Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Thursday September 13th 2012.
Present: Cllr. Overington, (Chairman) , Cllr Cade, Cllr Ellis, Cllr Read, Cllr Sewell & Cllr TobinAlso in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk, County Cllr Miss Waller
PUBLIC FORUM There were 20 members of the Public present including representatives from the sub-group who had been involved with organising the Jubilee events on June 4th 2012. Members of this group expressed concern that money raised from donations at the event (£531) had originally been intended to go to a local charity but had now been appropriated by the Parish Council to partially offset the cost of the day. The Chairman replied that it had never been made clear what the donations were in aid of and people could have reasonably assumed that some of the donations were to partially offset the Parish Council’s costs. The Chairman pointed out that this issue was already on the agenda (item 8) when Cllr Tobin will be putting forward a proposal. A further question concerned the trees on Pinfold Lane. These overhang the pavement by Geoff Sewell Close. The Chairman agreed that we will investigate this (Action = Clerk) A member expressed concern that the Street Light on The Fox & Hounds is out. The Clerk will investigate (Action = Clerk) Mr P Risi asked for an update on the Digby Farm compost site issue. This will be covered on the agenda under item 10
There being no further comments from the Public Forum the Meeting Proper was convened.
Received from County Cllr Bool and Cllr Miss Lloyd |
Cllr Sewell declared an interest in Item 14 (Jubilee Wood) by virtue of being the tenant. Cllr Ellis declared an interest in item 10 (Digby Farm) by virtue of family connection. |
Cllr Read said that he did not agree to help resolve the issue of the bottom gate on the Oval. The Clerk will alter the Minutes accordingly.
AGREED that when this change is made The Chairman may sign the minutes as being a true record. |
Cllr Overington
Code of Conduct. The Clerk reported that the new Code of Conduct was in place and has been circulated to Councillors and to the Monitoring Officer at RCC Pridmore’s Field. Cllr Sewell reported that Mr Pridmore has advised him that the field edge will remain as a walkway as it must by DEFRA law but there is no permissive right of way Trees on Ketton Road. Cllr Sewell reported that, in addition to the 3 previously reported gaps, some of the trees need work doing. He and Cllr Cade will investigate and come back with a proposal Archival Storage Mrs Janet Whittaker (present in the public area) said that she had been offered a further metal filing cabinet but may still need another one. There is no availability at Leicestershire County Council storage at Wigston
Cllr Cade Cllr Sewell |
Letter from Clement Keys (external auditor) confirming that an unqualified audit had been given Letter from Audit Commission confirming that Grant Thornton are our external auditors from September 1st 2012. It appears that the audit fee will reduce from £135 to £100 (+vat) Letter from Rutland County Council giving details of the localisation of Council Tax Letter from Mrs Sylvia Lawson commenting on the trees on the Oval and expressing concern about the proposed Jubilee Wood. The Chairman commented that both topics were agenda items for discussion. The Clerk will send a formal response.
The Finance report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk highlighted the list expense of £335 for a planning application which had given rise to a refund of £167-50 as a Parish Council pays half the usual fee.
AGREED all invoices approved for payment. |
7. PLANNINGRose’s Woodyard Development. Cllr Tobin advised the Council of the situation regarding developer contributions. (1) £35,500 is available for recreational support subject to the PC coming forward with proposals for village projects. This must be done within 5 years. (2) There is a proposal to the developer to contribute £35,000 for upgrading the play area. As this is on Parish Council land, the Parish Council will input to the proposals, and will be a formal signatory to the agreement.
Car Park in School Lane. There had been concern about a proposed car park being built when School Lane was being resurfaced. The car park was not on the original planning application and has been stopped for now although it may be the subject of a subsequent application. It was noted that as part of the resurfacing works it was necessary to remove a lime tree. Garden room at 5 Chapel Lane There was no objection raised by the Parish Council. |
Cllr Tobin proposed that this topic should be re-visited as he and others felt that there could be no doubt that the monetary donations received on the cake stall were for a local charity, as all of the items had been donated. Whilst the situation was less clear cut in respect of other donations received, he nevertheless proposed that all of the funds raised should be treated in the same way.
AGREED that the Parish Council will hold the £531 in trust, to be applied for the benefit of a local charity in accordance with the instructions of the Jubilee Committee, subject to such instructions being formulated in a form which the Parish Council is able to accept at its next ordinary meeting.
Councillors agreed with Cllr Read that the Jubilee Committee should be thanked for all its hard work. Mr David Leather (speaking from the public area) thanked the Parish Council for putting up the money that enabled the event to take place.
