A proposal was put forward by a resident of South Luffenham for benches at intervals on the walk from South Luffenham, around North Luffenham and The Settings. For those less able it would give the opportunity to have a rest, enjoy the views and the exercise would be beneficial to their health and well being. North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) felt that this was a good idea as it would also be of benefit to residents of North Luffenham as well. In a joint venture with South Luffenham Parish Council (SLPC) NLPC has resolved to enable this proposal.
Below is a picture of the type of bench chosen. A map of the sites for the benches can be downloaded. NLPC is appealing for funds for the purchase of the benches and their secure placements. SLPC will also be appealing to their residents. If you would like to donate please contact the clerk: clerk@northluffenham.org.uk