Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.30pm on Thursday January 20th 2011.
Present: Cllr. Coogan (Chairman), Cllr. Neild, Cllr. Cade, Cllr. Risi, Cllr Mrs Spiegl, Cllr Tobin and Cllr Sewell
Also in attendance: Mr. I Ferguson, Parish Clerk
There were 2 members of the Public present, Mr B Read and Mrs J Whittaker. Mrs Whittaker asked what if anything the Parish Council was planning to celebrate the forthcoming Royal Wedding. She is planning an exhibition of village photographs but storage is a problem and asked whether the PC could purchase a cheap filing cabinet.
There being no further comments from The Public the meeting proper was convened. The Chairman began by welcoming Cllr Tobin to his first meeting.
Received from Cllr Overington. |
None. |
The minutes of the meeting held on December 2nd 2010 had been previously circulated to Councillors. Cllr Overington had contacted the Clerk re Item 2 “Declarations of Interest” to point out that the minute should record the nature of the interest and reason for it. The Clerk had made a small alteration to item 2 to reflect this and it was pointed out to the meeting. The Minutes were then accepted as a true record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.
Oval Bottom Gate. Cllr Cade reported that the posts are well set into the ground. He plans to remove, but not replace, the gate initially. However the gate does need re-furbishing and Cllr Sewell suggested Brian Knight would be a person to do this. Cllr Sewell will ask him Planning Application to fell T10 The Clerk reported that Planning permission had been granted. The work must be done by Nov 12th 2012 and it is recommended that the tree be replaced by one of similar eventual size. Replacement Taps on the allotments. Cllr Cade reported that he has not been able to get hand-held pressure taps for outside use so has purchased 1 “Inside” tap as a test. The tap can be time regulated. Cllr Cade further reported that he had found no evidence of seepage. Army Contribution for Bonfire Night. The Clerk said that he had received a cheque for £85 from The Army. This put our overall income at £765 against a forecast of £750. The Clerk will write to acknowledge. Letter to Allotment Society. The Clerk confirmed that he had replied to the Society’s detailed letter of October 29th 2010. Change of Meeting Date The Clerk told the meeting that the Annual Parish Council Meeting set for May 26th will now be on Thursday May 19th as this being an election year the Annual Parish Council meeting must be between May 9th & May 23rd. |
Cllr CadeCllr Sewell
Cllr Cade
Clerk |
Letter from Tony Jefferies expressing concern as to the state of the allotment car park. The Clerk will reply to say that the matter is being addressed. E-mail from RCC Highways Dept. This advises that the white line we requested at the Jetties is now being given priority status. Letter from The High Sheriff in Nomination for The County of Rutland In Rutland they are marking the occasion of the Queen’s 85th birthday on April 21st 2011 by giving “Service to the Community” certificates. We are asked to nominate a person from North Luffenham who has made a notable contribution during the lifetime of Her Majesty. One or two names were discussed but the Chairman invited all Councillors to submit their proposals to the Clerk as soon as possible. Our submission must reach the High Sheriff by February 28th 2011. Letter from Mrs Lawson dated Jan 5th 2011. She has not had a reply to her letter of July 31st but it did not warrant a reply. The Clerk will reply again on the subject of keyholders to Oval gates. E-mail from Central Networks advising us that they are replacing overhead cables with underground ones in Chapel Lane and Digby Drive. (This email had already been circulated to Councillors). We are required to sign the plans by way of approval and return them. The Clerk will do this but will add the rider that this is done on the understanding that this has Highways Dept approval. Letter from Chater Bowls Club in response to Clerk’s letters of Sept 30th and Dec 8th concerning gutter repairs etc. The Club say the gutter is in good working order. The Clerk will respond mentioning the work we’ve done re wood chippings and Cllr Cade will check the down-pipe. Letter fro Barry Read pointing out that in his view there is not adequate street lighting in Digby Drive between The Farm and the crossroads especially as E.ON have recently had to dig up the pavement. Cllr Mrs Spiegl said that she sees 2 issues (a) the lack of light and (b) the poor state of the pavement. We will advise the Highways Dept at RCC that the pavement has not been restored to its original state. Regarding