Cllr Read |
9 CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORThis is necessary due to the resignation of Cllr Coogan since our last meeting. The Chairman acknowledged the considerable contribution made by Mick Coogan to the PC, and hence to the village, over many years. The Clerk will send a letter to this effect. The Clerk reported that there had been no request for an election and therefore the Parish Council were free to co-opt. Three residents (John Sewell, Claudia Riordan and Hilary Hudson) had expressed an interest in joining the Council and a secret ballot was held. After the first vote no candidate had an overall majority so the 3rd placed contender was removed from the ballot and after a further vote Mrs Claudia Riordan was duly co-opted onto the Council.
(At this point in the meeting Cllr Ellis left) |
Clerk |
For the benefit of those in the public area, the Chairman explained that this issue had arisen due to complaints from residents affected by an unpleasant odour from the site on occasion, and due to concerns about pedestrian safety, and dust nuisance, arising from the heavy vehicles accessing the site via Warren Lane. An informal group of disaffected residents had been formed, 2 members of which were in the public area. The Chairman went on to say that on Monday September 10th he, Cllr Cade and the 2 residents’ representatives had attended a meeting with RCC and the Environment Agency (EA). The purpose of the meeting was to register residents’ concerns with RCC and EA, to explore the justification for the site having expanded to the extent that it has, to discuss RCC’s intentions concerning its future use of the site and to understand the respective responsibilities of RCC and EA in regulation of the site’s operation. The meeting had been useful, but there were outstanding questions, especially on how the suitability of the site had been assessed, and over the status of the access track – particularly whether it had been adopted by RCC, and RCC’s obligations and powers over the condition and safety of the track. These questions will be followed up.
Concern was also expressed that the EA reported that it had been able to validate only 4 of 64 complaints made over a 6 month period. This raised questions over their ability to respond quickly to check out these complaints.
County Cllr Miss Waller asked if she could be given a list of questions that we would like resolved by RCC officers. The Chairman agreed to do this |
Cllr Overington
Cllr Overington |
Cllr Read handed out 2 papers (a) listing existing recreational facilities in the village and (b) giving details of The Community Centre. He asked that Councillors come back with comments at the next meeting |
All |
This event will be held on Monday November 5th
AGREED that as last year Cllr Cade is authorised to spend up to £1000 + vat on the purchase of fireworks
Cllr Cade will organise people to do the catering, First Aid, advise police. Colin Heasell speaking from the public area announced that he will not be available to build and light the bonfire this year. He was thanked for his hard work in previous years.
Trees T90/T91/T92 have been cut back but only to the extent allowed by RCC. The Parish Council believes that there is still a safety issue with all 3 trees but RCC will not permit a more drastic cut without the evidence of an arboricultural survey.
AGREED Cllr Cade will ascertain the cost of a Rope survey
In relation to comments from the public area earlier regarding bleeding canker, the Chairman commented that the Parish Council may need to take expert advice. An arboricultural survey was undertaken some 4 years ago and that may need to be repeated in the near future.
Rising grass Colin Heasell will cut this when he does the final Oval edge cut of the season Cllr Sewell left the meeting at this point
14. FIELD GARDENS (for this item the Council is acting as Corporate Trustee)
Allotments. Prior to the meeting Cllr Cade gave a list of the allotments that are in poor condition to the Clerk who will write appropriately. Cllr Cade will also advise the Clerk about re-designated allotments
Jubilee Wood For the benefit of the public, the Chairman explained that the Parish Council acts as Trustee of the Field Gardens, which includes some 14 acres of land rented out on an agricultural tenancy. Prompted by the chance of grants from the Forestry Commission as part of Jubilee initiatives the PC are considering creating a woodland recreational area on the site, but no decision has yet been taken on the area to be planted, if any at all. In order to keep all options open, planning permission for tree planting is being sought and the PC is considering serving 12 months notice on the tenant by October 11th 2012 to take back the land in October 2013. During the 12 months of the notice period, a consultation exercise could be carried out in the village for views on how the land may be used to best advantage for the village.
AGREED not to send out a questionnaire round the village on only a woodland proposal
AGREED to use the services of a Land Agent to advise on serving notice, at a cost of up to £400 + vat
AGREED to hold an extraordinary PC meeting before October 11th 2012 to decide whether to serve notice on the tenant.
AGREED to consult with the residents of the village over the next 12 months on potential use of the land, to include uses other than for woodland.
15. DATE OF NEXT ORDINARY MEETING Tuesday October 23rd 2012 |
Cllr Cade
Cllr Cade
Cllr Cade
Cllr Cade
Cllr Overington |
There being no further business the meeting finished at 9-45 pm
Signed………………………………….Chairman Date__________________
Finance Report – Positions at September 4th 2012
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Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday 13th September 2012