Dear resident,
I have been signing off these newsletters with the words “stay safe” but I’m going to start with that this time. Staying safe isn’t just about staying Covid free, it’s also about being safe whilst you are taking your daily exercise. Residents have recently been contacting me to say they’ve noticed a lot more speeding on our roads since the lock down. Less traffic seems to encourage those who are on the roads to speed and whilst I don’t know whether they are even Rutland residents can I urge you all to remember speed limits are there for a purpose –even temporary ones where the roads are being resurfaced—so keep to the limit and avoid accidents. For more information see: Another safety issue concerns dog walkers. Some of you walk your dogs on the St George’s Barracks site in Edith Weston/North Luffenham. If you do please take VERY CAREFUL notice of the signage put up by the military. The site is used for training the military dogs. Military dogs are very well trained but if engaged in a training exercise might well see your pet, or even you yourself, as the enemy and it is not fair on the dogs’ handlers, or the army, to keep you safe if you have gone into an area you should not be in. Stay safe –don’t go where you are not meant to be!
For those of you who use buses in Rutland please note, all operators are running a reduced service. Check before you travel. For those of you living in Empingham RCC is operating a free fixed time mini bus service for essential journeys between Oakham and Stamford. You have to give at least one working day’s notice if you wish to use the service. Call 01572 758138.
I have said before that RCC’s Covid-19 pages are regularly being updated. The latest is an additional section –a Young People’s page where, amongst other things, is a section on learning new skills. In addition if you want information as a family on learning at home try Also, if you want to know which Council services are still running and which are not go to:
And finally a competition for you and your family to enter to celebrate VE day on 8 May
Stay safe. Stay happy.
Gale Waller
County Councillor, Normanton
Democracy has died with covid19.
Free speech is in the ICU
Is anyone else seeing what’s really going on around the world?