the lighting this matter was raised by Mr Read some 2 years ago and on that occasion the costs were sought and the Clerk will research the papers for that occasion. Finally Mr Read thought that the distance between street lights was too great for a 30 mph area and we will check that we are compliant on this. Cllr Mrs Spiegl advised the Council that Market Overton PC are replacing Sodium street lights with LED and furthermore turning off some 80% of lights at midnight. Not only is this “green” but there is a saving of money. The Clerk will respond to Mr Read. Letter from E.ON enclosing a Power Cut Demonstration Pack. This will be passed to a user group within the village possible the Primary School. Letter from Colin Heasell in which he gives details of the work done on Woodyard Corner and agrees the request re Ivy clearance before March 31st 2011. Cllr Cade reported that The Scouts are keen to take over the work on Woodyard Corner. It was agreed we would allow this but Colin Heasell to still do mowing round the sign. The Clerk will advise Colin of this. |
Clerk Cllr Cade
Clerk |
Trees The Tree Works are all signed off and paid for and T10 will be felled in 2011/12 (see item 4 above). Allotments Driveway The wood chippings have now been put down on the Car Park and driveway as far as the gate. Cllr Sewell will plough the land behind the new houses and get rid of the Leylandii. Allotment Renewals. The Clerk reported that he had sent out 36 invitations to renew allotment agreements and to date 18 had signed and paid. It was agreed we will review the allotment waiting list at the end of January.
Cllr Sewell
Cllr Coogan Clerk
7 COLIN HEASELL CONTRACT FOR 2011 It was agreed that this should continue into 2011 at 2010 prices with the exception of Woodyard Corner general maintenance (see 5 above). The Clerk will respond to Mr Heasell. | Clerk
8 FINANCE REPORTAccount Balances and payments are as per the attached report. The payment to Severn-Trent Water was approved although there was some concern that this was an estimated bill and Cllr Cade will see how this compares with a meter reading. Cllr Tobin asked for an explanation as to the various Bank Accounts and the Chairman responded. | ClerkCllr Cade
9 PLANNINGThere were no planning applications to bring forward. Regarding the Digby Farm recycling planning application Cllr Neild advised that he had passed on the comments made at the Council meeting on October 21st 2010 but had so far not had any further news. |
10 VILLAGE TRUSTOne of the 3 Parish Council nominated Trustees, Cllr Cade, has resigned from being a Trustee. However Cllr Sewell (currently the Chairman of The Village Trust) reported that The Village Trust will not be meeting again until November 2011 and therefore questioned whether there was any need to nominate a replacement until after the new Council is formed in May 2011. Furthermore Cllr Neild said that under the system of staggering the 3 PC nominated Trustees’ terms of office Cllr Cade (and therefore any replacement trustee) would be due to stand down in May 2011. Put to the vote, it was resolved that The Council would defer nominating a Trustee until May 2011. Cllr Risi abstained from the vote because he believed The Council could not make the decision that it did. However the Clerk will check with Mrs Firth at The Village Trust to ensure that this is legal and she has no objection to this course of action. The Clerk advised the meeting that he had in fact received a letter from John House in which he says he would like to be considered for this nomination. |
Clerk |
11 DATE OF NEXT MEETINGThursday March 17th 2011 | |
12 EXTERNAL APPLICANTSCllr Neild said that he felt we should think again as to how we invite external applicants (as in item 10). If a person happens to know of a Vacancy they will apply to the Council and may be successful. But to be really fair the vacancy should be advertised throughout the Village so that all parishioners have the opportunity to apply. | |
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8-40 pmSigned…………………………….Chairman Date…………………. |
Finance Report – Positions at January 13th 2011
Monies paid since last meeting
a | Colin Heasell – Hedge cutting |
£75-00 |
b | I Ferguson (Salary & expenses) | £698-14 |
c | Society of Local Council Clerks |
£72-00 |
d | Brown & Co. re land tenancy |
£58-75 |
e | Leicestershire Highways |
£7050-00 |
f | Neil Atkins (bins) |
£75-00 |
Account balances
a | HSBC Current a/c |
£1425-84 |
b | HSBC Money Manager a/c |
£5889-35 |
To be paid
a | Severn Trent Water |
£187-54 |
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Parish Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday Jan 20th 2011