gate. As Cllr Sewell is not present this item will be held over.

Pridmore’s Field. Cllr Overington reported that he had prepared all the documents and signs only to find that Mr Pridmore now wants to put in place a replacement scheme and the matter is now in the hands of his Land Agent who is liaising with DEFRA. However a permissive right of way could still be granted.

Alteration to Minutes of November 28th The Clerk had circulated the corrected version on February 7th 2012.

Village Information Sheet Cllr Coogan reported that this document is now complete and ready for distribution via the usual method. However we are waiting for Cllr Cade to produce a flyer promulgating The Community Centre so that they can be distributed together. The Clerk will ensure that all Councillors have an up to date distribution list.

Alteration to Standing Orders The Clerk advised that he had circulated the amended version on January 31st 2012.

Alteration to Field Gardens Investment Policy. The Clerk advised that the amended version had been circulated on January 28th 2012.

Gateway in School Lane. The Clerk, with help from County Cllr Bool had ascertained from RCC that although a driveway entrance from the rear of the Barn Conversion into School Lane had been disallowed, planning permission had been granted for a pedestrian gateway not exceeding 2.5 feet.





Cllr Overington






Cllr Coogan

Cllr Cade












Village Achievement Award Details of this scheme had been sent to the Clerk who gave salient points. It is open to any village with less than 12000 residents and covers Community, Green, and Living issues. It was agreed that the poster be displayed in the Community Centre.

Letter from North Luffenham Parochial Church Council requesting that the PC’s annual grant be continued. Proposed by Cllr Cade and seconded by Cllr Coogan it was agreed to pay £150 as in previous years.

Letter from Rutland County Council inviting the Chairman to attend a Civic Service & Reception to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on Sunday May 13th 2012. The Chairman is unable to attend this event. The Vice-Chairman, Cllr Cade, will attend instead subject to his checking availability and advise The Clerk accordingly.



Cllr Cade








Cllr Cade



Oval trees The Clerk has now obtained 6 quotations to do the work (a) P2 & P3 in the Symbiosis Report (including felling T10) and (b) to do the cutting back on T90/91/92. The Council agreed to ask Hill-Fort Tree-Care of Little Dalby to do the work. Not only were they the lowest quotation but they had sent in details of Insurances etc. They anticipate a maximum of 3 days on site. The Clark will action this.

Bulging Walls on Oval Cllr Cade is continuing to get quotations.

Allotments renewals The Clerk reported that all 43 allotments had been rented out and all monies received. There are 2 people on a ‘waiting list’ so Cllr Cade will ask Cllr Sewell to plough the spare land behind the new houses to create more allotments. The Clerk and Cllr Cade agreed to draw up a new Chart of the allotments showing the tenant in each case.

Allotment Driveway There is nothing further to report.

Play Equipment. Cllr Cade reported that Wicksteed had done their annual inspection and the report had not highlighted any urgent actions. There is some medium priority remedial work needed on the wooden equipment in the South-West corner of the Oval and Cllr Cade will action this. The North Luffenham Garden Club have asked that the long grass in this same area be allowed to grow more so as to enhance wild flowers and insect life. Cllr Cade will ask Colin Heasell not to cut this area.







Cllr Cade


Cllr Cade

Cllr Sewell

Cllr Cade & Clerk





Cllr Cade

Cllr Cade

7. FINANCE REPORTPayments The Clerk had circulated the Finance report. In addition to the payments listed there were 3 others which had arisen just before the meeting. These are for Wicksteed Leisure (£54) LRALC (£217-44) and North Luffenham PCC (£150) this latter amount having been agreed earlier in the meeting (see item 5 above). All payments were approved.

Internal Auditor The current Auditor, Alan Swindley, is planning to leave the village and we will need to find a replacement in 2013. However he will be available for the Audit due in April this year.



8. PLANNINGCllr Tobin had sent in a written report as follows

The Planning Committee have reviewed and not objected to the following

Property extension in Sycamore Close.

Property extension in Johnson Close.

Sun Tunnels in roof of Barn Conversion in Church Street.

Enlargement of concrete pad at the Green waste site (no volume increase).

Widening of pathway from Church Street to the School.

The last 2 have subsequently been approved.

