Author Archives: Pete Burrows

Garden Club Programme for 2017

Garden Club Programme for 2017

**Next meeting – this Thursday 12th January @7.30pm in the Community Centre**

Stuart Dixon on ‘Ramblers ‘n’ Scramblers’ (roses and clematis)

With an increasing number of reports stating that Gardening is good for the mind, body and soul, why not come to our informal meetings where we welcome speakers on a variety of subjects in horticulture!

This month we look forward to the return of Stuart Dixon, a seasoned speaker who is a Horticultural lecturer, writer and broadcaster, featuring on BBC Radio Nottingham for the gardening show.

Programme 2017

9th Feb – ‘Improving your Garden’ by Jeanette Merillon

9th Mar – ‘Suburban Garden throughout the Year’ by Mike Davey

13th Apr – ‘Plants that Excite!’ by Andrew Ward

11th May – ‘Easton Walled Gardens’ by Jackie Murray

22nd June – evening outing to Leicester Botanic Gardens

9th July – day outing to Hidcote garden (jointly with Empingham Garden Club)

9th September – Annual Autumn Show


All welcome – annual membership £10 per person or pay £2 on the night with refreshments, raffle and plant sales.  All enquiries to Katy Ellis on 01780 722173.

The Fox Christmas Opening Hours 2016

The Fox will have extended opening hours over the festive period, along with a Christmas menu and a range of lunchtime sandwiches and snacks.

Special Events to note are:

Monday 19th 7.30pm Bumper Christmas Quiz

Saturday 24th – Christmas Eve – 6.30 Carols with Chater Community Choir

Saturday 31st New Years Eve party with live music from “Two Men in a Corner”

Full details on opening hours for each day can be found here:

December flyer 2016

South Luffenham Ghost Story

NEW PERSPECTIVES THEATRE – OH WHISTLE AND I’LL COME TO YOU (based on the classic ghost story by M. R. James)

Tickets are now available for the New Perspectives Theatre Company’s showing of Oh Whistle and I’ll Come to You which will be in South Luffenham Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th December. 

The tickets cost £10 each and can be purchased from Malcolm, phone 720687 or Noel, phone 720112.

Suitable for audience age 14+years.  Running time: 90 mins + interval

 A prying hand brings forth from centuries of sleep… a mysterious thing… it seems a whistle… and on it engraved… these ominous words… WHO’S THAT COMING

Professor Parkins takes a room at The Globe.

Away from Cambridge, a peaceful coastal retreat with minimal interruption from the inn’s young valet should be perfect for writing. But on taking a walk to explore the area, Parkins finds an ancient whistle with a soul-stirring inscription. Choosing to ignore its warning, the professor is soon to discover he is not alone…

Widely regarded as the father of the modern ghost story, M. R. James’ eerie tale is re-imagined by David Rudkin, described by the Observer as ‘Britain’s greatest living dramatic poet’ into this new Christmas chiller. This production marks David Rudkin’s 80th year and the 80th anniversary of the death of M.R. James.

These events are sponsored by Centre Stage which subsidise the cost and make live theatre affordable for local communities.

Bonfire Night 2016 🎆

Just a reminder that its 5th November – Bonfire Night 🙂

North Luffenham’s event on the Oval this evening will include a competition for the best Guy, a Barbecue with burgers, hot and cold drinks for sale, and, back by popular demand, real Mulled Wine with an extra shot of warming spice.

So get rummaging in your wardrobes for that Worzel Gummage look and make your way to the Oval prior to the bonfire being lit at 6.20pm 🙂

Play Area Equipment – Update

As part of the planning process for the building of the new houses on the Rosewood Development, the Parish council received funding to enhance the play equipment on the Oval. Cllr Steve Marson has been working hard to identify, with input from parishioners, the most appropriate equipment. We are now at the point of considering a number of quotations from suppliers. It is hoped that following consultation about the siting of the new equipment, it will be installed in the Spring.

Speeding – Speed Limit Reductions


After a long drawn out and concerted campaign by the Parish Council and County Councillors, we have been advised that Rutland County Council have agreed to reduce the speed limit on Edith Weston Road from 40MPH to 30MPH and to impose a speed limit of 40MPH along Station Road from the Junction with Ketton Road to the level crossing.

Costings and plans are being drawn up for the necessary signage etc and we will inform the village of the ‘start date’ as soon as the information is available.


The Parish Council will again be hosting a Bonfire Night event on the Oval on Saturday 5th November.

This year we invite villagers to bring a ‘Guy’ – guys will be judged at the Pavillion at 6pm and a prize awarded for the best. The Bonfire will be lit at around 6.30 and the fireworks will commence shortly afterwards.

As usual hot food and drinks will be available. There will be a bucket collection to help offset the costs and we would be most grateful for your generosity. Suggested donation is £5 per family

The event costs almost £2,000 to cover the costs of fireworks and insurance and unless we can cover these costs it may not be possible to fund the event in the future.

