Dear resident,
This is my third note during these difficult times and this time it is a plea. Many people, understandably, are taking this period of forced isolation to have a good clear out. That’s great but please store what you want to dispose of until the municipal waste sites and charity shops re-open. Both were closed partly because of the need for social distancing but mainly because of the risk of staff becoming infected from the virus being on the goods disposed of/donated. DO NOT leave goods outside the closed charity shops. The charities will not be collecting these donations and their removal will be the responsibility of refuse collectors/street cleaners, both of whom will be at risk if the bags are contaminated. Thank you for your co-operation.
We have all witnessed the courage of NHS staff, albeit for most of us through the medium of our TV screens. We recognise their dedication and the risks to their own health this brings. Can we also remember the dedication of staff working for Rutland County Council and give them a “thank you” too. Like all employers Rutland Council has adopted home working where possible but not all staff can work from home nor follow safe working practices such as social distancing. Staff answering your calls are in the office, refuse collectors cannot keep a safe distance from each other as they dispose of our waste and social workers, RCC’s Admiral Nurses and so on still visit people in their homes and like health service colleagues do not always have sufficient personal protective equipment. So, if you see any of these folk going about their work give them a cheery wave –from a safe distance, of course!
Gale Waller
County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169