Fraud Alert

A Fraud MO is being conducted against elderly vulnerable people involving a male caller, described by various victims as having an Indian or foreign accent, contacting the vulnerable person knowing their name, address and bank in order to try to get them to withdraw money from the bank.
Offences have continued across the force with a potential further 14 incidents being called into the Police over the last few weeks. This is likely to be higher in number due to some incidents being reported directly to Action Fraud and others being unreported.
A couple of variations to the method have been observed, these being the victim being persuaded to transfer their money into the suspects bank account and also where the scam initially began as a BT/TalkTalk representative rather than from the Police/bank.

PC 2113 Pete Icke | Eastern Counties – DNO NR37 Beat.
Rutland South Beat Officer
Telephone 3302113
 Address: Oakham Police Station – Station Road, Oakham Rutland LE15 6QT

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