- Feb 1st Talk about future outings, get things sorted for the year. Very important that everyone attends if possible.
- Mar 1st What the Romans did for us in the kitchen. Chris Carr April 5th Easter flower decoration. Sue Sewell
- May 3rd Lets laugh. Nina Rawling
- June 7th Guide Dogs for the blind.
- July 5th Mile stones. Helen Crabtree Aug 2nd Meal with Allan on the organ.
- Sept 6th Rutland, small but beautiful. Richard Adams Oct 4th Resurrection Men. Adam Lowe
- Nov 1st Snowman with Liliane.
- Dec 6th Christmas Lunch.
The Good Companions meet in the community centre on the above dates, 2pm to 4pm.
Yearly subscription of £10 plus £1 a meeting which includes tea, cake and door raffle ticket.
A separate raffle is also run during the afternoon. Outings to be arranged.
Everyone Welcome.