Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Wednesday May 16th 2012

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Wednesday May 16th 2012.


Present: Cllr. Coogan, Cllr Overington , Cllr Cade, Cllr Ellis, Cllr Read, Cllr Miss Lloyd, Cllr Sewell, and Cllr TobinAlso in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk and County Cllr Miss Waller

There were no members of the Public present



Proposed by Cllr Cade and seconded by Cllr Sewell, Cllr Overington was unanimously elected as Chairman. Cllr Overington then took over as Chairman from Cllr Coogan and thanked Cllr Coogan for his 3 years of leadership.


Proposed by Cllr Coogan and seconded by Cllr Tobin, Cllr Cade was unanimously elected to continue as Vice-Chairman


Received from Cty Cllr Bool


Cllr Read declared a prejudicial interest in item 8 by virtue of his being Chairman of Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau

Cllr Ellis declared a prejudicial interest in item 14 by virtue of being a family member

Cllr Sewell declared a prejudicial interest in item 19 by virtue of being the tenant on the land in question.




Oval/Field Gardens working group will comprise Cllrs Cade, Sewell, Ellis and Miss Lloyd (no change)

Planning Committee will comprise Cllrs Tobin, Coogan, Overington and Read (no change)

Finance Committee will comprise Cllrs Overington, Coogan, Cade & Tobin (no change)

Internal Auditor – The Clerk will invite Alan Swindley to continue

Community Centre Rep – Cllr Ellis (no change)

Community Recreation Facility will comprise Cllrs Read, Cade, Tobin and Miss Lloyd (no change)

Reps to Village Trust – no election is necessary in 2012







Item 12. It was agreed that the wording be changed to show that the reason for the increase from £4500 to £5500 is to cover approx £600 (+ vat) for a trailor toilet and £300 for a local history display.

Item 14 It was agreed to delete the Public Access sentence. We need to add that Cllr Cade agreed to produce a paper on the subject

Item 15 It was agreed that as reported this is misleading and Cllr Overington will give the Clerk a better form of words


The Clerk will amend the Minutes as above, get them signed and circulated






7. MATTERS ARISINGOval bottom gate Cllr Sewell reported that he would be fitting a spring to the gate very soonPridmore’s Field. Mr Pridmore has applied for a DEFRA grant which would include provision for a 6 metre ‘nature’ margin around the field. Mr Pridmore advised that DEFRA would not object to this being used as a permissive right of way as long as it did not interfere with the natural habitat.Barn Conversion The Clerk had circulated a response from RCC explaining that the roof was approved to be partly in Collyweston and partly in slate due to cost implications. Cllr Sewell expressed concern that the old shop part of the conversion had windows opening out into Church Street causing danger to traffic. County Councillor Miss Waller agreed to check this.   Cllr SewellCllr Overington


Letter from NLPCC thanking the PC for its donation

Letter from Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau asking for a donation. It was agreed to give £100 as in previous years

Letter from Sylvia Lawson requesting to see a copy of the 2011/12 accounts. The Clerk will arrange this

Grass Cutting in Ancaster Way. The Clerk had received an e-mail (already circulated) from the Street Scene Officer at RCC referring to a complaint from a resident about grass not being cut. The communication is far from clear. The Clerk will compare the map sent with the e-mail with that on file and he will ask for the exact nature of the complaint. Meanwhile Cty Cllr Miss Waller will ask staff to be clearer in their communications.

Letter from Tony Jefferis who is an allotment holder complaining about the creation of a new allotment thus reducing the car parking area

Letter from The Chair of The Allotment Association also complaining about the new allotment. Cllr Cade is very clear that the area used for the new allotment is NOT for car parking and he will respond to both letters on behalf of the PC

Letter from Casterton Business College saying that in their new building in Barleythorpe they are naming a room “North Luffenham” and are asking for historic photos etc of the village. The Clerk will ask Mrs Janet Whittaker to reply.

Letter from The High Sheriff of Rutland (For this item Cllr Overington declared a personal interest by virtue of being Treasurer of Rutland Sailability ) asking for a donation to ‘Arts for Rutland’ to supplement the funding they are providing towards Rutland Sailability who are representing Rutland in the Jubilee river pageant on the Thames on June 3rd. It was agreed that The PC would donate £50.

   Clerk Clerk











Cllr Cade







9 FIELD GARDENS/OVAL REPORTTrees Cllr Cade reported that all the P2/P3 work on the Oval had been completed apart from 1 tree and T10 had been felled. Hill-fort Tree Care were not able to proceed with the works to T90/91/92 as we had not got the RCC Green Form and The Clerk therefore sent the notification in on May 2nd. Hill-Fort said that this will be more onerous work than that originally envisaged and have re-quoted at £1,050 + VAT (cf £250 + VAT originally) The Clerk was asked to get 3 more quotes and send photos to each. It was noted that Hill Fort had not removed the arisings as expected and thus it was further agreed that in consideration of this and the tree not done, Cllr Cade would try to negotiate a lower quotation. It was agreed that we would leave stumps in place but plant 2 new trees adjacent to existing stumps. Cllr Sewell will recommend suitable trees. Cllr Ellis pointed out that there are 3 trees missing from the avenue of trees on the Ketton Road. The FG/Oval Group will recommend suitable replacements.Rising Grass Concern was expressed that the area we asked Colin Heasell not to cut is too extensive and, possibly, the grass is too long. The FG/Oval group will re-visit this issueBulging Walls Cllr Cade reported that he has 2 people coming to quote during w/c May 21st.   Clerk  