In addition, it was reported that the Ketton Windfarm issue is being considered by the Committee. Cllr Read enquired as to why The Barn conversion roof has collyweston tiles only at the front and not at the back. The Clerk will ask Cllr Tobin to check the planning application re this.









Clerk/Cllr Tobin

9 THE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT FOR THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETINGCllr Coogan had already circulated his draft report and will circulate a further draft for comments. The intention is that the report be delivered to each household in the Parish prior to the APM. Cllr Overington asked County Cllr Miss Waller why there was no reference to the Roses Woodyard development on the RCC website. County Cllr Miss Waller agreed that this was an important omission especially as S106 is giving way to CILS in which, unlike s.106 a developer contribution does not have to be spent locally. It is not clear when s.106 will give way to CILS.   

Cllr Coogan








Cllr Read reported that tasks had been allocated to members of the group and he hopes to be able to report back at the next meeting.


In a written report Cllr Tobin said that he had had no further information from RCC. However The PC understands that the site will close on March 31st 2012 and will lie derelict until the developer moves in. Cllr Read raised a concern that this could be attractive to travellers. The Clerk will contact Francis Jackson Homes which is the developer who came to see us Summer 2011.


The organising Group are now getting ideas from Clubs and individuals in the area. Cllr Read tabled a proposal to spend approx £600 on a WC trailer for this event and requested approval for this. Cllr Coogan then indicated that several additional items had been identified which it was hoped could be funded by The Parish Council, notably £300 for a local history display and so requested that the overall budget be increased to a maximum of £5500. Proposed by Cllr Read and seconded by Cllr Cade it was resolved unanimously that the budget for Diamond Jubilee events be increased from £4500 to £5500. It was further agreed that in the interests of expediency, cheques can be drawn against this budget outside PC meetings. Cllr Coogan reminded the Council that we will need to have a trained First Aider on site. He also referred to the Golden Jubilee celebrations in 2002 when all households were leafleted to ascertain the numbers of children under 16 years of age and suggested that this be done again. This will be done as one distribution with The Chairman’s Report (see item 9) and The Village Information sheet (see item 4).


Cllr Tobin had sent in a written report which was read out by The Clerk as follows “I had hoped to produce a mock – up of what the site may look like, but I don’t have suitable software. The content has already been proposed by Mike and I have nothing to add. The next step will be to approve the content and commission someone to design the site based upon other PC site layouts as I don’t see the need to re-invent the wheel. Most PC have a similar look and feel. If the PC wishes to proceed my son is willing to put it together, but as it would be a conflict of interest it would be perhaps best to find someone else to do it. Perhaps the PC knows of someone who could do it for us? The estimate I have for a simple site with the ability to manage the content held by named individuals from the PC is around £150. There would then be an on-going hosting fee which will depend on size and features.” Cllr Read proposed giving the project to the Homeworkers group who meet regularly in the village to deal with IT issues. Cllr Coogan has researched site names. The Clerk will contact Pete Burrows re the Homeworkers group.











Cllr Coogan
















Cllr Read/Clerk

14 JUBILEE TREESCllr Cade reported that the planting season is Dec/Jan and is of the view that the grants are available in 2012/13, 2013/14, and probably in 2014/15. Cllr Read expressed concern about ownership of the land but Cllr Cade was in no doubt that the land was owned by the Field Gardens Trust of which The Parish Council is Trustee. In particular if we want to plant the trees in 2012/13 we need to decide soon and consider the extra cost of not being able to give the tenant 12 months notice. The Parish Council requested that the project be documented in a formal paper and Cllr Cade agreed to do that proposing option 3 (see minutes of January 17th 2012) and have it available for consideration at the Annual Parish Meeting(APM) and The Clerk will put it on the APM agenda. Cllr Coogan will add it as an APM discussion item in his Chairman’s report.


Cllr Overington reported on the actions arising from the previous PC meeting. He had conducted a survey of Broadband speeds around the village and sent the results based on 19 responses received to Ms Buchanan at RCC as well as to PC members. Cllr Overington had met with Ron Simpson of “Uppingham First” who have put in a bid of £360k for the Uppingham Mast project which whether or not the bid is successful will probably go ahead as there is believed to be sufficient interest to raise all of the required funds privately. Apparently, Rutland Telecom already have a wireless link from Uppingham to a number of properties in Great Easton.


