NLCC talk by Rupert Conant on Tuesday 19th March.
There was a really good turnout on such a chilly evening. The speaker’s travels have covered Northern Iraq, Eastern Europe and India. His emphasis was on the lives of the people,their homes, work and the influence of modern times on this.
He is very keen that all the changes are recorded and, on the technical side, he indicated that we should “feel free to break the rules” when taking photos.
As a follow on from recording changes, he has suggested that the group’s photos are a good way to record the changes taking place in our local landscape – e.g. the state, fate and possible demise of our Ash trees.
So if anyone would like to contact the Camera Club with any local photos of these, so we can add them to our webpage and build up a picture of before and after.
via Pam Plant, Camera Club