Cllr Cade


Cllr Sewell/

FG/Oval Group


FG/Oval Group


FG/Oval Group


Cllr Cade




Payments In addition to those included in the Agenda, the Clerk reported he had now received further invoices from Hill-fort tree care (£1500) Spiegl Press (£70-31) and Jubilee Expenses (£100-80). Cllrs Read & Coogan expressed concern at Spiegl Press bill and will review it. In view of the issues in item 9 above Hill Fort payment will be held back. All other payments were approved (subject to review of Spiegl Press invoice)

Bank Signatories. As the new Chairman, Cllr Overington, is already an authorised signatory on both the HSBC & CCLA accounts it was agreed no change is necessary.

Way Leave rent. Cllr Ellis asked about this. It is income we get from BT for a cable passing through our land and the Clerk will get more details

Parish Council Accounts & Trust Accounts 2011/12 These have been circulated by The Clerk and the PC accounts have been audited by The Internal Auditor. The 2011/12 Accounts were approved by The Parish Council.

 Cllrs Read/Coogan Clerk  




Sections 1& 2 had been circulated in draft form by the Clerk and were approved by the Parish Council and the Chairman is authorised to sign sections 1 & 2


Extention to School has been approved

Ketton Wind Farm. Cllr Tobin said that the Planning committee felt it inappropriate to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to this as there appears to be little effect on North Luffenham. There is an RCC consultation document covering Wind Farms and Cty Cllr Miss Waller urged the PC to consider this. Responses are required by RCC by June 21st and Cllrs were asked to submit their views on this to the Planning Committee by June 7th. The Clerk will extract the salient points from the document to put on Notice Boards


Digby Farm Odour – See next item

Allotments Concern was expressed that some allotments are not being cultivated and have become overgrown. Cllr Cade will look into this







Cllr Cade




14 DIGBY FARM ODOUR(Cllr Ellis, having declared a potentially prejudicial interest in this item remained in the room but did not participate in the discussion. The Chairman felt that this would be in order as there was only to be an exchange of information)This issue had been discussed at length at The APM as a result of a leaflet being passed round the village on April 12th 2012. The Clerk read out a letter from George Chase of RCC re speed limits on Warren Lane and gave details of a conversation with Mr John Ellis who operates the site. In addition the Clerk had been told by phone that Cty Cllr Bool has asked Nick Hodgett, Environmental Officer at RCC to respond to the issue by writing to the PC15 COMMUNITY RECREATION FACILITYNothing further to report16 ROSES WOODYARDCllr Read reported on a meeting he and the Clerk had had with the developer (Nick Jackson) on April 17th when we saw some of the proposed plans prior to submission. There is concern that this development may be detrimental to an already overloaded sewage system. The Planning committee will pick-up on this. Cty Cllr Miss Waller warned us to ensure that however many affordable houses are planned actually happens and if the Parish Council is concerned about this said that she or Cty Cllr Bool will speak on our behalf when this goes to planning if we wish.



Cllr Coogan said that all arrangements are progressing satisfactorily


Cllr Coogan had circulated a specification and had spoken with the homeworkers group. They had quoted set-up costs of £500 (normally £1800) + ongoing annual costs of about £120. We could generate income from local advertising. Following discussion, Cllr Coogan undertook to look at several existing websites to see if they meet our requirements, and to what extent (eg Exton). Cllr Miss Lloyd has another contact which she will pass to Cllr Coogan


The Clerk had received a letter from Mr R Sewell giving alternative costs to those set

out in Cllr Cade’s notes to the APM. Meg Collins has drafted a paper on this subject

for Cllr Cade who will circulate it to Cllrs together with Mr Sewell’s letter and

then arrange an informal meeting of Cllrs with Mr Holm of Woodland Trust so all

issues can be discussed


20 DATE OF NEXT MEETING is Wednesday July 11th 2012





There being no further business the meeting finished at 9-50 pm



Signed………………………………….Chairman Date__________________














Planning Committee










Cllrs Coogan & Miss Lloyd





Cllr Cade

Cllr Cade


Finance Report – Positions at May 9th 2012


Monies paid since last meeting

A Neil Atkins – bins


B Severn Trent Water       £108-16
C E.ON re street light


D Wicksteed Leisure


E The Convenience Co.


F Impact China – mugs


G Rutland Marquee Co.


H Ian Ferguson – pay & expenses due March 31st 2012


I North Luffenham PCC





Account balances


a HSBC Current a/c


b HSBC Money Manager a/c




To be paid


A Colin Heasell – work in Mar/April 2012


B Aon – insurance premium


C Ian Ferguson salary due June 30th 2012


D Ian Ferguson – estimated expenses on Jun 30th


E Alan Swindley – internal audit


F Neil Atkins (bins) – due June 30th 2012


G Hill-fort tree care


H Spiegl Press re Jubilee


I Mrs S Robinson – jubilee expenses


J Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau


K Arts for Rutland



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