Tag Archives: Trips

Brancaster Staithe Camera Club Outing on Sunday May 11th

A group from the club enjoyed a wonderful “day of weather” Travelling from Luffenham at 7am and returning early evening, we went through down pouring rain, gusts of wind, and sand blows and even intervals of sunshine.

Andrew James led the group to different locations and projects throughout the day, including a local pub lunch. The thought of sitting in cars eating our sandwiches didn’t have a great appeal!

We began at the Staithe beach with all manner of boats, fishing boats, rowing boats which looked as if they had been there for a few generations, elegant yachts and all manner of outworn machinery, ropes and chains. Stacks of lobster pots and piles of junk brought a different dimension to our pictures – certainly out of our comfort zone.

Brancaster fishing boats

Moving along the beach to the breakwater, there were spectacular storm clouds, windsurfers and blowing sand.

Brancaster beach


The dunes along the coast at Brancaster contained many half buried beach huts and with the marram grass sparkling in the sunshine resulted in great pictures.

Brancaster beach huts

Andrew gave lots of help individually, as well as group teach-ins, we all found the day so rewarding. Grateful thanks go to him from all – it was a splendid balance of learning and fun.

Although it sounds as though the weather was against us, we have all done the “beach in sunshine” photos. This Sunday brought lots of dramatic scenes and extended our knowledge of how to set up for them.

Some of the photos will be displayed at the next Camera Club meeting on Tuesday, May 20th at 8pm in the Community Centre, North Luffenham School, the theme being A Good Day Out. Everyone is very welcome to come along.

Andrew’s Website is well worth a visit. Go to – andrewjamesphotos.co.uk

Pam Plant, Camera Club

Orchids and Foxtail Lilly

Here are details of Garden Club upcoming events…

Thursday May 8th – in a change to the published programme, the last speaker of the season will be Richard Baxter on ‘Orchids‘. Meeting starts @7.30pm in the Community Centre – please feel free to bring any spare plants you have for sale ( and some pennies to buy some!).

June’s evening outing has now been arranged for Thursday 12th June to Foxtail Lilly, a pretty country cottage garden, in Oundle – members are most welcome to bring friends with them, and should arrange transport between themselves, aiming to arrive at 6.30pm. There will be an entry charge of £2.50 per person, to be paid on the night, plus refreshments will be available to purchase.

Katy, Garden Club

Photographic Outing to Exton

An Exton Thatched Cottage

An Exton Thatched Cottage

North Luffenham Camera Club Outing to Exton – 7th May 2013.

The choice of Exton for this outing was splendid – and it could not have been better with the weather! Sunny and still – how lucky, as Tuesday night was the changing point from our sunny spell.

Ten members turned out and spent an hour and half taking photographs, around this typically English village – thatched cottages and village green.

We were able to include photos of a local lady with her white horse and two tiny white ponies.

Also a member of the group was invited to photograph a private wild garden- carpets of forget-me-nots and primroses.

The evening finished with a splendid supper in the pub.

I expect we will see some cracking photos at the next meeting on 21st May – 8pm in the NL Community Centre, with possible contenders for the next calendar.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Field trip to photograph Exton village

The next Camera Club meeting will be on Tuesday 7th May 2013 at 6pm.

This evening will be in Exton, meeting at the Fox and Hounds.

We will spend an hour or two taking photos around the village and area and meet up again for a meal about 7.30 for 8pm. This outing depends on the state of our weather!

Following on from this, we will have our usual meeting on the Tuesday 21st May at 8pm in the Community Centre.

The themes for the meeting on the 21st, together with Exton photos, are Flora and Fauna and/or Signs of the Zodiac.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club