Tuesday April 17th 2012 – Annual Parish Meeting

Wednesday May 16th 2012 – Annual Parish Council Meeting

This being the last meeting of the Parish Council year, The Chairman thanked all present for their years work. He told the meeting that he would be standing down as Chairman at the May meeting (and would not be available as Vice-Chairman) and asked everyone to give some thought as to his successor.

There being no further Business the meeting closed at 9-40 pm.


Signed………………………………Chairman Date………………………





Cllr Cade




Cllr Coogan















Finance Report – Positions at March 3rd 2012


Monies paid since last meeting





Account balances


a HSBC Current a/c


b HSBC Money Manager a/c



To be paid


A Severn Trent water




C Wicksteed Leisure




E North Luffenham Parochial Church Council


F Neil Atkins (bins)


G Ian Ferguson (salary due 31/3/12)


H Ian Ferguson expenses (estimate)



PDF Download

Download PDF copy of Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Tuesday March 20th 2012Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Tuesday March 20th 2012



2011 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes

Minutes of The Annual Parish Meeting held North Luffenham Community Centre on Monday April 18th 2011 at 7-30 pm



Cllr M Coogan (Chairman), Mr I Ferguson (Parish Clerk) and 12 members of the public



Received from Cllr Mrs Spiegl and Cllr Overington


Minutes of the 2010 Annual Parish Meeting

Proposed by Barry Read and seconded by Claudia Riordan these were signed as being a true record


Matters Arising

  • The Footpath on Edith Weston Road is still part of RCC plans but not yet done
  • Following the suggestion at the 2010 APM, a Financial Strategy was written and adopted by The Parish Council at its meeting on Sept 16th 2010 and underwent its first review on March 31st 2011
  • John House requested a copy of The Strategy


Chairman’s Report

This had been circulated to all residences in the village. In response to questions raised it was stated that

  • The Scouts will start work on Woodyard Corner at Easter
  • The Chairman gave the background to the proposal that Moor Lane should be closed to traffic and become a pedestrian/cyclist facility. This issue was first raised in 2008 under the ‘safer routes to schools’ plans but didn’t go ahead. In October 2010 South Luffenham raised it again and while we are supporting the initiative in principle we request Full Consultation particularly relating to any costs to be borne by the PC. It is now with Rutland CC who will consult with both villages. One resident present expressed disquiet as she has land with access off Moor Lane; It was felt that closure of a lane may not necessarily reduce accidents; even the 20 mph zone in the village is not observed. The Chair said he will ensure there IS consultation.


Financial Report

  • The Report was circulated at the meeting
  • The Chair said that the likely spend on Oval trees in 2011/12 is c. £700 but we will look at the report and keep tabs on any Priority 2/3 trees needing attention.
  • It was noted that the Precept is kept at £7900 for 2011/12 and it will be spent as usual on general outgoings needed to run the village.
  • It was noted that the Funds of Former Village Hall are now held entirely in a Permanent Endowment and there was some discussion as to how this could be spent.
  • In response to a question The Chairman and Clerk explained the relationship between the 2 Accounts held in the name of The Field Gardens Trust and how these amounts had built up.
  • It was suggested that there should be a Clear Village Strategy
  • The Clerk explained the background to the spend on Woodyard Corner (Maintenance) and Legal Fees (Agricultural Rent)
  • It appeared from the accounts that we had made a loss on The Allotments but this is in fact spurious as Water bills have been estimated at too high a level and we now hold a Severn-Trent Credit note for c. £120


Other matters raised from the floor

  • Bonfire Night. Concern was expressed that this event had run at a loss for 3 years now which it never used to. The Chair explained that we use a Professional Company and we Profit Share with the Army on food. Rather than a Loss it should be thought of as a village subsidy. The Rockets are bigger and noisier and residents of Oval Close have to suffer from Car Parking on Bonfire Night. Perhaps the Bucket collectors should be more insistent on donations or a suggested donation. It was also pointed out that if the village doesn’t hold this event then people will have private dos so the noise, disruption will still be there. It was stated that it’s a good village event and should continue.
  • It was raised as to why we have Street lights on all night. The Clerk stated that within the last 2 weeks Rutland CC had launched an initiative to look into this very issue and the new Council will be discussing this.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8-35 pm


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Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday Jan 20th 2011

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Thursday January 20th 2011.

