Dear resident,
First may I wish you all a Happy New Year. It may not seem, with Rutland moving into tier 3, that it will be happy 2021 but this pandemic will not last forever and with the second vaccine having been approved the end is in sight. Everyone has done really well to keep Rutland as safe as we are and I’d like to thank all the volunteers who have supported their neighbours, and supported strangers through the likes of Rutland Foodbank, during these strange times.
However, to stop Rutland being moved into tier 4 it is important to stick to the rules to continue to keep our covid levels comparatively low. The general rules of wearing a face covering, keeping two meters away from others (except in your own home, of course) and washing your hands regularly are still good ways of slowing the spread. In addition, in a tier 3 area:
- No socialising with anyone indoors, in your garden or an outside public venue unless you live with them or they are in your official support bubble (i.e. you ordinarily live on your own and have set up a support bubble according to these rules
- No socialising outside with more than 6 people
- No going on holiday as hotels and holiday lets in tier 3 must close and if you live in a tier 3 area you must stick to tier 3 rules
- Local pubs and restaurants must close except for take-aways –do support your local business where you can as they need your support to survive
There are exceptions, for example weddings and funerals can still go ahead. Full details can be found here
Travel outside tier 3 is discouraged, even for food shopping. The Government states “Where possible, you should stay local and avoid travelling outside your local area, meaning your village or town, or part of a city. People should continue to travel for reasons such as work, education, medical attention or if they have caring responsibilities.”
Local advice and sources of help, whether you are an individual or a family, can be found here
The current Covid crisis is having a major impact on the NHS. Everyone is being encouraged to contact NHS111 rather than their GP if there is a medical problem. Either ‘phone 111 or go online at The NHS locally tell us “Patients contacting NHS 111 will be clinically assessed so that they can be referred to an emergency department, an NHS Urgent Treatment Centre, a Minor Injuries Unit, pharmacy, GP or advised to self-care where appropriate. They will also be provided with a time that they should attend.” I have been assured that the 111 system will refer Rutland residents to geographically appropriate services and not send us to the other side of Leicester!
Gale Waller
County Councillor, Normanton Ward