Dear resident,
It has been a little while since I last wrote and we have seen some relaxation of the lockdown rules. We can now meet family and friends in our gardens; albeit with limited numbers and social distancing remaining. Many have returned to work and some returned to school. Year 6 children were particularly keen to return, judging by the statistics, no doubt because it is their last year at primary and many will be separated from friends as they move on to different secondary schools in September.
The opening of the civic amenities site has been a success and I would like to say thank you to the residents of North and South Luffenham for their forbearance in putting up with the additional traffic travelling to the site. Remember, though, if you have bulky waste to dispose of you can have that collected by RCC https://www.rutland.gov.uk/my-council/council-news/bulky-waste-collections-resume/, some waste can go in the normal bins and some you can store till everything returns to normal.
If you run a B and B, a charity, a non-rated business or are a market trader you may be entitled to the Local Authority Discretionary Grant provided by central government. Total funds are limited and there is a system of prioritisation so read all the guidance before you apply, both that provided by government and that provided by RCC. Details can be found here under “Local Authority Discretionary Grant”. https://www.rutland.gov.uk/my-services/health-and-family/health-and-nhs/health-and-support-services/coronavirus/business-advice-and-guidance/#an-LADGFupdat
Finally, Rutland Water partially re-opened this week and whilst they do not anticipate any problems whatsoever I have had people asking me about the potential for visitors to park on verges and cause a nuisance. As many RCC officers have been redeployed to covid related duties the Council will not have the staff to monitor the situation so if you encounter any real problem please feel free to get in touch with me.
Stay safe. Stay happy.
Gale Waller
County Councillor, Normanton Ward gwaller@rutland.gov.uk