Covid-19 RCC newsletter 6

Dear resident,

Many of you will have read in the press that calls to national charity helplines for those suffering domestic abuse have increased significantly during our self-isolation period.  The Government has set up help for people suffering such abuse; it’s called The Silent Solution.  Victims dial 999 and when the operator asks which emergency they want the caller taps the ‘phone or coughs.  The operator will then prompt the caller to press 55 and the operator then directs the call to the relevant police force as an emergency.  Please let anyone you know who might benefit from this service; more information on Rutland’s Facebook page (see below).

We all love our pets and they bring many people great comfort in times like these but please remember, when you are out walking your dog clear up its mess.  Sadly we have seen an increase in dog mess in parts of Rutland.  Please do your best to keep our pavements, paths and countryside clean. 

If you are an individual or a business and have any Covid-19 questions and haven’t yet looked at RCC’s web site I would urge you to do so as it is being updated regularly.  You might also want to have a look at the Council’s Facebook page for up to the minute information.

Finally today I have a message from Alicia Kearns our MP. 

Dear Residents,

Thank you for all you are doing to keep our communities safe. I’m enormously grateful to you all for adhering to the Government guidance. In this pandemic each of us can save lives, simply by staying home.

Over the coming months our communities will lose people we love, people we used to wave at on the street, and those we hadn’t yet had the chance to get to know. We’re already mourning people this virus has taken from us.

Thank you for all you are doing to support each other. In particular an enormous thanks to all our keyworkers, from NHS Staff and Carers, to our Council Workers, Teachers, Refuse Men and Women, Delivery Drivers, and Shop Workers.

If someone is giving their all to support our local communities, please write to me and nominate them for a Rutland and Melton Unsung Hero Award. I’ve launched these awards to say thank you to those working tirelessly to protect our communities, and have already recognised Oakham School and Rutland Plastics for their substantial and heroic efforts.

Following Government advice my office’s ways of working are changing. I am working to come back to you as quickly as possible, but ask that you make all contact via email as I cannot guarantee that we will be able to respond to telephone calls or letters in a timely manner.

For frequent updates on new Government support for individuals and businesses to defeat COVID-19, and to sign up to my newsletter please email <> .

I remain completely committed to supporting every single one of you, together we can save lives and protect our communities.

Stay safe,


Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

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