Parish Councillors

Any Councillor can be emailed via the the Clerk at

Tim Smith

Cllr Tim Smith: Tim is the Chairman of North Luffenham Parish Council
NLPC Committee
:  Staffing, Finance
Working Group: IT, Play area, Community Centre, CIL
Phone via the Clerk: 01780 408288

Charles Cade (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr Charles Cade: Charles is NLPC Vice-Chairman

NLPC Committee: Community Centre
NLPC Working Groups: Oval/Field Gardens, Community Centre, Play Area, Bonfire Night, Finance
Phone via the Clerk: 01780 408288

Cllr Tracey Barsby

NLPC Committee: Staffing, Community Centre
Working Group: Finance, Play area, Neighbourhood Plan

Phone via the Clerk: 01780 408288

Pete Burrows

Cllr Pete Burrows
NLPC Committee: Planning
Working Group: IT, Bonfire Night, CIL
Phone via the Clerk: 01780 408288

Cllr Jo Spiegl
Committee: Planning, Community Centre
Phone via the Parish Clerk: 01780 408288

Clr Bob Purves

NLPC Committee: Planning

Working Group: CIL

Phone via the Parish Clerk: 01780 408288

Cllr Damien Gorse

NLPC Committee: Staffing

Working Group: Bonfire Night, Play Area, CIL

Phone via the Clerk: 01780 408288

Cllr Malcolm Forbes

Working Group:
Phone via the Clerk: 01780 408288

Councillor Interests

County Councillors