Present: Cllr. Coogan (Chairman), Cllr. Neild, Cllr. Cade, Cllr. Risi, Cllr Mrs Spiegl, Cllr Tobin and Cllr Sewell

Also in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk


There were 2 members of the Public present, Mr B Read and Mrs J Whittaker. Mrs Whittaker asked what if anything the Parish Council was planning to celebrate the forthcoming Royal Wedding. She is planning an exhibition of village photographs but storage is a problem and asked whether the PC could purchase a cheap filing cabinet.


There being no further comments from The Public the meeting proper was convened. The Chairman began by welcoming Cllr Tobin to his first meeting.


Received from Cllr Overington.




The minutes of the meeting held on December 2nd 2010 had been previously circulated to Councillors. Cllr Overington had contacted the Clerk re Item 2 “Declarations of Interest” to point out that the minute should record the nature of the interest and reason for it. The Clerk had made a small alteration to item 2 to reflect this and it was pointed out to the meeting. The Minutes were then accepted as a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.



Oval Bottom Gate. Cllr Cade reported that the posts are well set into the ground. He plans to remove, but not replace, the gate initially. However the gate does need re-furbishing and Cllr Sewell suggested Brian Knight would be a person to do this. Cllr Sewell will ask him

Planning Application to fell T10 The Clerk reported that Planning permission had been granted. The work must be done by Nov 12th 2012 and it is recommended that the tree be replaced by one of similar eventual size.

Replacement Taps on the allotments. Cllr Cade reported that he has not been able to get hand-held pressure taps for outside use so has purchased 1 “Inside” tap as a test. The tap can be time regulated. Cllr Cade further reported that he had found no evidence of seepage.

Army Contribution for Bonfire Night. The Clerk said that he had received a cheque for £85 from The Army. This put our overall income at £765 against a forecast of £750. The Clerk will write to acknowledge.

Letter to Allotment Society. The Clerk confirmed that he had replied to the Society’s detailed letter of October 29th 2010.

Change of Meeting Date The Clerk told the meeting that the Annual Parish Council Meeting set for May 26th will now be on Thursday May 19th as this being an election year the Annual Parish Council meeting must be between May 9th & May 23rd.

Cllr CadeCllr Sewell






Cllr Cade






Letter from Tony Jefferies expressing concern as to the state of the allotment car park. The Clerk will reply to say that the matter is being addressed.

E-mail from RCC Highways Dept. This advises that the white line we requested at the Jetties is now being given priority status.

Letter from The High Sheriff in Nomination for The County of Rutland In Rutland they are marking the occasion of the Queen’s 85th birthday on April 21st 2011 by giving “Service to the Community” certificates. We are asked to nominate a person from North Luffenham who has made a notable contribution during the lifetime of Her Majesty. One or two names were discussed but the Chairman invited all Councillors to submit their proposals to the Clerk as soon as possible. Our submission must reach the High Sheriff by February 28th 2011.

Letter from Mrs Lawson dated Jan 5th 2011. She has not had a reply to her letter of July 31st but it did not warrant a reply. The Clerk will reply again on the subject of keyholders to Oval gates.

E-mail from Central Networks advising us that they are replacing overhead cables with underground ones in Chapel Lane and Digby Drive. (This email had already been circulated to Councillors). We are required to sign the plans by way of approval and return them. The Clerk will do this but will add the rider that this is done on the understanding that this has Highways Dept approval.

Letter from Chater Bowls Club in response to Clerk’s letters of Sept 30th and Dec 8th concerning gutter repairs etc. The Club say the gutter is in good working order. The Clerk will respond mentioning the work we’ve done re wood chippings and Cllr Cade will check the down-pipe.

