Reference: Please reply to: Direct Line: Direct Fax: |
2016/0377/FUL Planning Support 01572 758400 01572 758373 Date 09-May-2016 |
PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing extensions including conservatory and construction of new single storey extension, installation of 2 new windows. Creation of new vehicular access and driveway.
The Barn, 4A, Glebe Road, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8JU
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.
If you have received this letter electronically you can paste the following link into your browser window to go straight to the relevant application:
Please email any comments you wish to make to
Yours sincerely
Development Control Services