Tag Archives: Surveys

Village Website Content & Management Questionnaire

What should be the scope of the North Luffenham Village Website?

At the present only material related to the village is allowed to appear on the website and this was questioned at the Annual Parish Meeting, on the 14th April, and it was agreed that villagers should be asked for their opinion.

The Parish Council is the current owner of the website and is responsible for the maintenance and cost of running the website. Presently the cost is minimal because the website administrator has donated all website development and administration time for free, but this may not always be the case. In order to ensure the longevity of the website, it is preferable for it to belong to a body that represents the village such as the Parish Council.

One feature of the website that could be developed is a separate ‘forum’ and/or ‘comments’ at the bottom of each post in which people are able to voice their opinions. This could be useful, for example in feedback to the Parish Council, when topical issues related to the village are being discussed. However the content of the website needs to be monitored to ensure that no offensive, abusive or bullying posts appear.

The Parish Council would be grateful if you could complete the following questionnaire to try and establish the content, function and management of the website.

» Village Website Content & Management Questionnaire Form

Tim Smith, Parish Council

Community Recreational Facility Questionnaire

The CRF Group would appreciate it if as many villagers as possible would participate in the following  questionnaire to determine the resident’s support for a project to build a new standalone Community Recreational Facility to replace the Cricket Pavilion on the Oval in North Luffenham.

If you have trouble viewing the embedded form below, please use this link to the questionnaire webpage instead.

Do you have an opinion about a footpath on Edith Weston Road?

For several years the village has been awaiting a housing development on the old woodyard to generate funding to allow the pavement to be extended along Edith Weston Road, from Oval Close to the junction with Pinfold Lane. In the event, there will now be a footpath through the new housing, linking these two roads, between points A and B as shown on the plan below.

Footpath Edith Weston Rd Plan

If walking from Oval Close towards Edith Weston this route offers a safe thoroughfare to the road junction, although it is some 60m longer than the direct line along Edith Weston Road. Several people have asked the parish council about the possibility of having a pavement alongside Edith Weston Road, in addition to the new footpath.

RCC have indicated that this would be considered only if the parish council were to contribute ‘significantly’ towards the construction cost of approximately £16,000. This might mean a contribution of around £5,000 for there to be a reasonable chance of RCC funding the balance. Any parish council contribution would have to be funded from the parish precept.

The parish council is unlikely to consider the question until after the footpath has been opened through the new housing development, but it would be interested to hear now the comments of anyone who has a view on the matter. (Whilst the immediate question is that of value for money to the village for its potential contribution, the broader question might be whether the total construction cost would offer value for money.)

Do you use this route at present? Why? How often? Will you use the new footpath? etc.

If you would like to comment, please do so using the NLPC contact form.

9/12/13 Update: Commenting on the proposed footpath to the NLPC is now closed

via Syd Overington, Chairman, NLPC

Responses to Community Recreational Facilities Questionnaire

Earlier this year a questionnaire was delivered to each household in the parish and posted on the website, seeking views on what recreational facilities might be desirable in the village – subject to evidence of demand, and availability of funding.

We thank you all for your responses, of which we received 64 in total from the 320 delivered questionnaires issued and website post.

Four specific proposals suggested by the NLPC were exampled in the questionnaire, although other suggestions were invited.

In respect of the four specific items, the number of respondents indicating support was as follows:

  • Tennis court27
  • Cricket pavilion refurbishment  – 36
  • All-weather pitch22
  • Woodland walk (on allotments field)  – 23

Amongst a range of additional suggestions made by respondents, the most popular was for a village hall type facility, separate from the community centre. (16 respondents). A more detailed schedule of the responses is shown below, and you can also download a pdf version if you prefer.

Whilst deliberations continue over which of the suggestions might be both justifiable and affordable, there are few obstacles to proceeding with some form of woodland walk, plans for which are in hand, and more details of which are set out in a separate post, with an invitation for comments. Of some of the more minor suggestions made (and albeit not of a recreational nature), action is already in hand for a bus shelter (at Pinfold Close), and for a defibrillator (possibly to be sited in the telephone kiosk on Church Street).

Community Recreational Facilities Questionnaire Responses

via Syd Overington, Chairman, NLPC

Adult Social Care Consultation

Rutland County Council is proposing some changes to Adult Social Care services.

This includes proposals to change to who is eligible for services and what they cost. The meetings will include a presentation so please arrive promptly

Come along to a meeting to hear more.

Spaces are limited so please book your place.

Public Briefing Dates, Times and Locations

  • Wednesday 10 April – 6pm-8pm – Council Chamber – Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Wednesday 10 April 10am-12 noon – Uppingham Town Hall – High Street East, Uppingham, Rutland. LE15 9PY
  • Wednesday 10 April- 1pm-3pm – Uppingham Town Hall – High Street East, Uppingham, Rutland. LE15 9PY
  • Friday 12 April – 10am-11am – Council Chamber- Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Friday 12 April – 6pm-8pm – Council Chamber- Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Thursday 25 April 10am-11am – Council Chamber- Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Tuesday 14 May 2pm-4pm – Voluntary Action Rutland – Lands’ End Way, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 6RB
  • 23 May 10.30am-12.30pm – St Marys Congregational Hall, Ketton – Chapel Lane, Ketton, Rutland. PE9 3RF
  • 25 May 10.00am-12.00pm – St Marys Congregational Hall, Ketton – Chapel Lane, Ketton, Rutland. PE9 3RF
  • Wednesday 29 May 2pm-4pm – Ryhall Village Hall – Church Street, Ryhall, Stamford. LINCS PE9 4HR

You can find all of the background information on the Rutland County Council website.

Contact Details

Contact: ascconsultation@rutland.gov.uk

Or write to:

Adult Social Care
Rutland County Council
LE15 6HP

or call and leave a voicemail on: 01572 758444

Related Links

Have your say in choosing new Recreational Facilities

Please take a few moments to contribute your thoughts on what recreational facilities you would like the Parish Council to consider adding to the village.

Please use this form to select your preference and add some ideas of your own to the list.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 15th February.

>> Click here to complete the questionnaire now!

What recreational facilities would you choose for the village?

The North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) are looking to identify potential projects which would improve recreational facilities within the village. Some funds may be available for such projects.

The NLPC would therefore like to hear from villagers so that all ideas can be taken into consideration. Please use this questionnaire to express your views and outline any ideas you may have.

Some ideas have already been floated and these are listed below. The NLPC would like to know if you would support any of these, so please indicate accordingly. (Please be aware that plans are already being formulated separately to improve the children’s play area so there is no need to put forward any ideas for that facility).

  • Tennis Court
  • Refurbish cricket pavilion
  • Create an all – weather sports pitch (netball, 5 a side etc.)
  • Create a wooded walkway in the allotment field


Please select your preferred idea(s) from the list below and also add any of your own you would like considered.