Letter fro Barry Read pointing out that in his view there is not adequate street lighting in Digby Drive between The Farm and the crossroads especially as E.ON have recently had to dig up the pavement. Cllr Mrs Spiegl said that she sees 2 issues (a) the lack of light and (b) the poor state of the pavement. We will advise the Highways Dept at RCC that the pavement has not been restored to its original state. Regarding the lighting this matter was raised by Mr Read some 2 years ago and on that occasion the costs were sought and the Clerk will research the papers for that occasion. Finally Mr Read thought that the distance between street lights was too great for a 30 mph area and we will check that we are compliant on this. Cllr Mrs Spiegl advised the Council that Market Overton PC are replacing Sodium street lights with LED and furthermore turning off some 80% of lights at midnight. Not only is this “green” but there is a saving of money. The Clerk will respond to Mr Read.

Letter from E.ON enclosing a Power Cut Demonstration Pack. This will be passed to a user group within the village possible the Primary School.

Letter from Colin Heasell in which he gives details of the work done on Woodyard Corner and agrees the request re Ivy clearance before March 31st 2011. Cllr Cade reported that The Scouts are keen to take over the work on Woodyard Corner. It was agreed we would allow this but Colin Heasell to still do mowing round the sign. The Clerk will advise Colin of this.




















Cllr Cade




















Trees The Tree Works are all signed off and paid for and T10 will be felled in 2011/12 (see item 4 above).


Driveway The wood chippings have now been put down on the Car Park and driveway as far as the gate. Cllr Sewell will plough the land behind the new houses and get rid of the Leylandii.

Allotment Renewals. The Clerk reported that he had sent out 36 invitations to renew allotment agreements and to date 18 had signed and paid. It was agreed we will review the allotment waiting list at the end of January.




Cllr Sewell



Cllr Coogan






7 COLIN HEASELL CONTRACT FOR 2011 It was agreed that this should continue into 2011 at 2010 prices with the exception of Woodyard Corner general maintenance (see 5 above). The Clerk will respond to Mr Heasell. Clerk 


8 FINANCE REPORTAccount Balances and payments are as per the attached report. The payment to Severn-Trent Water was approved although there was some concern that this was an estimated bill and Cllr Cade will see how this compares with a meter reading. Cllr Tobin asked for an explanation as to the various Bank Accounts and the Chairman responded.  ClerkCllr Cade





9 PLANNINGThere were no planning applications to bring forward. Regarding the Digby Farm recycling planning application Cllr Neild advised that he had passed on the comments made at the Council meeting on October 21st 2010 but had so far not had any further news.   


10 VILLAGE TRUSTOne of the 3 Parish Council nominated Trustees, Cllr Cade, has resigned from being a Trustee. However Cllr Sewell (currently the Chairman of The Village Trust) reported that The Village Trust will not be meeting again until November 2011 and therefore questioned whether there was any need to nominate a replacement until after the new Council is formed in May 2011. Furthermore Cllr Neild said that under the system of staggering the 3 PC nominated Trustees’ terms of office Cllr Cade (and therefore any replacement trustee) would be due to stand down in May 2011. Put to the vote, it was resolved that The Council would defer nominating a Trustee until May 2011. Cllr Risi abstained from the vote because he believed The Council could not make the decision that it did. However the Clerk will check with Mrs Firth at The Village Trust to ensure that this is legal and she has no objection to this course of action. The Clerk advised the meeting that he had in fact received a letter from John House in which he says he would like to be considered for this nomination.   









11 DATE OF NEXT MEETINGThursday March 17th 2011  
12 EXTERNAL APPLICANTSCllr Neild said that he felt we should think again as to how we invite external applicants (as in item 10). If a person happens to know of a Vacancy they will apply to the Council and may be successful. But to be really fair the vacancy should be advertised throughout the Village so that all parishioners have the opportunity to apply.  
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8-40 pmSigned…………………………….Chairman Date………………….   


Finance Report – Positions at January 13th 2011

Monies paid since last meeting

a Colin Heasell – Hedge cutting


b I Ferguson (Salary & expenses) £698-14
c Society of Local Council Clerks


d Brown & Co. re land tenancy


e Leicestershire Highways


f Neil Atkins (bins)




Account balances


a HSBC Current a/c


b HSBC Money Manager a/c



To be paid


a Severn Trent Water




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Download PDF copy of Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday Jan 20th 2011Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday Jan 20th 2011