Author Archives: North Luffenham

Bonkers about Conkers!!!

 Untitled1                                   fox logo     



The Fox North Luffenham hosts

Rutland’s 1st Annual
Conker Championships

Sunday 11th October
12 noon
(Application forms available from the pub)

Competitors required to register attendance between 11-11.30am
Open to all adults over the age of 18 years
£3 entry fee (Donated to the multiple sclerosis society)
Restricted to 32 competitors, advance application forms
available from the bar


Great fun – Great beer
Hot beef and pork baguettes
Raffle in aid of Multiple sclerosis

Free strung conker’s available for children

The Fox Pinfold Lane North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8LE   Tel 01780 720991

Far From the Madding Crowd

We’ve got a great film to start off the autumn season (& today does feel seriously like autumn – perfect for thinking of a cosy night watching a great film): Far From the Madding Crowd.  As I shall be away next week, I’ve been to see it and thought it was really good.

Usual time and place: second Wednesday of every month in Uppingham Town Hall, doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start.  You can either get the £5 tickets on the door or in advance from the Falcon (but we’ve never turned anyone away yet!).  We will do our usual homemade nibbles, but do bring your own plus a bottle of anything that appeals and maybe a cushion or two (though the moulded chairs are pretty OK).

We will tell you what we’ve got coming up for the next few months – all good ones!  Have a great evening, and I’ll catch up with you come October.  Susie


Susie Burrows

Remove low level wall.


Proposal: Remove low level wall. Drop kerbs, tarmac 5m of gravelled area, then bitumen tarmac with gravel so to blend in.

8, Lyndon Road, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8JZ.

Reference: 2015/0697/FUL


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (27-Aug-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0697/FUL.

Please email any comment you wish to make to

Fell Sycamore Tree


Proposal: Fell No. 1 Sycamore Tree.

Boyton House, 10 Church Street, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8JR.

Reference: 2015/0761/CAT


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (27-Aug-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0761/CAT.

Please email any comment you wish to make to


Dear All,

Firstly, apologies for being so tardy in reminding you about our next film in 3 days time…. I’ve been away, and got all behind.  However, the good news is that we are showing NIGHT-CRAWLER on Wednesday, and it has had some terrific feedback. I know it sounds a bit like a horror movie title, but it isn’t – it is a deliciously exciting, quite dark thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal.  Everyone I know who has seen it has raved about it so grab your chance.  

Usual time and place – Uppingham Town Hall, doors open at 7 for 7.30.  We will as always supply a few home-made goodies to welcome you with and soft drinks if wanted, but do feel free to bring a bottle or anything else that adds to your fun.  Some of us like to have a cushion for the chairs, but most think they are fine. Tickets £5 (always available on the door, but can be pre-booked at the Falcon if preferred).

And don’t forget that you can always check out our website to see what is coming up (& we’ve got some excellent films lined up for the autumn), including trailers: Uppingham Films | Beautiful and powerful films

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

 Susie Burrows

Primary School Planning Application


Proposal: Construction of 2 No. new Group Rooms within the existing school courtyard

Governors of St Mary & St John Primary School, St Mary And St John Of, Church Street, North Luffenham, OAKHAM, Rutland, LE15 8JR.

Reference: 2015/0637/FUL


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (20-JUL-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0637/FUL.

Please email any comment you wish to make to

Charity Lunchtime Gathering


Janet and Colin Heasell
cordially extend an invitation to all
for an informal charity
lunchtime gathering
at their home
in aid of

Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Come and have Soup and a roll with
coffee or tea, or perhaps something a
little stronger for the boys!

Saturday 18th July 2015
11.30am till 2.30pm

“Stoneway” 9, Church Street, North Luffenham.

Raffle * Bring and buy cakes *
Hopefully some other stalls too!

Variation of Condition to Planning Application St. Georges Barrack.


Proposal: Variation of Condition No.2 (2015/0236/MAJ). Revised Plans.

St Georges Barrack, Edith Weston Road, North Luffenham, Rutland.

Reference: 2015/0567/MAJ


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (26-June-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0567/MAJ.

Please email any comment you wish to make to


What better way to spend a summer’s evening than to come along to our next film on June 8th – doors open at 7pm as ever.  Our film this month is the highly acclaimed Birdman, starring Michael Keaton.  Best described as a black comedy, it has won a number of awards and is absolutely worth your £5.  As ever, bring drink, cushions if wanted, friends or not, nibbles if our home-made goodies don’t fill you up and come along and join us in the Town Hall.  I look forward to seeing you all then.  Susie


Susie Burrows

Extension to dwelling


Proposal: Extension to dwelling

 Reference: 2015/0444/FUL


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (26-May-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/044/FUL.

Please email any comment you wish to make to

Nic made it! 😤 34 days, 1,200 miles cycled and £6000 raised so far

Arriving at John O’Groats reminded me of the Alfred Wainwright quote in his beautifully illustrated ‘Pennine Way Companion’ (a guide that I used 39 years ago for that long distance trail). Referring to arriving at the end of the walk he says, “There is no brass band to greet you. There is no body waiting to pin a medal on your chest. There may be people about but they will not take any notice of you. Nobody cares that you have walked, and just this minute, completed the Pennine Way. You will not get your name in the papers, not be interviewed by television. No, the satisfaction you feel is intensely personal and cannot be shared. The sense of achievement is yours alone simply because you have earned it alone….. You did not do it to earn memories, but memories you have and in abundance for the rest of your life.” Well I have to say that these words did strike a cord as a stood at the edge looking out to sea 1178.49 miles from the start 34 days earlier.

Source: 34 days, 1,200 miles cycled and £6000 raised so far as Nic reaches the finish

PLEASE DONATE: Nic’s Just Giving page

Catch up with Nic: Crossing the 1000 mile mark!

Another highlight has been crossing the 1000 mile mark since leaving Lands End (it happened a few miles beyond Dundonnell on the way to Ullapool near the access path I once took a couple of years ago to climb the beautiful mountain called An Teallach) The 1000 mile mark was in itself a highlight but It also reminded me, as if I needed to be reminded, of just how much of the ride was in Scotland itself having crossed the border into Scotland at 604 miles.

Source: Crossing the 1000 mile mark!

PLEASE DONATE: Nic’s Just Giving page

Proposed domestic vehicular access

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Proposal: Proposed domestic vehicular access.
Settings Farm, Pilton Road, North Luffenham, OAKAHM, Rutland, LE15 9PD.

Reference: 2015/0313/FUL


The Local Planning Authority has received an application for the above proposal and you are invited to submit your comments thereon within 21 days from the date of this letter (30-Apr-2015). The details of the application are available to view on the Rutland County Council Website by entering the reference number 2015/0313/FUL.

Please email any comment you wish to make to

​Catch up with Nic: 5900 metres high – the equivalent of Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa!

It struck me this evening as I sheltered from the unseasonally strong winds and rain that since crossing over into Scotland I had cycled up more than 5900 metres along the roads of western Scotland. Kilimanjaro is 5895m!

Source: ​5900 metres high – the equivalent of Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa!

PLEASE DONATE: Nic’s Just Giving page