The North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) are looking to identify potential projects which would improve recreational facilities within the village. Some funds may be available for such projects.
The NLPC would therefore like to hear from villagers so that all ideas can be taken into consideration. Please use this questionnaire to express your views and outline any ideas you may have.
Some ideas have already been floated and these are listed below. The NLPC would like to know if you would support any of these, so please indicate accordingly. (Please be aware that plans are already being formulated separately to improve the children’s play area so there is no need to put forward any ideas for that facility).
- Tennis Court
- Refurbish cricket pavilion
- Create an all – weather sports pitch (netball, 5 a side etc.)
- Create a wooded walkway in the allotment field
Please select your preferred idea(s) from the list below and also add any of your own you would like considered.