Villager reports stranger on patio.

On Monday 18th of March a resident of the village found a stranger on her patio. The man was asked if there was any problem, replied in a well spoken voice and left. There was no vehicle to indicate, such as a delivery driver, as to why he should be at the property. The incident has been reported to the police and villagers are asked to be vigilant to any further sightings.

If you see a crime taking place or something suspicious please call 999 noting as much detail as possible including time, location, descriptions, direction of travel from the scene, make and model of any vehicles and if possible any registrations. For any non-emergency incidents or to pass any intelligence call 101 (call costs 15p for entire call) or you can email your local Police officer PC 2113 Pete Icke

One thought on “Villager reports stranger on patio.

  1. David Jones

    I have my number plates stolen from my car on Digby Drive, this happened on Monday 18th March between 1 and 3pm, it has been reported to the police who stated that is a very common offence used for fuel fraud etc.


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