Tag Archives: Coffee

£240! raised for Charity from Coffee Morning

Many thanks to all who supported my coffee morning for Marie Curie Cancer Care, held 31st June at the Fox and Hounds.

We raised £240 which added to money raised for my Skinny Dip organised  by Marie Curie Cancer Care amounts to £1,177 for their funds.

Further donations can be made on my JustGiving page or direct to me.

via Eric Abell, Just Giving

Coffee Morning for Marie Curie Cancer Care

Marie Curie Cancer CareOn Friday 31st May between 10am and 12noon there will be a Coffee Morning at the Fox and Hounds in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care by kind permission of Sian, George and Maz.

For more information please contact the website and your enquiry will be passed onto Eric Abell who is organising the Coffee Morning.

5/6/13 UPDATE: £240! was raised from the coffee morning.

via Eric Abell, Just Giving

photo by: lovingyourwork.com

Fox and Hounds Update (week 1 & 2, 2013)

Quiz and domino teams had a rest over the festive period but started back again this week. The quiz team were home and won and the domino team were away and lost 🙁

The weekly quiz was not held on Boxing day, but was won by The Alzheimer’s team last week after four tie-break questions! And by Anty’s team this week. Seems they are determined to share he spoils between them, not giving The Old Contemptibles, The Coogies, Matthew and The Apprentice or Annonymous the chance.

So, if you think you’re up for the challenge, Wednesday evenings, 8.30 (prompt) for £1 pp entry (+ £3.50 if you fancy a light supper) , come along and give them a run for their money!

The monthly quiz is on this Sunday (13th) 8 pm start. £1 pp entry and a maximum of FOUR players to a team please.

Thursday coffee mornings are still running.

via Maz, Fox and Hounds

First Coffee Morning and Quiz update

Domino AND quiz teams scored wins on Tuesday evening.

Alzheimers Corner reclaimed their number one spot at the weekly quiz.

Sunday 9th Dec is our monthly quiz. Maximum of four to a team for that but still £1 pp entry.

We’ve just finished our first coffee morning and it was lovely! We open just before nine on Thursdays for teas/coffees and home made cakes. Happy to see anyone that fancies a warm and a natter.

via Maz, Fox and Hounds