Author Archives: Chater Bowls Secretary

Chater Bowls Open Days May 2024
Chater Bowls AGM
The Bowls club will be holding its AGM at the Clubhouse in Pinfold Lane North Luffenham, at 2 pm on Thursday 20th April.
Non members welcome so, if you are interested in playing lawn bowls this summer come along and find out just how friendly we are.
Alan Costello, Secretary
Chater Bowls Summer Season 2022
Chater Bowling Club will be open from PM Monday 25th April, with the first Club roll up schedule for the afternoon of 26th.
This Summer sees the Commonwealth Games being held in Birmingham, with Lawn Bowling being one of the sports being played. So, come along to see how the game is played, impress your friends with you knowledge and improve you enjoyment of watching the game on TV. As well as getting some gentle exercise.
If you fancy playing or learning to play bowls this Summer come on down to the clubhouse on Pinfold Lane or contact me on chaterbowls@gmail.com.
Alan Costello, Secretary
Chater Bowls AGM 2022 Reminder
Chater Bowls AGM will be held on Monday 4th April at 2pm in the newly decorated Clubhouse on Pinfold Lane.
Non members welcome so, if you are interested in playing lawn bowls this summer come along and find out how friendly we are.
Alan Costello, Secretary
Chater Bowls AGM 2022
It is intended to hold the Chater Bowls 2022 AGM on Monday 4th April at 2pm in Clubhouse on Pinfold Lane.
If you have an interest in wanting to play lawn bowls, non members are invited to come along to meet existing members and see how the Club is run. You can also view our recently decorated Clubhouse.
Alan Costello
Secretary Chater Bowls Club
Chater Bowls AGM 2021
Chater Bowls Club will be holding its AGM on Wednesday 21st July in club house on Pinfold Lane at 2:00pm.
Non members are welcome, so if you are thinking about playing outdoor bowls this summer come down and introduce yourself and see how the club is run.
I can assure you it is not a stuffy affair.
Chater Bowls AGM
The Chater Bowls Annual General Meeting will take place in The Fox in North Luffenham at 2:30 pm on Monday 25th February.
Non members welcome to attend.
Chater Bowls is situated on Pinfold Lane in North Luffenham. We play friendly matches throughout the Summer from May to September with other local bowling clubs.
New to the area or just retired and wondering what interests to pursue. Come and join the friendliest bowling club in Rutland.
We have roll ups on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:00 pm when you can try your hand at the game.