The North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme (NLGNS) was first set up 8 years ago and has provided support to villagers over those years. Many of our original supporters have now left, due to illness or moving away from the village. We had hoped to relaunch just as Covid closed down all activities.
During the lockdown it was the NGNS, partly supported by furloughed villagers, that kept up deliveries of prescriptions and coordinated collections from the local surgeries.
Now many of those volunteers are back at work and only five households support GNS. This is not sufficient to offer help every week since volunteers do not coordinate their holidays or times away.
A meeting to present how the GNS works is being held this Wednesday evening ( June 29th) in the Community Centre at 7pm. It should only take an hour.
Please come and hear about this voluntary scheme which is not too demanding but does fulfil an important function in our community.