Author Archives: Tim Smith

Consultation on Officers’ Mess Site Edith Weston

Please come and give your views on development at St. George’s Barracks

Date: 22nd November from 5.30 pm until 8.00 pm in Edith Weston Village Hall

This drop in session is to consider proposals for the Officers’ Mess Site at Edith Weston as a stand alone site. However it has implications for any redevelopment of the rest of the St. George’s Barracks. That it is why it is important to give you views at this initial consultation

Please do not trespass on private lands

The owners of the Water Gardens and fields below to the south have reported an increase in people trespassing on their land. They also report dogs being let off leads and dog mess not being picked up.

The Water Gardens and fields are private property and should not be entered unless given permission by the owners.

Residents are asked to keep to the footpaths, keep dogs on lead and clear up after them.

Extension to the Neighbourhood Plan Consultation.

The Consultation has been extended to the 14th October 2022; due to the death of the Queen and the period of mourning there were some loss of days and focus on the consultation.

There are already responses that potentially will result in alterations to the Plan, and so do not feel that the plan is a “Done Deal”, the Parish Council values your input, particularly your comments and will assess all input before finalising the plan. It will then be submitted to RCC and the Official Inspector.

The Plan and supporting documents, plus the online form for responses and comments can be found here:

Neighbourhood Plan | North Luffenham

Consultation: Still time to take part.

Many thanks to all those who have taken part in the consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan. There is still time to take part; the consultation form and supporting documents are on the website

The paper copies that were distributed can still be returned in the stamped addressed envelope; if you have mislaid this than please contact and a replacement can be delivered.

Please come and find out more: Neighbourhood Plan

On screen Policies and Interpretation

The next exhibition of the draft Neighbourhood Plan is this Thursday the 15th from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in the Community Centre.

If you have any questions about the policies and/or completing the questionnaire that was posted to each household members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be on hand to help.

 A printed copy of all documents, along with display material presenting the draft plan, will be available for examination.

There will be a further exhibition on Wednesday 28th September 2.30pm – 4.40pm.

If you cannot make the exhibitions, the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and a form for your comments is available :

 The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Following the sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth ll we are now in a period of public grief and national mourning.  The Parish Council is still waiting to hear exactly how public protocol will be applied at this time

However, this is to let you know that all formal meetings until after the Queen’s funeral are to be postponed. This means that our expected meeting on Monday 19th September will not now take place. While as a council, we would wish to show proper respect, it is the case that any decision made during a period of mourning may be subject to legal challenge.

I will keep you informed about when the council is next able to meet formally.

Tim Smith Chair NLPC

Issues and Options Consultation: ends 16th September

It is important that local communities respond to this consultation because it is an opportunity for you to have a voice in the development of the new Local Plan for Rutland.

North Luffenham Parish Council has approved a guide to the important questions and advice on responses to this consultation. Hopefuly residents will find it useful to guide them through a complex document which is on the Rutland County Council Website.

Please respond by the 16th September: your opinion matters.

You may have different opinions; all comments are valid at this stage.


Emergency Services Pop Up Event

Edith Weston Parish Council have been working with Oakham Fire station to set up a public safety awareness event in the areas that fall outside the 10 minute response tar

Parking will be available in the car park next to the mini round about in Edith Weston, just a short walk from the village hall (with kind permission of St Georges Barracks).

Want to know more?

The first exhibition concerning the Draft Neighbourhood Plan will take place this Saturday in the Community Centre from 2.00pm – 4.00pm. A printed copy of all documents, along with display material presenting the draft plan, will be available for examination.

Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be available to discuss and explain the draft plan with the aim of giving you a better understanding of the issues involved. There will be forms available for you to make your comments on the policies of the draft plan

There will be further exhibitions on Thursday 15th September 6.30pm – 8.30pm and Wednesday 28th September 2.30pm – 4.40pm.

If you cannot make the exhibitions, the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and a form for your comments is available on the website: