For several years the village has been awaiting a housing development on the old woodyard to generate funding to allow the pavement to be extended along Edith Weston Road, from Oval Close to the junction with Pinfold Lane. In the event, there will now be a footpath through the new housing, linking these two roads, between points A and B as shown on the plan below.
If walking from Oval Close towards Edith Weston this route offers a safe thoroughfare to the road junction, although it is some 60m longer than the direct line along Edith Weston Road. Several people have asked the parish council about the possibility of having a pavement alongside Edith Weston Road, in addition to the new footpath.
RCC have indicated that this would be considered only if the parish council were to contribute ‘significantly’ towards the construction cost of approximately £16,000. This might mean a contribution of around £5,000 for there to be a reasonable chance of RCC funding the balance. Any parish council contribution would have to be funded from the parish precept.
The parish council is unlikely to consider the question until after the footpath has been opened through the new housing development, but it would be interested to hear now the comments of anyone who has a view on the matter. (Whilst the immediate question is that of value for money to the village for its potential contribution, the broader question might be whether the total construction cost would offer value for money.)
Do you use this route at present? Why? How often? Will you use the new footpath? etc.
If you would like to comment, please do so using the NLPC contact form.
9/12/13 Update: Commenting on the proposed footpath to the NLPC is now closed
via Syd Overington, Chairman, NLPC