The bonfire is building very nicely – thanks to the huge efforts of Charles Cade and the welcome donations of wood & pallets this year. Thank you to everyone who has been along and donated a branch or two – it’s making a spectacular-looking centre piece for what is promising to be a great evening after nearly 2 years of lockdown.
Doors Open 5.30pm; Bonfire lit 6.15pm; Fireworks 6.30pm
Please bring along notes and coins for the: for the donation bucket (suggested donation of £5 per family)
- Cricket Club BBQ
- Mulled wine & home-made cake
- Tea, Coffee, Cake & Sweets inside the Pavilion
- Sparklers & for the first time this year, Glow sticks
All donations help to offset the costs so please be generous to enable this event to continue.
For the early risers on Saturday morning, there is the sparkler stick clear up starting at 9am!
New volunteers are always welcome – if you can help, please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467.
Thank you 😉