Thanks to all those that have volunteered to act as stewards, caterers, bonfire builders etc, it is much appreciated.

Open Mic Night at The Fox – Sunday 30th October

A great opportunity for all you experienced and budding musicians to demonstrate your prowess, or show off your new material

Acoustic / Vocal Open Mic Night

Sunday 30th October 7.30pm at The Fox

Fox Logo

Come along and enjoy the fun, all musicians welcome

For further details please call 01780 720991

North Luffenham Bonfire Night and Fireworks – 2016

The village Bonfire event is scheduled for Sat 5 Nov 16 at 6.30pm on The Oval, however to ensure its success the Parish Council need the assistance of a significant number of volunteers to assist in the following roles:

Safety Supervisors, Donation Bucket Collectors, Refreshments Volunteers & Qualified First Aid Staff

Could anyone willing to assist with the event contact:

Charles Cade: 01780 720467 or Paul Cummings: 01780 720124.

Further details of the event will be published as the arrangements unfold

North Luffenham Garden Club Autumn Show – A chance to show case your talent!

Please see below details of our Autumn Show:-

  • On Sunday 11th September
  • Open to the public from 2 pm (admission £1, children/Garden Club members free)
  • Homemade cakes & refreshments available from 2 pm
  • Prize giving at 3.45 pm
  • @ the Community Centre, Church Street, North Luffenham

ANYONE can enter our annual show – it’s a celebration of local talent and you don’t have to be a member of the Garden Club to participate!

Entries to be set up on the day between 8.30 – 10.30 am.

Classes include:-

  • Fruit & Veg
  • Flowers
  • Pot plants
  • Home produce
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Photography
  • Flower arranging
  • Children’s classes (under 8’s, 8-12’s & under 16’s Photography)

Copies of the full Schedule are available from The Fox, Edith Weston Shop or Katy Ellis on 01780 722173.  Alternatively, you can download here.

Garden Club Autumn Show Schedule 2016


Cricket Club Race Night

The Cricket Club will be holding a Fund Raising Race Night on Saturday 15th October

Entry Fee is £10 (£50 for a table of 6) and includes a Fish and Chip supper

There is an option to become a Horse Owner for the evening (£5 per horse)

The winning owner for each race receives £10

Contact the Race Steward – Barry Read – on 01780 721237 for tickets, more information and race sponsorship opportunities

Cricket Club Race Cricket Club Race Night Flyer

Sail for Gold – Get Involved?


RYA Roadshow


Thursday 18th August sees the Sail for Gold roadshow hit Rutland Sailing Club. Throughout the day there will be a number of activities all focused on the Olympic Sailing team

Non Club Members are welcome to get involved and free sailing taster sessions will be run between 1000 -1600 hrs for visitors.

There will be members of the Olympic squad offering land based and on the water masterclasses

Things start at 10am with taster sessions for visitors (registration starts at 9am in the Sailing Club Office)

There will be sailing, coaching and master-class sessions during the day

This will be followed by BBQ food which will be available to purchase at 1600hrs

Then at 17.00, the medal races start at Rio with the 49er first followed at 18.00 with the womens 49er FX. This will be streamed live and shown in various locations in the club for all to watch.

Village Day – Tombola Prizes Requested

Hi, please have a look in your cupboards for any items you could donate for the village tombola, all donations received are greatly appreciated and all proceeds are for the Air Ambulance, Please contact Lucy on 07741 243948 or email or drop off at 10 Geoff Sewell Close.

Many Thanks

Extreme Lawnmower Required

North Luffenham Cricket Club is looking for anyone interested in helping out with maintenance of the cricket pitch on the Oval

Currently Ken and Bill keep the square and pitch in excellent condition, and visiting clubs comment favourably on the playing surface

They are now looking for assistance with the weekly maintenance and particularly the “putting to bed” of the pitch at the end of the season

The weekly trim and pitch preparation takes approximately 1 hr per week

If you have an interest in lawns, garden machinery and cricket, they would love to hear from you

Please call Bill on 01780721216 if you would like to help out

Frying Pans!


One of the events planned for North Luffenham’s Village Day next Saturday is a Frying Pan rounders competition, being organised by our own Rounders RingMaster, Judy Cade

Obviously this is an event that requires frying pans

If you have an old frying pan that you would be happy to lend to Judy for the day, could you bring it along to the Oval on Saturday for Judy

Bottle Tombola – “For Rutland-In Rutland” – Bottle Donations requested

at the Rutland County Show -Sunday 5th June 2016
BOTTLES of any kind or DONATIONS very gratefully accepted.
Any cheques please make payable to: ‘RCAB – FRIR’
Please deliver Bottles or Donations to:-
or phone 01780 721237 for collection
For further information see the attached leaflet