We want your views. What is good about the village and what is not so good? How would you like it to develop in the next 10 to 20 years?
The foundation of the Neighbourhood Plan, currently being developed by a Working Group of North Luffenham Parish Council + residents , is what you, as villagers, say is important. As the name suggests the Neighbourhood Plan is a plan for the whole Parish, and if adopted has legal status and means that any development within the Parish must take account of its policies. A major factor in the decision to develop an NP is the proposed development of St Georges Barracks, and an NP would enable the village to have a significant influence on how the site is developed.
To find out exactly what you think and want, we have issued a new village survey – available both online and in paper hard copy. The purpose of this survey is to update and refresh the findings of the previous Village Survey, undertaken in 2017, to ensure our Neighbourhood Plan reflects what the Community wants to happen.
The Online version of the Village Survey 2020 can be found via the link below.
Villagers over 16 are welcome to complete the survey either individually or on behalf of members of your household. The questionnaire should take about 15 minutes to complete.
Your opinions matter and will help to protect and enhance village life, so please complete the survey and attend and participate in the public meetings.
Paper copies of the questionnaire will be collected approximately 10-14 days after being delivered. It can be completed on the village website but please indicate in the boxes below that you have done so, when you hand in the form.
There are comment boxes in each section of the questionnaire. Please feel free to use them, as any additional comments would be greatly appreciated in helping to form the correct picture of what you think and want.
You may feel that some of the questions are not relevant, not of interest to you or maybe you would prefer not to answer. If that is the case, please leave them unanswered.
The responses will be analysed collectively and no individuals will be identified in any published results.
Public meetings, when feasible, will be held to further inform and gather comments in order that the Neighbourhood Plan will have as wide a range of views as possible.
The Parish Council is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and any personal information will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act.