Please be advised that from Tuesday 23rd April 2019 through to the 30th April, contractors on behalf of the Parish Council will be carrying out works on numerous trees on the Oval Recreation Ground. It is anticipated that the contractors will be on site from 8.30 am each day.
This seems to be very poor timing. It is now the bird nesting season, many of the trees on the Oval host breeding birds. Disturbance of birds during the breeding season is illegal.
What are the nature of the works proposed?
Why is it being done at this time of year? If it is minor pruning of small branches then it is probably fine (though still really badly timed), if it involves the removal of larger branches or whole limbs then I have very serious concerns.
What surveys have been undertaken to ascertain which trees are hosting or could be hosting breeding birds? As birds are still in the process of selecting nesting sites then any surveys done in advance will be invalid by the time the works start.
The same questions also apply to potential bat roosts.
Will the parish council please publicly address these points in advance of 23rd April.
In response to your comment with regard to the above posting on the Village web-site, I can confirm that the arboricultural specialist that will be carrying out the work has visited the site and where birds are nesting any work on those trees will be delayed until after the end of August. I can also confirm that RCC’s forestry officer has visited the site and it was on his recommendation that the work is being carried out.
Can the villagers have the wood to burn?
I am due to meet the contractors when they start next week and will ask the question
Tree work during bird nesting season, surely thats illegal? Also have you carried out a survey to ensure bats are not roosting?