On Sunday 16th October (10am – 5pm), the Garden Club are inviting people to come and press their own apple juice outside the Cricket Pavilion on the Oval. They will have equipment on loan to enable you to press your apples, whether home-grown or bought, and make tasty juice (which can also be pasteurised to lengthen shelf life). Teamwork will be needed so please be prepared to help muck in to help each other out. The Pavilion will be open for use of the toilet & making hot drinks.
Just turn up on the day – first come, first served basis so you may have to wait, or come back later in the day. All queries to Katy Ellis on 01780 722173 (ktellis@fsmail.net).
North Luffenham Garden Club
The Garden Club holds a monthly meeting so that members can share their knowledge, interest & passion for gardens and gardening. At meetings we have a guest speaker, followed by refreshments and a raffle, plus plants for sale.
Our regular monthly meetings will begin on Thursday October 13th @7.30pm in the Community Centre when guest speaker David Thornton will be talking about
‘Growing Better Vegetables’ followed by a talk by local grower Penny Dawson on Harvington Hellbores on November 10th, and Garden Designer, Andrew Mikolajski,
joining us for our Christmas social evening on December 8th. Annual membership is £10 per person or £2 per meeting – all are most welcome.
Please note it is definitely on the Sunday which is the 16th October!