
Dear All,

Firstly, apologies for being so tardy in reminding you about our next film in 3 days time…. I’ve been away, and got all behind.  However, the good news is that we are showing NIGHT-CRAWLER on Wednesday, and it has had some terrific feedback. I know it sounds a bit like a horror movie title, but it isn’t – it is a deliciously exciting, quite dark thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal.  Everyone I know who has seen it has raved about it so grab your chance.  

Usual time and place – Uppingham Town Hall, doors open at 7 for 7.30.  We will as always supply a few home-made goodies to welcome you with and soft drinks if wanted, but do feel free to bring a bottle or anything else that adds to your fun.  Some of us like to have a cushion for the chairs, but most think they are fine. Tickets £5 (always available on the door, but can be pre-booked at the Falcon if preferred).

And don’t forget that you can always check out our website to see what is coming up (& we’ve got some excellent films lined up for the autumn), including trailers: Uppingham Films | Beautiful and powerful films

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

 Susie Burrows

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