Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes from 24th Feb 2013


  • Charles Cade- Chairman
  • David Head- Secretary
  • Robin King- Treasurer
  • Bill Whittaker
  • Pete Burrows
  • Barry Read
  • Kevin Corby
  • Sallyanne Marsons
  • Colin Heasell
  • Woody Hodson
  • Sam Hodson


John King, Dave Neild, John House, Ken Forsyth, Rob Staniland, Denise Cunningham, Jo Spiegl and Ian Ferguson.

Minutes of the 2011 AGM

held on 13th February 2011 were approved

Matters arising

Denise still has some shirts and will get them to us for the first junior session.

Chairman’s Report

Charles mentioned that while it is sad that there is no main weekend team at the moment, we need to look at the positives of a well maintained pitch and pavilion and run club, with a very successful junior section with a large number of youngsters which is good for the wider picture of cricket. He thanked all the committee & all those who put in the work to keep the club ticking over. It’s important to keep the club in good health because the time will come when league cricket returns at the weekends and it’s our duty to keep the club prepared for that event.

Secretary’s Report

David reported that 3 full committee meetings were held. Thanks to Bill for standing in as secretary during my absence from the village. The club continues to run satisfactorily. Many thanks to Bill, Ken, Colin and Robin for all their help, time & work on the square and the grounds over the past year. David also thanked John King for his continued loan of the ‘Fergie’ to enable the outfield to be cut regularly and also again to Colin for the occasional use of his mini-tractor. A big thank you to Sallyanne for her work with the juniors and to her and her family for the work they have done on the clubhouse in getting the inside looking good. Fixtures were now settled for the Burrough Mid Week League and we are awaiting details of the Rutland 2020 competition. A few friendly games are going to be organized for May to August. Already been approached by Laxton.

Treasurer’s Report

Robin presented accounts for 2012 which showed a net surplus of £104.21 for 2012, meaning that at the end of 2012, we had a working balance of £1,361.18. Expenditure for 2013 will need to be addressed at the next committee meeting and ideas for a fundraising event. Charles thanked Robin & the accounts were adopted unanimously.

Junior Cricket

The junior section continues to be the success of the club. No firm decision had been made yet in regards to the number of age groups to play in 2013 but it was hoped we would be able to offer U9, U11 and U13. A coach and manager would need to be found for the U13 group. The meeting thanked Sallyanne for all her hard work.


Pete Burrows reported that the Facebook account has been re-activated, as have the domain names for the generic email addresses. We have an NLCC page on the village website at We need to promote the website to all players, VP’s and club members, and get them to subscribe, to get alerts of any village and cricket news. Charles thanked Pete for his work on this.

Ground/Clubhouse report

Bill reiterated the thanks to Ken, Colin and Robin for their help over the season with the square and outfield and especially to Sallyanne and her family for their efforts with the clubhouse. The square preparation has already started. Equipment is all ok. The cooker for the kitchen has been ordered. The meeting thanked Bill, Ken, Colin, Robin and Sallyanne for their hard work.

Election of Officers

John King wished to stand down as President of the club. David to send a letter of thanks to John for all his support over the many years of being our president.

The following were elected:-

President – Bill Whittaker – Bill was unanimously suggested and selected as our new president.

Vice- Presidents – All the VP’s were re-elected, with the change of Bill Whittaker becoming President and John King being elected as a Vice President.

Main Committee
  • Chairman – Charles Cade
  • Vice-Chairman– vacant, but Dave Brew to be asked if he would consider the roll.
  • Secretary – David Head
  • Treasurer – Robin King
  • Fixture Secretary – David Head
  • Junior Organiser/Welfare Officer – Sallyanne Marsons
  • Membership Secretary – Pete Burrows
  • Captains midweek team – Woody Hodson and Sam Hodson
  • General Committee – Club Officers and team captains automatically + all of last year’s members elected to the general committee

Any Other Business

Committee meeting organized for Monday 11th March, 8pm at the Fox and Hounds. Suggestion that the club put together a proposal to the parish council with regards the re-development of the pavilion and cricket nets as part of the proposed recreational development.

The meeting closed at 12.15pm

Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes 24Jan2013 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC

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